Companies> Company Record> Applications
Booth space applications (BSA’s) are stored in the Applications tab of the company record. BSA’s can be entered by the potential exhibitor when an event is using the Online Exhibitor Contract (OEC) module, in BSA mode. Global Admin users can also add new applications into the system manually from the Applications tab. These applications are then used during the booth space assignment process.
Additionally, there are two reports – Application Report and Application Proof Report – that can be used in the application process.
Existing Application
Existing application, those added in Global Admin or from the Event Site, are listed at the top of the page.
Application Id – The unique identifier for this application in the system
Event Name – name of the event for which the application has been entered
Application Date – If entered on the event site this is the date the application was entered, OR if entered in Global Admin the date of record for this application.
Booth Size Requested – the preferred dimensions for the requested booth space
Booth Area Requested – the net square feet for the requested booth space
Booth – Once an assignment has been associated with the application in Floorplan Management, the assigned booth number will appear here.
Status – The status of this application.
- Submitted – The application was submitted from the Event Site. This is the default setting. At the time of deployment it can be specified that all contracts be Reviewed automatically if that is desired.
- Reviewed – The default setting for applications entered into Global Admin directly. This status means that the application is now ready for assignment.
- Assigned – The application is associated with a booth space on the floor plan.
- Canceled – The application was canceled either from the Event Site, Global Admin Company record, or the booth space associated with this application was cancelled.
Operator – The user that entered the application. If this application was entered from the Event Site, the Operator will be listed as Self Registered.
Delete – Clicking the icon will delete this application. See below for more information.
Review or Edit an Application
Clicking on the Application ID opens up the Edit Application form (see Add Application below for field descriptions). Now the user can update or add information and move an application from Submitted to Reviewed status. Only Applications that are in Reviewed status can be associated with a booth space on the floor plan. To change the status, drop down the Application Status box and select Reviewed. If the Sales Person drop down has not been populated, choose the appropriate user id to associate with this application. If Sales Person is not being tracked, for commission or other purposes, the user should select their own id from the drop down.
Delete an Application
If an application was added erroneously, such as a duplicate or against the wrong company record, it can be deleted by clicking the Delete hyperlink at the end of that applications row. Applications that have already been associated with a booth cannot be deleted.
Before a delete is performed the system will show a pop up that must be accepted by clicking OK, if Cancel is selected the delete will not be performed.
Add Application
The Add Application form is organized into 5 sections; Event Info, Booth Choices, User Info, Associate Competitor, and Associate Partner. Once all fields marked with an asterisk ‘*’ are filled in, the user can save the Application by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the form. Applications can be updated by selecting them from the Existing Application list.
Event Info
Event – Choose the Event this booth space application is for. If an event was selected when the user logged into the system then that event will be already be selected by default. This field is required.
Exhibiting As – If the company will be exhibiting under a different name for this event only, type the requested name here. If the company will be exhibiting as this new name in all events, update the Company Info tab.
Booth Size Requested –Type in the requested booth size, in feet. W=width, L=length. This field is required.
Application Date – The system will default to the actual date, if the application date of record is in the past, click on the calendar icon to select another date.
Contact Name – For systems using Multiple Company Contacts, select the appropriate contact for this application.
Booth Area Requested– Once the Booth Size is entered, the system will enter the square feet equivalent. This field is required.
Booth Choices
Choices 1-8 – Type in the requested booth numbers, up to eight options. The 'Choice 1' field is required..
Application Status – When a new application is added by a Global Admin user, the application is automatically placed in Reviewed status.
Booth Assigned – This will be populated by the system when the application is associated with a booth space on the floor plan.
Sales Person – If tracking the Sales Person for commission or other purposes, select the appropriate user id from the drop down, otherwise the user entering the application should select themselves. This field is required.
Pavilion – If the floor plan has pavilion options, and the application requests one, select the appropriate pavilion from the drop down.
Hall - If the floor plan has Hall options, and the application requests one, select the appropriate Hall from the drop down.
Sub Expo - If the floor plan has Sub Expo options, and the application requests one, select the appropriate Hall from the drop down.
Sponsor-Advertiser -Check the box to show this company has expressed their interest in becoming a Sponsor or Advertiser.
Booth Configuration – Select a booth type (Inline, Island, etc) from the drop down if applicable.
Application Notes – Add any additional notes or special requests from the application.
User Info
Usertext fields are available to use as needed. These can be re-purposed for use on the Online Booth Space Application to collect additional data.
Associate Competitor
If applicable select up to 4 companies that this potential exhibitor would prefer to be located away from. Type the first few letters of the companies name into the Search box, click the Search button, and then select the company from the dropdown.
Associate Partner
If applicable select up to 4 companies that this potential exhibitor would prefer to be located close to. Type the first few letters of the companies name into the Search box, click the Search button, and then select the company from the dropdown.