Jump to Topic:
- Payment Schedule
- Past Due Companies
- Companies Paid in Full
- Receivables
- Total Order Budget
- Financial Summary
- Potential Action Items
Payment Schedule
The bar displays the current percent of the total ordered amountcurrently due. The bar will also reflect the percentage as a fill from left to right. Some examples:
- 25% Due
- 50% Due
- 75% Due
- 100% Due
The percent due is based on the Payment Schedule.
Past Due Companies
The number of unique companies with a balance due from a previous payment period. For more information on which companies these are, refer to the Accounts Receivable Report.
Companies Paid in Full
Number of unique companies that have a zero balance due for this event. Use the Statement Report to view the list of companies with Total Due for Event equal to zero.
This chart displays the percent of the current receivables that are paid and unpaid. For more information, refer to the Financial Summary section below.
- Paid - The sum of the payments recorded for this event
- Recievables - The Total Invoiced Amount for this event
- Revenue - The sum of all the orders recorded for this event.
Total Order Budget
The chart displays the Item Budget vs. Revenue. The recorded budget is shown in light gray, while the current recorded revenue amount is shown in blue.
- Item Type - This is the group or category that an item belongs to for allocation, recording, and reporting purposes. Learn more about Item Types
- Budget - This is the numeric value that has been entered into the Item Summary section of the Financial Set Up.
- Revenue - The sum of all the orders that are associated with an item type. For more detailed information use the Financial Summary Report, the Classic Exhibitor Order Report, or the Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine.
Financial Summary
- Revenue - Sum of all the orders for the event. For more detailed information use the Financial Summary Report, the Classic Exhibitor Order Report, or the Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine
- Invoiced Amount - Total of the Invoiced Amount of all the orders. Invoiced amount is calculated by multipling the Order Amount and the Payment Schedule percent due at the time the account is processed. Accounts are processed when:
- Statements are sent from Global Admin
- Company prints the statement on the My Accounts page
- A Global Admin User clicks Process on the financial summary tab of a company record for that event
- A payment is created
- The Process Invoice button is clicked on the Generate Invoice Page, located at Financial Dashboard>Settings> Generate Invoices.
- Payments - Sum of all the payments for the event. For more detailed information use the Financial Summary Report, the Classic Exhibitor Payment Report, Classic Payment GL by Item Type Report or the Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine (use the Payment by Mode report recipe as a starting point)
- Invoice Amount Due - The Invoiced Amount minus the Payments.
- Total Amount Due - The Revenue minus the Payments.
Potential Action Items
- Overpayment - The number of companies that have paid more than the sum of their orders. For more detailed information use the Financial Summary Report. Steps to Resolve:
- Refunds - if funds overpaid should be returned to the purchasing company
- Transfers - for funds overpaid that are not being returnd and instead should be moved to a different event, company, or system.
- Add Orders - when the overpayment is due to a missing order
- Void Order and then Add a New Order - when the overpayment is due to an incorrect order amount (example - when cancelling a booth the wrong cancellation fee was added)
- Companies with Unallocated Funds - The number of companies have money that is not allocated to an order. Unallocated funds may occur when a reduction in ordered amount occurs or an overpayment is recorded. Steps to Resolve:
- Resolve all Overpayments.
- Process all the Statements by either sending out Statements, or using the Process Invoice button located at Financial Dashboard>Settings> Generate Invoices.
- If there are still unallocated funds after Step 1 and 2, use the Unallocated Funds Custom Report in Reports>Custom Report>Custom Reports. Check with the a2z team if you do not see this report in your list.
- Unbalanced Negative Orders - The number of orders that have an ordered amount that is negative, and are not paid in full. To find the specific orders and companies use the Classic Exhibitor Order Report, or the Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine (use the Orders with Credit Balance report recipe as a starting point).