Jump to a topic:
- Overview
- Active Users
- Most Used Features
- Exhibitors & Maps
- Buzz Notification
- Banner Ads
- Most Viewed Exhibitors
- Most Favorited Exhibitors
- Schedule & Speakers
- Planner
- Top Sessions Viewed
- Fetch Latest Data
The date range at the top of the page is used by all the charts on the page. The default start date is when the app first gets data (is opened on a device), and the default end date is 'today' (the day you are looking at the dashboard)
- Dates - Select the start and end date for the range you want statistic.
- Users - The number of devices that the app has been downloaded onto.
- Total In App Clicks - Total number of times users have clicked on any item in the app.
- Average Clicks per User - The number of In App Clicks divided by the number of users.
Active Users
The number of active users, separated by device platform.
- Platform - Android (Green) or iOS (Yellow).
- Users - The number of devices on each platform that the app has been downloaded onto.
Most Used Features
The top 10 pages that are access by users.
- Feature - Name of the page accessed/viewed
- Views - Number of times the page was viewed.
- % of Total Views - The percent of total view that this page's view count makes up.
Exhibitors & Maps
Pages viewed that pertain to Exhibiting companies and the floor plan.
- Page - Name of the page accessed/viewed.
- Views - Number of times the page was viewed.
Buzz Notification
- Page - Name of the page accessed/viewed. Buzz List is name of the page/screen for the Buzz feature, where the user sees the 'inbox' or list of Buzz's sent.
- Views - Number of times the page was viewed.
Banner Ads
- Impressions - overall impressions for all banner ads in the App. Further information will be provided in the post show report.
- Click Thru - Number of time a user has clicked on the banner ad and opened the site the banner ad is linked to.
Most Viewed Exhibitors
Top 10 Exhibitors based on number of views.
- Exhibitor Logo - see the logo the exhibitor has uploaded to display in their eBooth
- Exhibitor Name - The Name of the Exhibiting company.
- Views - Number of times the Exhibitors profile has been viewed.
Most Favorited Exhibitors
Top 10 Exhibitors by number of attendees that have favorited them.
- Exhibitor Logo - see the logo the exhibitor has uploaded to display in their eBooth.
- Exhibitor Name - The Name of the Exhibiting company.
- Favorited - Number of times the Exhibitor has been favorited.
Schedule & Speakers
Pages viewed that pertain to sessions and speakers
- Page - Name of the page accessed/viewed.
- Views - Number of times the page was viewed.
The number of exhibitors and session that attendees have favorited.
- Page - Exhibitors or Sessions
- Additions - Number of attendee favorites for each type.
Top Sessions Viewed
Top 10 Sessions based on number of views.
- Session - the Name of the session viewed
- Views - the number of times the session has been viewed.
Fetch Latest Data
Data is synced regularly. The last date and time the data was synced with the system is noted at the bottom of the page. To sync manually, click the Fetch Latest Data button. A manual sync may take several moments.