Global Admin (GA) is the A2Z Events backend database used to customize, configure, and store your event data. GA categorizes information into two primary types: event-specific information & global information.
- Event-specific information consists of all data related to an individual event (e.g., booths, sessions, finance, etc.).
- Global information is data that is relevant across multiple events (e.g., companies, contacts, reporting, etc.).
Whether handling event-specific or global information, understanding where to go to manage various details for your event is one of the first steps to getting started.
This article reviews navigating through primary sections in GA and reviews the main actions you'll take within each of the following areas:
- Global Navigation Bar
- Left Navigation Bar
- Content Area & Breadcrumb Navigation Bar
- Primary Global Information Pages
Global Navigation BarThe Global Navigation Bar is a horizontal menu bar that displays across the top of all pages in your GA database. It allows you to move between primary sections with ease and efficiency. The Events navigation loads the Select Event page upon initial login and the global navigation bar displays seven clickable options including: |
1 | Events - Displays the list of active events, scheduled Maintenance advisory notifications, and upcoming A2Z Events webinars. | |
2 | Companies - Navigate to the company search tool used to locate and view global company record details. | |
3 | Contacts - Navigate to the contact info search tool used to locate and view global contact record details. | |
4 | Reports - Opens a compiled list of all reports available to be generated in the system. | |
5 | Global Settings – Displays a complete list of all available setting configuration menus available in the system. | |
6 | Account Settings – Opens a dropdown where you can manage your password changes, language settings, and metric preferences. | |
7 | Collapse Menu – Hides the text on the left navigation bar by minimizing to display only linked icons. |
Global Navigation Quick LinksAfter selecting an event from the List of Active Events menu, three common event-specific Quick Link options become available. These links allow you to quickly access three main functionalities from anywhere in the system, at any time. You can also find them in the Events menu on the left navigation bar. |
Three event-specific quick links are available on the global navigation bar:
8 | Conference – Permits users who purchase the conference add-on access to session management features. | |
9 | Floorplan – Access tools associated with floor plan management including booth assignment and event map styling features. | |
10 | Content – Edit and manage various web pages associated with your exhibitor console and legacy public event site. |
Left Navigation Bar
The vertical Left Navigation Bar displays on all pages in your GA system; however, menu options on this bar vary depending on the system section you've accessed. Regardless, the Support link and the collapse arrow maintain the same positions throughout the entire system.
The menu option for Support is always at the top and, when clicked, opens a new window and logs you into the Help Center.
The last option shown is always a circle with a left arrow that, when clicked serves the same purpose as the Collapse Menu, which minimizes the left navigation bar to display only icons.
Content Area & Breadcrumb Navigation BarAfter selecting a menu option from the global or left navigation bar, the Content Area loads and displays relevant information, tools, and functions. Within this section, the horizontal Breadcrumb Navigation Bar appears beneath the global navigation bar and displays your location in the system, the event name, if an event is selected, and all relevant quick links and quick lists associated with the page. Clicking any of the location path options returns you to the main dashboard or selected area of the system. |
Breadcrumb Navigation Bar Quick Links & Quick ListsDynamic quick links and quick lists display menu options related to the specific page you're viewing. For example, level 10 users can access the event-specific user list and manage permissions for active users directly from the Events page Breadcrumb Navigation Bar. |
Primary Global Information PagesExcluding the User Account drop-down and the Collapse Menu hamburger icon, the remaining five menu options on the Global Navigation Bar function as primary sections of the database that house global information. This next section provides an overview of what you can expect to find on each of the primary global information pages in the system. |
EventsThe Events navigation option displays by default upon login to Global Admin. The content area displays the list of active events, scheduled maintenance advisory notifications, and upcoming A2Z Events webinars. Begin managing a specific event by first selecting it from the list of active events. Once selected, the Event Dashboard displays in the content area and additional event-specific navigation menu options appear on the left navigation bar. Return to the list of Active Events by clicking the Events option in the Global Navigation bar. |
Event Left Navigation Bar Menu Options
Click the name to learn more about sub-menu functionality:
- Support - Opens the Help Center in a new browser tab providing access to GA help content.
- Content - Allows you to add, edit, and arrange the pages and information on your legacy public event site.
- Exposition - Opens a dashboard providing quick details regarding exhibiting companies and floor plan information, along with a quick list of related reports and settings in the content area menu bar.
- Floorplan - Access tools used to view, manage, and update your event-specific floor plan.
- Financials - Opens a dashboard that provides a high-level synopsis of the overall financial status for the specified event.
- Sponsorship - Create and update sponsorship details for online sponsorship sales, see the last 10 online sales, and create a targeted sales link for a sponsoring company.
- Conference - Allows organizations who purchase the Conference add-on to manage session information that syncs over into the Mobile App.
Please note: Conference and session details are now managed in your Event Portal. You do not need to access this module if you have not purchased the Mobile App. - Call for Proposals - Opens a dashboard that provides the current number of proposals by status and allows you to search the list of proposals. You can also access quick lists of related reports and settings from the Breadcrumb Navigation Bar.
- Matchmaking - Attendee matchmaking features are now configured and managed in your Event Portal, as such, this is a legacy feature that is not currently in use.
- Hosted Buyer - This is a legacy feature that is no longer in use and should remain inaccessible in your GA database.
- Mobile App - Allows organizations who purchase the Mobile App add-on feature to open a dashboard that displays key performance indicators after the event has gone live.
- Event Settings - Displays all configurable event-specific settings options grouped by sub-menu type.
In Global Admin, Companies are unique business or corporate entities that may exhibit at or purchase items for your event.
Clicking the Companies menu from the global navigation bar takes you to the area in your system where you can add new companies, access your company integration sync (as applicable), and search for existing companies.
After searching for a company and entering its company record, the left navigation bar updates to display all sub-menus relevant to the Company's information in your database.
Companies Left Navigation Bar Menu Options
Click the name to learn more about sub-menu functionality:
- Support - Opens the Help Center in a new browser tab providing access to GA help content.
- Company Info - Edit and delete company information, add notes, and view the company’s system activity notes.
- Additional Information - Track, store, and report on three (3) additional types of custom data relevant to your organization’s needs:
- Market Segments – regional, department, or industry information (e.g., Consumer services, Utilities, etc.)
- Company Category – organization designated company type (e.g., not-for-Profit, Government, For-Profit)
- Company Associations – organization-designated member info (e.g., chapters, membership types)
- Contacts - Add new contacts and associate existing contacts with system contact types.
- Relationships - Merge parent and child companies (e.g., company acquisitions) and manage companies added in error.
- Activity - A high-level dashboard summary of information of the company’s record including company info, booth information, overall event-specific information, current orders, and history.
- Priority Points - Manage the loyalty-reward system for exhibitors participating in recurring events. View current accruals by event and event type and override points for specific events.
- Applications - View and manage all booth space applications (BSA) submitted by the company if you are using this model for online exhibit contracting. Existing applications submitted via the event site are grouped at the top of the page where you can add, edit, or delete an application.
- Booths - View all assigned or reserved company booths for all active and inactive events that you have permission to access.
- Financial Summary - View an overall financial picture for the company including the amount ordered, invoiced, and due for all events. The statement group displays a breakdown of itemizations and outstanding financial implications.
- Orders - View, add, and manage orders for specific items purchased shown on the Company Statement. Contact the project management team regarding issues encountered when processing.
- Invoices - This is a legacy feature related to manual financials that is no longer in use.
- Payments - View, collect, and manage payments entered manually or received via the public event site.
- Contracts - Displays all company contracts including contracts signed online for exhibit sales, online sponsorship sales, and add-on sales for review and download in PDF format.
ContactsIn Global Admin, Contacts are people associated with an event as any of the following:
Clicking the Contacts menu from the global navigation bar takes you to the area in your system where you can add new contacts, access your attendee integration sync (as applicable), and search for existing contacts. After searching for a contact and entering their contact record, the left navigation bar updates to display all the sub-menus for the selected individual. |
Contacts Left Navigation Bar Menu Options
Click the name to learn more about sub-menu functionality:
- Support - Opens the Help Center in a new browser tab providing access to GA help content.
- Contact Info - Displays personal information and data unique to the specific individual.
- Companies - Add, edit, and manage associated companies and the type of association with each for the specified individual’s contact record.
- Tracks - Update and manage proposals submitted to be reviewed and graded for use in the proposal acceptance process and reporting.
- My Itinerary - Displays the full list of favorited sessions for the selected event set by the contact.
- Speaking Session - Displays details relevant to the contact if designated as a speaker for the selected event.
- Matchmaking Info - This is a legacy feature related to the Virtual Connect Suite that is no longer in use.
- Demographics - This is a legacy feature related to the Virtual Connect Suite that is no longer in use.
- Contact Merge - Used to combine duplicate contact records. Contacts are unique based on first name, last name, and email combination.
ReportsGlobal Admin offers powerful reporting capabilities to help you track and review valuable metrics related to your event. Clicking Reports from the global navigation bar takes you to the area where you can explore, view, and export data via classic reports or the new Business Intelligence & Reporting Engine. Business Intelligence & Reporting EngineThe Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine is offered in tandem with the classic reporting solution. It is an interactive tool used to generate quick reports and dashboards. You can then compare data year over year by creating visualizations from data gathered for your event. Classic ReportsClassic reports are grouped by topic type and are comprised of configurable, pre-configured, and email/document-type reports. |
Global SettingsClicking the Global Settings menu from the global navigation bar takes you to a page containing several settings grouped by system area. This page allows you to access and manage global information configurations that affect data across all events in your system. Configurable Global Information Settings include: |
Contact Management |
Company Management |
Content Management |
Proposal Management |
Conference Management |
Sponsorship Management |
Exposition Management |
General |
Contact |
Company |
Financial Management |
Session |