Quick Links
- Presenter Report - a configurable report, each row is a single presenter
- Proposals Committee Report by Format - a text report with proposal and grading information, sorted by Format
- Proposal Committee Report by Track Name- a text report with proposal and grading information, sorted by Track
- Proposal Grade Report - each proposal's grades and comments
- Proposal Not Submitted Email Blast - an email report for proposals with status In-Progress
- Proposal Report - a configurable report with each row a single proposal
- Proposal Status Report - a configurable report with limited proposal data with filtering by status
- Proposal Summary Report - a report displaying each track and the number of proposals in it.
- Proposals Not Reviewed - an email report to communicate with Submitters of proposals that have not yet been reviewed by committee.
- Review Committee Report - a report listing each member of the reviewing (grading) committee with their tracks.
- Track Reviewer Report - a report listing each track with the members of the grading committee associated with it.
- Ability Level -
- Custom Fields -
- Duration -
- Format -
- Proposal Fields Configuration -
- Session Type -
- Speaker Types -
- Tracks -
Dashboard shows number of proposals by Status
- In Progress - submission process started but not completed. Must be Submitted before they can be graded, approved or rejected.
- Submitted - a completed proposal, ready to be graded, accepted or rejected.
- Graded - proposals with at least one grading review.
- Accepted - proposals approved to become sessions.
- Rejected - proposals rejected from consideration for becoming sessions.
Withdrawn proposals (those that the Submitter marks as withdrawn because they don't intend to submit it) are not reflected on the dashboard.
Add Proposal & Proposal Search