Tip: Use Ctrl-F to quickly find information about a specific block type or browse them by section.
This article reviews the recommended list of blocks for use in the Page Editor tool. Located in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools, this tool is used to edit and customize individual pages throughout your Event Portal. Content that appears on each page is dictated by both the individual blocks that are added to the page and the associated block settings that were configured when it was added.
Block Categories
To add blocks to your page, first, click the +Add Block link, then select the corresponding Category and Type to locate a specific block. Once selected, configure the standard and block-specific configurations then click Save.
Important: You must save both the Block Settings AND the Page Changes to view updates.
The A2Z team only recommends using blocks from the following 10 categories:
Events - Most commonly used with Call for Proposals, Conference, and Matchmaking add-ons.
HTML - Content blocks and custom buttons created in the admin panel HTML Block Builder tool.
Layout - Blocks that show navigation menus or advertisement images on various pages.
Myhome - Blocks that display user-specific content when added to a page.
Organizations - Blocks relevant to exhibitors participating in your event.
Profile - Blocks that appear on user and exhibitor profiles.
Reviews - Blocks most commonly used with EDC, Call for Proposals, and Conference add-ons.
Tags - Blocks that display hashtags throughout the site.
Users - Blocks that display configured lists of users when added to a page.
- Videos - Blocks that display uploaded video listings and additional information.
Although there are 21 unique categories in the dropdown menu, the remaining 11 categories contain block types that do not currently offer relevant functionality for Event Portal sites.
Standard Block Settings
All page editor blocks contain six standard settings which include:
Block Types
In addition to standard block settings, many contain specific options that are unique among each type. These additional options allow you to further customize styling, layout, and rendering functionality.
Click the type from the category list below to learn more about each recommended block type and its associated block-specific settings.
Category: Events
Most blocks found in this category are used on pages associated with the Call for Proposals, Conference, and Matchmaking package add-ons. The system refers to sessions and meetings as Events and as such, you must create or import session details in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Events Manager before configuring blocks in this category.
In addition to the standard block settings mentioned above, several blocks in the Events category contain two optional settings that allow further customization.
Populating the Category Ids field limits the block to only show events from the specified event category.
Populating the Event Ids field limits the block to only show the specified events. These identifiers are unique to each event and are only generated after it has been created.
If neither field is populated, the block displays all events from all categories.
Locate the category Id by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Event Manager > Categories. Click Edit next to the desired category and review the page URL. The category Id is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
Locate the unique event ID by navigating to the Sessions (e.g., /sessions) page or the Session Categories (e.g., /sessions/categories) page on the front end of your Event Portal. Once there, click the desired session and review the page URL. The event Id is located after the category Id at the end of the link.
Recommended block types for use in the Events Category include:
Events > Approve Event
The Approve Event block is used to modify the status of an existing event.
In addition to the Event Admin block, this block allows site admins to update the status of pending sessions to approved or denied. Site Admins can define the Default Event Status in the event category form and then use this block to modify the status of individual events.
Best Practice: Add this block to the View Event page (Default Page Name: View Event, Default URL: /sessions/item/:category_id/:event_id) to manage the status of existing conference sessions.
Events > Associate User
The Associate User block allows site admins, event admins, and event owners to add speakers to a session, assign a role to session attendees, and auto-set an RSVP status to indicate specific user attendance.
TIP: Add this block on the session details page (Default Page Name: View Event, Default URL: /sessions/item/:category_id/:event_id) to ensure speakers are associated with the correct sessions.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Description - Use the Description field to display instructions or additional information as needed on the block.
Events > Browse Categories
The Browse Categories block displays the list of session categories defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Events Manager > Categories.
It displays each category individually, as well as the number of sessions created in each type. Clicking on an event category from the block loads the list of sessions associated with the category. Hovering over an event category displays the description entered in the category form.
Events > Event Admin
The Event Admin block provides the capability for System Admins to designate specific users as Event Admins for individual sessions.
Event Admin tabs include: |
From the Event Options tab, System Admins can manage the event status and quickly update based on options defined in Site Building Tools > Events > Event Status. Users assigned as Event Admins can upload badges to be associated with event attendees after the event is completed. Event Admins can also enable or disable comments functionality from this tab. |
From the Registrants tab, Event Admins can view the complete list of users who have signed up to attend the event, including waitlisted users, in addition to managing event attendance and exporting the list of event-specific attendees. |
The Messaging tab offers Event Admins the capability to send communications regarding the event to users.
Event Admins can define when the message will be sent - immediately or scheduled at a future date and time, limit the message to event attendees with a specified status or attendee type, and attach a file to include if desired.
Messages are internal to the Event Portal system and will be received within the user's messages inbox. |
If the event has waitlisting enabled, the Waitlist tab allows Event Admins capability to view and manage users signed up to attend. |
Events > Event Rating
The Event Rating block is used in the Matchmaking package add-on to give users the ability to confirm their attendance and rate their experience.
This block only appears for the user invited to attend, not the user who invited them. Invited users must first set their RSVP status to Yes and the block becomes visible after the event has ended.
All meeting ratings are averaged and site admins can track these analytics in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Matchmaking Manager > Organization Meetings > Ratings column.
Events > Events Schedule
The Events Schedule block displays upcoming sessions in a list on the left and grid on the right.
Users can click the session name from the list to expand and view session details in the block without leaving the page.
Events > List of Child Sessions
The List of Child Sessions block can be added to the session details page to display associated child sessions when viewing a parent session.
Child Sessions sync from Global Admin to the Event Portal and appear on this block only when the Event/Session Sync field is set to Pull in Admin Panel> Integrations > ThirdParty Settings.
The system pulls information during the nightly sync or you can initiate a manual sync by clicking the Sync Events button located in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Events Manager > Sync Thirdparty Events.
Events > List of Sessions
The List of Sessions block shows all sessions based on the block-specific category Id and event Id field values entered. If either, or both, fields are defined the block shows only the specified events. Alternatively, if the fields are left blank, the block shows all events.
Users can interact with the list by using the search bar or selecting from the list of filters on the left. Filters are configured in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Events Manager > Filters.
Note: If your Event Portal has Matchmaking enabled, specify which sessions appear in the session list by entering the session category Ids in the Category Ids: field. Doing so ensures the block only displays the desired session categories and excludes Meetings from appearing in the list.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Number of days for sessions - Define the number of days for events to display. For example, if set to "30", the block will not display events that are more than 30 days in the future.
- Review State - By default, the review state is set to "All", but this can be changed to any review state defined in Events Manager > Event Status.
- Time Frame - Determines whether the block displays upcoming or past meetings.
- Use Condensed grid layout - By default, this field is checked. When deselected, additional block-specific configurations become available.
Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of events before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
Note: Currently, the Infinite Scroll pagination option does not work with search filters.
Events > My Meetings
The My Meetings block is for the Matchmaking feature. This block is located on the /meetings page and is used to display the logged-in user’s meetings/appointments.
Block-Specific Configurations:
Show events where user is - Determines which meetings appear on the block. Options are:
- Invited - The user has been invited to attend a meeting that was scheduled by someone else.
- Owner - The user scheduled the meeting and invited someone else to attend.
- Owner & Invited - Displays both meeting types in one block.
- Time frame - Determines whether the block displays upcoming or past meetings.
Events > Session Block
The Events > Session Block displays the session details that were entered when completing the Add Session form. Details may vary based on form criteria but generally include a cover photo, the session title, description, start date and time, and end date and time.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Show Event date in time zone of - Specify whether the session time appears according to the event, user, or site time zone setting.
- Show Status - Deselect to disable visibility of the session status on the block.
- Show Added By - Deselect to disable the visibility of the username who created the session.
Events > Session Calendar
The Events > Session Calendar block displays sessions or meetings in an interactive calendar view. When this block is added to the /meetings page, it displays the logged-in user's meetings. Alternatively, when it is configured to appear on the /sessions page, then sessions are displayed.
Session Calendar
Meeting Calendar
Events > Session Comments
When added to the session details page, the Events > Session Comments block allows users to leave comments on the session page.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Comment Form Location - Define whether the Start a Post form appears at the top of the block or the bottom.
- Comment Limit - Define the maximum number of comments that can be made.
- Sort Order - Specify whether comments appear in descending order (newest to oldest) or ascending order (oldest to newest).
- Items Per Page - Define how many comments appear on the block at a time.
Events > Session Invite
When added to a session details page, this block allows system admins, event admins, and specified member segments to invite other users to attend the session. This block only works when placed on pages where the URL contains the: event_id parameter.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Invite from Population - Define whether users can select and invite from a list of All Members or limit invitations to be sent from Friends or Group Members only.
- Number of Members to Display per Page - Define the number of members to display in the invite selection list before pagination begins.
- Member Segments to Invite - Specify which member segment(s) have access to invite other users to attend the event. If no checkboxes are selected, all site members can use the invite functionality.
- Geolocation Units - Define whether the block should display units of measurement as Miles or Kilometers.
- Default Distance - Define the maximum default distance of users that appear in the list.
Events > Session Invitees
The Session Invitees block displays speakers (aka users with an event role) and session attendees by their RSVP status when added to the session details page. This block only works when configured to appear on a page where the URL contains the :event_id parameter.
Each RSVP status can be clicked to open a complete list of users associated with the selected status.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Show List Admins at top of module - Select the checkbox to display event admins at the top of the block.
- Show list of Invitees with Role - Select the checkbox to display the roster of attendees and their associated roles before the RSVP statuses.
- Show Invited - Selecting this checkbox enables the Invited counter and allows other users to see who has been invited to attend the session.
- Show not going - Selecting this checkbox enables the Not Going counter and allows other users to see who has declined to attend the session.
Events > Session Handouts
The Session Handouts block pulls handouts uploaded via the Handout Management tool in Global Admin. Add this block to the View Event page (Default Page Name: View Event, Default URL: /sessions/item/:category_id/:event_id). to display them on your Event Portal site.
Important: To sync Handouts to the Event Portal successfully, navigate to Admin Panel > Integrations > ThirdParty Settings, and set the Event/Session Sync field to Pull.
Events > Session RSVP
The Session RSVP block allows users to RSVP to the session by selecting Yes, No, or Maybe from the block or by selecting Going, Interested, or Not Interested from the session details dropdown menu.
Note: Add this block to the session details page (e.g., Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Page Editor, locate the page named View Event with associated URL /sessions/item/:category_id/:event_id).
The Are you Going? button options appear if the user has not selected an RSVP status. Alternatively, if the user selects Interested, No, or Maybe, then the selected status appears with a darkened background indicating the chosen status.
If the user selects Yes or Going, the block updates to display a Leave Event button that allows them to disassociate themselves from the event if clicked.
Category: Html
Blocks in the HTML category can build and insert customized content or buttons for use on various pages throughout your Event Portal. Both block types in the HTML category are recommended for use.
Html > Custom Block
The Custom HTML block allows admins to design custom HTML that can be placed on any page. These blocks can be used in a variety of ways and provide greater flexibility when designing your site. For example, you can create an HTML block to be used on the dashboard/landing page to welcome users and provide instructions on what to do next.
Generally, it is best to first create the custom HTML using the HTML Block Building site building tool in the Admin Panel. However, you can also jump to this tool from the Page Editor Add Block lightbox by clicking the Create New HTML Block link in the Choose Block section after selecting the HTML category and Custom Block type.
To Add a new Custom HTML Block to a site page:
HTML custom content blocks can also be used as custom buttons if the Custom Button checkbox is selected when configuring the block settings.
Html > Custom Button
The Custom Button block creates an interactive button to be placed on any page in your Event Portal. Custom buttons can be used to:
- Add a simple button as a call to action. (e.g., Click here to visit your Exhibitor Hub.)
- Link to an internal or external page. (e.g., Click here to buy a sponsorship.)
- Launch a custom tour. (e.g., configure a tour that teaches visitors how to navigate the site.)
- Trigger a custom action for tracked action reporting or use in combination with an Action Workflow.
- Dynamically send users to a new page based on their ID, the current Page ID, or a Category ID.
- Deliver a custom page parameter in the URL (?/thankyou=1) for website analytics tracking.
- To Trigger a lightbox.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Wrap with box? - Configure the block to show the title and display a box around the button.
- Full-width button - Configure the box to stretch the full width of the section.
- Button Text - Define the label that appears on the button.
- Base URL - Enter a link to associate with the button. URLs can link internally to any page in your Event Portal or externally to any web address.
- Custom Param 1 - Define a list of pre-ready parameters available on the page to be added to the Base URL; typically includes the Logged-in User’s ID and the content Item’s ID (if on a content page).
- Custom Param 2 - Generally used to trigger a lightbox on the page without having to refresh. formated as ?wordhere=# (e.g., ?lightboxthankyou=1).
Button ID - Define this field if the button will be used to launch a tour. This identifier can be any numerical value.
Note: This block can be configured to only show for specific user segments in the block settings such as displaying a button for exhibitors only or attendees only.
To associate a custom button with a tour, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Tours Manager and select User Clicked Custom Button as the Tour Trigger then select the button you created from the Button dropdown.
Category: Layout
Currently, only two of the eleven block types available in the Layout category are recommended for use. Most block types in this category now offer built-in site functionality and as such are not needed as blocks added to a page. That said, there are two block types recommended for use by the A2Z team at this time: the breadcrumbs block and the carousel block.
Layout > Breadcrumbs
The Breadcrumbs block displays a user's navigation path as they explore deeper into specific content.
This block also shows an add button that allows users to create specific content according to the page it is placed on. To work correctly, the block must be configured in the Page Editor by defining the Content-Type when adding it to the page.
The breadcrumbs trail appears to both admin and user accounts; however, the Add New button appears to users based on granted site permissions. Exhibitors may see the button where an Admin account may not, and vice versa.
The table below details pages where this block can be used and whether the Add New button is visible to site admins or users.
Page Name | URL | Visible to Admin? | Visible to Users? |
Listings | /listings | Yes | Yes |
View All Categories | /listings/category | No | Yes |
Listings - View Item | /listings/category_id/:item-id | No | Yes |
Sessions | /sessions | Yes | Yes* |
Sessions Category Home | /sessions/category | Yes | Yes* |
View Event | /sessions/item/:category_id/:event_id | Yes | Yes* |
Proposals | /proposals | Yes | Yes |
Videos | /videos | No | Yes |
Video Category Home | /videos/category | No | Yes |
Video Zoom | /videos/:pid | No | Yes |
*Configure the Add Session button to only show for Site Admins by completing the following steps:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Segments Manager and create a new segment for admin users.
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Member Search and search for the admin accounts, enter the account details, click the segments tab, apply the new segment, and click Save Segments.
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Event Manager > Access Control and click the Yes radio button for the Limit create access to segments field, then select the newly created site admin segment.
After completing this process, the Add Session button only appears to users in the selected segment.
Layout > Carousel
The Carousel block can be added to any page and used to display visuals, most commonly for advertisement purposes. Up to five (5) images can be uploaded to rotate automatically after the block has been added. Add images to the block by clicking the Upload Carousel Images link located at the bottom of the Add Block lightbox in Page Editor.
Clicking the link opens the File Management tool in a new tab where you can upload your images.
Note: Files must be uploaded to the Image Carousel directory to appear in the image slide selection dropdown.
The following example shows a carousel block with captions visible on each slide and all block-specific checkboxes enabled.
Alternatively, the example below shows a carousel block without slide captions associated or any block-specific checkboxes selected.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Display Block Container - Currently, this setting is irrelevant for Event Portal sites.
- Display Controls - Enable visibility of the left and right control buttons.
- Display Indicators - Enable visibility of the slide indicator beneath the slide captions.
- Choose a slide image - Select the image you want to appear on each carousel slide.
- Enter a slide caption - Enter an image description that appears as text over the slide image.
- Enter a slide URL - Enter an internal or external URL to use the slide as a button for users to click.
- New Window - Specify whether the slide URL should open in a new tab of the user's browser.
Category: Myhome
Blocks in the Myhome category display various types of information specific to the logged-in user. Currently, only one block type in this category is recommended for use in the Event Portal.
Myhome > Favorites
The Favorites block displays a user’s selected favorites, either favorite exhibitors or favorite review items (such as products, show specials, & press releases).
This block is most useful when placed on the exhibitor directory and digital content gallery pages as it allows attendees to easily find and interact with their favorites. In addition, it can be filtered to show review items or organizations/exhibitors.
Category: Organizations
Block types in the Organizations category offer functionality to manage or display information related to companies and exhibitors. Excluding the Join Organization and Organization Admin blocks, all other blocks in the Organizations category are recommended for use including:
In addition to the standard block settings, some blocks in the Organizations category contain an optional setting that allows further customization.
Populating the Organization Ids field limits the block to only show the specified organizations/exhibitors. These identifiers are unique to each exhibitor profile and are only generated after the organization has been created.
If this field is not populated, the block can display details about all organizations.
There are two primary ways to locate the organization Id:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Analytics > Organizations. Search for the desired organization, then view the ID column in the report.
- Navigate to the exhibitor profile page on the front end of your Event Portal and review the URL. The organization Id is the number shown after the /exhibitor URL parameter.
Note: If the exhibitor updates their profile's Page URL field, this method does not work.
Organizations > Admin List
The Admin List block only appears to site admin user accounts. It displays the list of all exhibiting companies/organizations that exist within the portal and can send admins directly to the exhibitor's profile by clicking the org name from the list. Additional org information is available at a glance including the percentage of profile completion, and the exhibitor profile visibility state.
- Profile visibility states are either Published or Unpublished and Approved or Unapproved.
- Both Publish/Unpublish and Approve/Unapprove actions offer the same functionality.
- Published profiles in an Unapproved state and Approved profiles in an Unpublished state are not visible on the front-end exhibitor list.
States sync automatically when specific floor plan actions are performed in Global Admin.
- When a booth is assigned or moved in GA, the profile state updates to Approved and Published.
- When a booth is vacated in GA, the profile state updates to Unapproved and Unpublished.
- Event Portal admins can manually adjust visibility states on the front-end of the exhibitor profile page.
- Exhibitors do not have access to manage the visibility state of their company/organization profile.
The A2Z team does not recommend manually changing exhibitor profile visibility states. Visibility states are automatically set and managed by the sync between GA and EP.
Organizations > Console Link
The Console Link block displays a custom button that links from the Event Portal to the A2Z Public Site.
- This block automatically logs exhibitors into their legacy public event site account.
- This block only functions when added to the following Event Portal pages:
- Exhibitor Profile Page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:orgaization_id)
- Exhibitor Hub Page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub)
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Full Width Button - Configure the button to span the full row width where the block is placed.
- Button Text - Define the label that appears on the button.
Public Site Page Name - Enter the A2Z public site page name name the button should navigate to.
Note: Enter only the page file name. Do not include the .aspx suffix.
Organizations > Featured Links
The Featured Links block is used on the exhibitor hub page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default URL: /exhibitorhub) to display custom links to your exhibitors. Defined links can be internal or external to your Event Portal and can be used for informational or actionable purposes.
Featured links are defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Featured: Links. Currently, these links cannot be segmented for filtered exhibitor visibility, as such, all defined featured links are visible to all exhibitors.
Tip: Upload a file to File Management in Global Admin then setup a featured link to easily share it with all of your exhibitors.
Organizations > Items
The Items block displays a completion bar that tracks the total percentage of enhanced digital content added to the exhibitor's profile. This block also provides call-to-action buttons and reminders prompting exhibitors to upload outstanding content needed to complete their profile.
Define the fields to be tracked for completion on the progress bar by navigating to Admin Panel > Organizations Manager > Profile Field Progress. Enable and set content limits for each category option by navigating to Admin Panel > Organizations Manager > Details. Select the Enable checkbox to associate the category with a package level then enter a value to set the limit.
If you are offering EDC, this block should be added to the exhibitor hub page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default URL: /exhibitorhub).
Tip: Add this block to the dashboard landing page so exhibitors see their outstanding actions immediately upon logging into the site.
Organizations > Join Organization
The A2Z team does not recommend using this block on any page within the Event Portal at this time. This block displays a join button when added to the exhibitor profile page. Users can click the button and request to associate themselves with an exhibiting organization which can then be approved or rejected by Org Owners and Site Admins.
Manually associating contacts with Event Portal organization profiles may lead to data integrity issues with managing company contacts in Global Admin.
Important: The Join Organization block is not recommended for use.
Organizations > Meetings
The Meetings block displays a list of meetings/appointments scheduled when the Matchmaking package add-on has been purchased. This block should be used on the exhibitor hub page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default URL: /exhibitorhub). Meetings that appear on the list can be filtered and sorted by the logged-in user if desired.
By default, the block shows two types of meetings: meetings that exhibitor contacts (e.g., organization members) have invited other users to attend, and meetings that exhibitor contacts have been invited to. An Exhibitor contact scheduled to attend a meeting can also click the Invite link on this block and assign the meeting to a different member of their organization if they are unable to attend.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Number of days for events - Define the number of days for meetings to display. For example, if set to "30", the block will not display meetings that are more than 30 days in the future.
- Time Frame - Determines whether the block displays upcoming or past meetings.
- Show Attendee Name - When selected, the block displays all usernames that have accepted an invite to attend the meeting, including the meeting creator.
- Module Layout -There are two layout options: Grid displays meetings in a card view with an image and List displays meetings in a table-list format.
Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of meetings before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
Note: The Infinite scroll pagination option does not work with search filters currently. -
Hide Footer - Select to disable the footer and meeting creator info and the invite link.
- Items Per Page - Define the number of meetings that should be displayed on the block at once.
- No Data Message - Populate text that appears if there are no meetings to display on the block.
- Hide if Empty - Prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no meetings to display.
Note: Event filters display on this block if it is placed in a row section greater than 25-33% page width. Use the page editor tool to show filters via lightbox functionality by adding the block in a row section that is 25 or 33% width.
Organizations > Organization Admin
The A2Z team does not recommend using this block on any page within the Event Portal as this block allows users to create new exhibitor/organization profiles manually. This action may lead to data integrity issues when information syncs back to Global Admin.
Important: The Organization Admin block is not recommended for use.
Organizations > Organization Badges
The Organization Badges block displays the digital icons assigned to an exhibitor based on settings defined in the Badges Manager tool.
Configure digital badge icons by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Badges Manager. Exhibitors can select profile categories configured to associate badge icons automatically, then other users can see which badges are assigned when this block is added to the exhibitor’s profile page.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Columns - Specify the number of columns to display before starting a new row.
- Image Sizes - Specify the desired icon image size that appears on the block.
Tip: The badge order is determined via the Badges Manager. Change the display order that appears on the block by dragging and dropping them in the admin panel site building tool.
Organizations > Organization Cover
The Organization Cover block is an exhibitor’s profile cover.
This block displays the organization name, profile photo (logo), cover photo, upgrade level, and booth number(s). If the Matchmaking package add-on has been purchased, this block enables functionality that permits attendees and other exhibitor contacts to schedule meetings.
The three-dot menu in the top-right corner opens a dropdown menu where several aspects of the exhibitor profile are managed. There are three cover dropdown views: organization owner, organization member, and site admin.
Each view has permission to manage the following:
Organization Member View
- Add Photo - Upload a company profile logo. The recommended image size is 360x360.
- Add Cover Photo - Upload a profile banner image. The recommended image size is 1440x360.
- Delete Cover Photo - Remove a previously uploaded profile banner image.
- Add Featured Photo - Upload an alternate company profile image to display on the Exhibitor List. If a featured photo is not uploaded, the exhibitor list displays the company profile photo.
Organization Owner View
- All Permissions that are shown in the Org Member view.
- Unpublish/Publish Organization - Manually toggle the visibility of the profile on the exhibitor list.
- Visit Organization Hub - Takes the user to the Exhibitor Hub Page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub)
Site Admin View
- All Permissions that are shown in the Org Member and Org Owner views.
- Unapprove/Approve - Manually toggle the visibility of the profile on the exhibitor list.
Delete Organization - Manually remove the exhibitor profile from the Event Portal.
Note: Deleted profiles automatically reappear after the nightly Global Admin data sync. We do not recommend manually deleting exhibitor profiles in the Event Portal.
- Set Level - Manually assign or update the exhibitor's upgrade level.
- Sync - Manually sync profile changes and other updates made in Global Admin.
Tip: This block can be placed on pages other than the exhibitor’s profile page to allow exhibitors the ability to quickly jump to edit their profile, for example, place it on the /dashboard landing page so exhibitors can quickly navigate to their profile via the Edit My Organization Profile button.
Organizations > Organization Insights
The Organization Insights block displays exhibitor-specific analytics on the exhibitor hub page.
As the event organizer, you can choose to remove access to this information for your exhibitors by disabling analytics access or removing this block from the page entirely. Alternatively, you can set the block to be read-only or allow exhibitors to download a CSV based on organization upgrade levels. Manage permissions via the Analytics Access column of the table located in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details.
Note: At least one upgrade level must have analytics access selected to configure read-only access.
- Insights include:
- Page views: The number of times an exhibitor’s profile has been viewed.
- Clicks: The number of times an exhibitor’s advertisement has been clicked.
- Impressions: The number of impressions for the exhibitor’s advertisement.
- External Clicks: The number of times a linked button on digital content has been clicked.
- Sent Messages: The number of messages that have been sent using ‘Send to All’.
- Read Messages: The number of messages that have been read.
- Video views: The number of times exhibitor’s videos have been viewed.
- Digital Content views: The number of times exhibitor's digital content (products, show specials, press releases) has been viewed.
Organizations > Organization List
The Organization List block is used on the exhibitor directory page to show the list of exhibitors. This block can be added to a page multiple times and used in a variety of ways. For example, configure it to show all exhibitors, featured exhibitors, specific upgrade level exhibitors, or recommended exhibitors for Matchmaking, if the Matchmaking package add-on has been purchased. You can also configure this block to pre-filter the exhibitor list by custom exhibitor fields which would then only display exhibitors that match the field selection(s) on the front end.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Select Level - Limit the display of organizations to only the specified upgrade levels.
- Top of List Orgs per Page - Define the number of exhibitors to feature at the top of the list. Prevent duplicating exhibitors by setting the value to 0 if select levels are defined.
- Show Featured Orgs Only - Limit the display of organizations to only show exhibitors defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Featured > Organizations. Enabling this setting disables the Select Level option.
- Show Recommendations - Enable recommended exhibitors to appear if the Matchmaking package add-on has been purchased.
Module Layout - There are two layout options that both have corresponding block-specific settings which can be further customized.
Horizontal - Displays exhibitors in a grid-card format.
- Hide Badge Filters - Hides the filter field for badge icons assigned to exhibitors via the Badges Manager to prevent duplicate filters from showing in the list.
Disable Search - Hides search and filter functionality for the block. This setting is most commonly used on recommended exhibitors’ or featured exhibitors’ blocks.
Horizontal - Displays exhibitors in a grid-card format.
Tip: We recommend using the horizontal layout for featured and recommended exhibitors.
Table - Displays exhibitors in a table-list format.
- Shows Both settings located in the horizontal layout option.
- Show Badges - Displays the assigned badge icons based on the Badges Manager setup and allows the table to be sorted by these badges. The number of badge icons that appear on the list is determined by the row width where the block is placed. When placed at 100%, a maximum of 10 icons are shown.
Show Digital Content - Displays icons for exhibitors that indicate they have added products, press releases, or show specials to their profile. These icons are defined in the Forms Manager for each category.
Table - Displays exhibitors in a table-list format.
Tip: We recommend using the table layout for the main list of all exhibitors.
- Filter by Field - Select custom fields and selections to pre-filter exhibitors that appear on the block.
- Items Per Page - Define the number of exhibitors that should be displayed on the block at once.
- No Data Message - Define the text that appears if there are no exhibitors to display on the block.
- Hide if Empty - Prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no exhibitors to display.
Organizations > Organization Member List
The Organization Member List block displays associated exhibitor contact users with the company/organization profile. Ensure users can find and manage exhibitor contacts by including this block on both the exhibitor profile page and the exhibitor hub page.
Default Profile Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:organization_id
Default Hub Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub
Event Portal company contacts are one of two types: organization owner or organization member. The owner role is assigned to a company contact based on the following hierarchy:
- First contact type defined in Admin Panel > Integrations > Third Party Settings > Allowed Contact Relationship Type Names (*limited to event packages with multiple contact management enabled)
- If the Allowed contact Relationship Type Names field is blank, contact types are ignored and the Company Contact syncs as the org Owner
- If contact types are not used and there is no Company Contact, then the Booth Contact syncs as the org owner.
- If contact types are not used, and there is no company or booth contact, then the Community Admin syncs as the org owner.
All other contacts in the portal are associated with the company as org members.
Organizations > Organization Profile
The Organization Profile block displays exhibitor profile fields that other users can view to learn more about them on the exhibitor profile page. (Default Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:organization_id)
Fields on this block are managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organization Manager > Built-In Fields & Custom Fields. There, you can hide built-in fields, disable the exhibitor's access to edit the field values, create new custom fields, or sync existing fields from Global Admin.
Both site admins and exhibitor contacts can update and edit built-in and custom field profile details from this block. If applicable, exhibitor sponsorship graphics and tag information displayed throughout the site are uploaded and managed in the Sponsorship section.
Organizations > Organization Sponsor
The Organization Sponsor block displays the advertisement graphics uploaded by exhibitors/organizations.
There are three types of advertisements: Billboard, Leaderboard, and Skyscraper. The type that appears on the front end of the page is determined by the placement of the block in the admin panel page editor tool:
- The Billboard block style appears when the block is placed in rows set to 100% page width.
- The Leaderboard block style appears when the block is placed in rows set to 50 - 67% page width.
- The Skyscraper block style appears when the block is placed in rows set to 25 - 33% page width.
Note: Advertisements/Sponsorships are granted to exhibitors/organizations via the upgrade levels managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details Table.
Organizations > Organization Tasks
The Organization Tasks block is used to display assigned tasks for exhibitors to mark complete. This block is only visible when it is placed on the exhibitor hub page or the exhibitor profile page.
Site Admins can define the tasks that appear on this block in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Tasks. Tasks can be read-only, externally linked, or linked to a form for the exhibitor to complete.
Text entered in the required description field appears as the task title on the block. Additional descriptive text entered in the info field is optional but, if populated, appears on the block when the user clicks the expand arrow. Additionally, optional fields including due date and time can be set.
Category: Profile
Blocks in the Profile category display information associated with individual user accounts while also providing functionality for users to update and manage their information.
Although there are several specific block types located in this category, the only types recommended for use at this time are:
In addition to the standard block settings, some blocks in the Profile category contain an optional setting that allows further customization.
Populating the User Ids field limits the block to only show the specified user accounts. These identifiers are unique to each user profile. If this field is not populated, the block can display details about all users.
There are two primary ways to locate the user Id:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Manage Members > Members Search. Search for the desired user(s), then view the Id column in the search results.
- Navigate to the user profile page on the front end of your Event Portal and review the URL. The user Id is the number shown after the /profile URL parameter.
Profile > Profile Block
The Profile Block displays a user's profile field information for other users to view and learn more about them. This block should only be used on the User Profile page (Default Page Name: User Profile, Default Page URL: /profile/:user_id). In addition, this block allows users and admins to edit their profile details.
Profile blocks can be configured to display one section that has multiple fields grouped into sub-sections, or you can show designated fields separated into multiple sections. The form for users to enter their information is defined using the Profile Manager tool located in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Profile Manager > Manage Profile Blocks.
Section titles are determined by the ‘Block Name’ defined in the tool and it allows admins to enable or disable specific profile blocks as well as create custom sections and fields. Additionally, profile block sections can be reordered which changes the order in which they appear on the front end.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Select Profile Blocks - Define a specific profile block to display on the page editor block.
- Display all profile blocks - Select to enable the display of all enabled profile blocks on the page editor block.
- Show Full Address - Select to allow the block to display a full address or deselect and limit to display only the city, state, country, and zip code.
Tip: We recommend using the Manage Profile Blocks > Edit form to configure one profile block section that contains multiple field sub-sections within it. This method better allows for separating profile fields by member segment, as applicable, and displays all profile fields on the profile page at once.
Create a form section by clicking the Sections button on the form builder and drag and drop fields into the relevant area.
Manage edit field permissions by selecting the appropriate appropriate field then select the desired member segment in the Can be edited by: setting.
Profile > Profile Tasks
The Profile Tasks block is only added on the User Profile Page (Default Page Name: User Profile, Default Page URL: /profile/:user_id) to display tasks that the user has been assigned to complete. Profile tasks are created and assigned via the Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Profile Manager > Tasks tool.
The block displays the task title, and due date & time if defined. In addition, the optional description is shown within an expandable panel if entered. Users update tasks to completed status by clicking the radio button to the left of the task title.
A task is required to have a title, however, entering a description, and defining a due date & time is optional. In addition, there are three Task Types:
None - Displays a task that does not have a clickable link or form associated. If selected, the task title appears as a standard header.
Link - Associate a task to an internal or external URL. If it is tied to a link, clicking the task title from the profile opens the link URL in a new browser tab.
- Form Submission - Associate a task to a form (from the Forms Manager) If the task is tied to a form, clicking on the task from the profile, opens the form edit page in a new browser tab to be completed.
When defining tasks in the profile manager tasks tool, Site Admins can create and assign tasks to specific user segments. For example, if the task is set up specifically for Speakers to complete, only users associated with the Speaker segment will see the task on their profile.
Profile > User Badges
The User Badges block is only added on the User Profile Page (Default Page Name: User Profile, Default Page URL: /profile/:user_id) to show the user's assigned badge icons. The block displays badges specific to the profile being viewed and their badge names are visible on the front end when hovering over a specific image.
Similar to the Organization Badges block type, block-specific settings allow site admins the ability to configure how large the badge image size should be and define the number of columns that should appear on the block.
Note: Badge icons are defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Badges Manager.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Columns - Specify the number of columns to display before starting a new row.
- Image Sizes - Specify the desired icon image size that appears on the block.
Profile > User Photo
The User Photo block displays the user’s photo and cover photo on their profile.
The camera icon/button in the top-right corner of the block allows logged-in users to add, edit, and remove their profile photo and cover photo. Online users are denoted by a green dot that appears next to the photo.
Users associated with an organization/exhibitor show the company name on the bottom left that links to the company profile when clicked. In addition, badge icons associated with the user account are shown on the block beneath the user's full name.
Note: If the user belongs to more than one org/exhibitor profile, the block displays the Primary Company selected on their My Account page.
In portals that have the Matchmaking package add-on enabled, this block features a Message link and a Schedule Meeting link that appears in the bottom-right corner. These quick links allow exhibitors to send a message and schedule a meeting with the user whose profile they are viewing.
It is important to note that neither link appears for users who opt out of sharing their information with organizations via My Account > Security settings.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Show Welcome - Display "Welcome" as the block title.
Display Name - Select a format from the dropdown to define how the name appears on the block.
Note: The Show Welcome setting is disabled if the Block Title option is selected. - Image Size - Specify the desired profile photo image size that appears on the block.
- Show Change Photo Link - Select to enable a link allowing users to update their profile photo.
Tip: Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Profile Manager > Default cover photo and upload a default cover photo to give your site a uniform look and feel across all user profiles.
Profile > User Profile Completion
The User Profile Completion block is only added on the User Profile Page (Default Page Name: User Profile, Default Page URL: /profile/user_id) to show the total user profile completion percentage. This block also provides call-to-action buttons and reminders prompting users to complete their profile.
The completion percentage includes profile fields, profile photo, cover photo, and if applicable, assigned tasks. This block only appears for site admins and logged-in users when viewing their profiles.
Note: Tasks do not have a call-to-action, but are visible for users to complete on the page via the Profile > Profile Tasks block.
Profile > User Sessions
The User Sessions block displays the list of events (e.g., meetings, sessions, etc.) that the logged-in user has created or has selected an RSVP status of "Yes" or "Maybe" to attend for portals that have the Conference and/or Matchmaking add-ons.
When added to the User Profile page (Default Page Name: User Profile, Default Page URL: /profile/user_id), the events displayed are determined by the profile being viewed. If the block is placed on any other page, all events visible to the logged-in user are shown.
This block is highly configurable and can be added to a page multiple times and used in a variety of ways. It is important to note that similar to the Events > List of Sessions block, filter visibility on the page is determined by the row width where the block is placed. Blocks in rows that range from 67-100% display event filters on the page, whereas when placed on rows that range from 25-50% page width event filters are only visible when the user clicks the Filter button.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Number of days for sessions - Define the number of days for events to display. For example, if set to "30", the block will not display events that are more than 30 days in the future.
- Review State - By default, the review state is set to "All", but this can be changed to any review state defined in Events Manager > Event Status.
- Time Frame - Determines whether the block displays upcoming or past events.
Show events where user role is - Determines which events appear on the block. Options are:
- Invited - The user has been invited to attend an event that was scheduled by someone else.
- Owner - The user scheduled the event and invited someone else to attend.
- Owner & Invited - Displays both roles on one block.
Use Condensed grid layout - By default, this field is deselected. When checked, most block-specific configurations listed below are disabled.
- Show number attending - Check to display the number of users who have accepted an invite to attend the event, including the creator.
- Show Status - Check to display the session status on the block.
Show category - Check to display the event category on the block.
- Show owner info - Check to display the user name who scheduled the meeting.
- Show event start date - Check to display the event start date and time on the block.
- Show event start date in time zone of - Show time according to the Event, User, or Site setting.
- Show event end date - Check to display the event end date and time on the block.
Show event end date in time zone of - Show time according to the Event, User, or Site setting.
- Show event location - Check to display the event address on the block.
- Show description - Check to display the event description on the block.
Show hours - Check to display the credit hours associated with the event on the block.
Photo Size - Specify a preferred size to display event category images.
- Category Ids - Limit the block to only show events from the specified event category.
- Add Custom Quick Filter - Select custom fields and selections to pre-filter the events displayed on the block.
- Module Layout -There are two layout options: Grid displays events in a card view with an image and List displays events in a table-list format.
Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of events before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
Note: The Infinite scroll pagination option does not work with search filters currently. - Hide Footer - Select to disable visibility of the footer which displays event creator info, RSVP status, and Like link.
- Items Per Page - Define the number of events, up to 50, to display on the block at a time.
- No Data Message - Populate text that appears if there are no events to display on the block.
- Hide if Empty - Prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no events to display.
Category: Reviews
Blocks in the Reviews category are most commonly used with the Enhanced Digital Content (EDC), Call for Proposals, and Conference add-ons. The information displayed on blocks in this category generally depends on forms and review categories previously established using tools located in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager.
The Forms Manager site-building tool assists with creating forms for conference proposal submissions and making categories for EDC listings, such as products, show specials, and press releases. After creating the forms, the listings submitted by users are shown throughout your Event Portal site using the various blocks found in this category.
Although there are several specific block types located in the Reviews category, the only block types recommended for use at this time are:
In addition to the standard block settings, some blocks in the Reviews category contain three additional optional settings that allow further customization.
Defining the Items Per Page setting limits the total number that appears on the block at a time. To prevent site performance issues, all blocks can display up to 50 items on a page before pagination occurs.
Entering a No data message defines the custom text that appears if there are no items to display on the block.
Select the Hide if empty checkbox to prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no items to be displayed.
Reviews > Approve Review Item
The Approve Review Item block is used in the Call for Proposals & Conference Management package add-ons to move proposals through the approval process. This block allows admins or category moderators to change the status of the proposal and it should appear on the review item details page (Default page name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id).
Note: The system classifies Proposals as review items and has an associated category Form Type.
Status options that appear in the dropdown menu are defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Event Manager > Event Status.
Reviews > Browse Categories
The Browse Categories block displays the list of review item categories defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories. It allows users to quickly navigate to a specific category page by clicking the corresponding category name.
This block can be configured to show only specific form-type items, Digital Listing, Generic Form, Session Proposal, etc., to pre-filter options on the page. It is commonly used on pages associated with Enhanced Digital Content (EDC), such as the Gallery Listing page, or used on pages related to Call for Proposals and Conference, for example, the proposal and sessions pages.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Form Types - Select the appropriate category forms to display on the block.
- Module Layout -There are two layout options: Grid displays categories in a card view with an image and List displays categories in a table-list format.
- Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of events before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
- Hide Footer - Select to disable the visibility of the block footer.
Reviews > Change Review Item Reviewers
The Change Review Item Reviewers block is used in Call for Proposals & Conference Management package add-ons to allow admins or category moderators to assign a user and associate them with an individual proposal. It should appear on the review item details page (Default page name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id).
Site Admins and category moderators click the Select Reviewers button, search for existing accounts, and assign the appropriate users to associate them as a reviewer. The assigned user's profile image and name are displayed on the block and they can leave their review after the assignment is made.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Member Segments for New Reviewers - Pre-filter the search list to show only user accounts associated with the selected member segments. Users who are not added to the defined member segments do not appear in the search list of potential reviewers that can be assigned.
Reviews > Item Block
The Items Block is used in both Enhanced Digital Content (EDC) and Call for Proposals and Conference package add-ons. It should appear on the review item details page (Default page name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id) to display item details for products, proposals, submitted exhibitor forms, etc.
This block displays the review item category and the username who created it. Review categories each have a corresponding form that the user completes to create the item. Additional fields that appear on the block are determined by the fields added to the form. Forms are created and managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories.
Users can click the Camera button in the top-right corner to upload images for display on the item block. Images are primarily used in EDC listings for products, show specials and press releases. In addition, if multiple images are uploaded for the same item, a carousel appears and users can specify which one appears first and is shown as the cover photo. If needed, click the 3-dot menu and return to the form to edit item details, upload an additional photo, or delete the review item altogether.
You can configure an external button to display on the block that is commonly used for attendees who want to buy an item or learn more on a website outside of the Event Portal. To enable the visibility of the button, select the External Link Label checkbox on the category form.
The proposal's current status appears in the top-right corner. Statuses are defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Event Manager > Event Status. By displaying the status on the item block, relevant users are quickly informed of where the proposal is in the approval process.
Lastly, proposal submitters can associate tracks and other related tags with their proposals. These selections then appear on the block, allowing reviewers to easily search by clicking on them.
Reviews > List of Review Items
The List of Review Items block displays entries added by users via forms. This could be products, show specials, press releases, proposals, exhibitor forms, speaker forms, and all other custom review category types. When this block is placed on a category page, it only shows items of that specific category. (e.g., when looking at the Products category page, only the products are listed.)
This block is highly configurable and can be added to a page multiple times and used in a variety of ways. You can choose to show all items on the block or be restricted to showing only items of a specific form type or review category (e.g., Digital Listings, Session Proposals, etc.).
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Default Sort By -Specify whether items on the block appear in the order they were Created, alphabetically by Title, or in a Random order.
- Item Status Filter - Display only items of the selected status. Status options shown in the dropdown list are managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Access & State Settings.
Reviews Category - Display only items of the defined category on the block. Review Category Ids are unique to each category form and are found in two ways:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories, then click Edit to access the desired category form and check the URL. The Review Category ID is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
- On the front end of your site, navigate to the desired category listing page then review the URL. The Review Category ID is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories, then click Edit to access the desired category form and check the URL. The Review Category ID is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
Form Types - Select the appropriate category forms to display on the block.
Note: Reference the Form Type column in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories to determine the kind of form associated with each category. - Show Recommendations - Select the checkbox to display recommended items on the block if the Matchmaking package add-on has been enabled for your site.
Module Layout - There are two layout options: Horizontal displays items in a card view with an image and Table displays items in a table-list format.
- Show Create item button - Select the checkbox to enable an Add Listing button that allows users to access the form and create a new listing of the specified category.
Reviews > Review Comments
The Review Comments block is used on the review item details page (Default page name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id) in the Call for Proposals & Conference Management package add-ons. It allows reviewers to rate and comment on the proposal submissions assigned to them during the review process.
By default, reviews can only be accessed by site admins and the assigned reviewers. Proposal submitters can be granted permission to view them as well by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories, clicking the Edit button, then selecting the Show Reviews & Ratings for Submitter checkbox on the category form page.
Configure rating category options in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Rating Categories, then enable it to appear on the block by selecting the checkbox in the Page Editor block settings.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Comment Form Location - Currently, this setting is irrelevant for Event Portal sites.
- Comment Limit - Define the maximum number of comments that can be made.
- Sort Order - Specify whether comments appear in descending order (newest to oldest) or ascending order (oldest to newest).
- Show Ratings - Select to display all review rating options as defined in the Admin Panel.
- Rating Category 1 - Specify which defined options you want to display on the block. Options that appear in the dropdown list are based on fields defined in the Admin Panel. Additional fields are shown (e.g., Rating Category 2, Rating Category 3, etc.) each time you select an option.
Reviews > Schedule Event
The Schedule Event block is used on the review item details page (Default page name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id) in the Call for Proposals & Conference Management package add-ons. It allows admins or category moderators to create a session by scheduling an approved proposal.
The block only appears on the page if the proposal is in the Approved status. All sessions that were previously created from the proposal are also shown on the block and you can jump to view session details by clicking the session title.
Reviews > Session Proposal Actions
The Session Proposal Actions block is used with the Call for Proposals & Conference Management package add-ons. The block allows site admins and designated review category moderators the ability to bulk-assign reviewers to proposals.
Since category forms each have different custom fields, this block does not work as intended if it is placed on the main proposals page (Default Page Name: Proposals, Default URL: /proposals). Configure this block to successfully appear by adding it on the proposal category details page (Default Page Name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:proposal_category_id).
The list of proposals in the Pending Approval status, search & filter options, and a button to assign reviewers are all displayed on the block.
Note: Only proposals in the Pending Approval status are visible.
To bulk-assign proposals:
- Search for the desired proposal or filter the list by tags, tracks, or any custom field
- Click the Assign Session Proposals button.
- Search the user list to locate the individuals that you wish to assign as a reviewer.
- Click the plus (+) icon to the right of the user's name to select them.
- Click Assign.
Reviews > User Assigned Review Items
The User Assigned Review Items block is used in the Call for Proposals and Conference package add-ons to display a list of all proposals that have been assigned to the logged-in user for review. The block can be added to the main proposals page or the proposal category page but it only appears after the logged-in user has been assigned to review at least one proposal.
If the block is added to the main proposal page, all assigned proposals from all review categories are shown. Alternatively, if you place it on the proposal category page, only proposals of the individual review category appear.
This block displays the proposal name, the submitter's name - if the category is not configured for blind review, the current status of the proposal, and whether it has been reviewed by the user.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Default Sort by - Specify whether proposals appear in the order they were Created, alphabetically by Title, or by the logged-in user Reviewed status.
- Item Status Filter - Display only items of the selected status. Status options shown in the dropdown list are managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Access & State Settings.
Review Category - Display only session proposals of the defined category on the block. Review Category Ids are unique to each category form and are found in two ways:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories, then click Edit to access the desired session proposal category form and check the URL. The Review Category ID is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
- On the front end of your site, navigate to the desired session proposal category listing page then check the URL. The session proposal Review Category ID is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories, then click Edit to access the desired session proposal category form and check the URL. The Review Category ID is the number shown after the /category URL parameter.
- Form Types - Select the Session Proposal checkbox to ensure only proposals appear on the list.
- Show Recommendations - Allow the system to display recommended proposals assigned to the user for review.
- Module Layout - Currently, this setting is irrelevant for Event Portal sites. All assigned proposals are shown in the table-list format regardless of layout selection.
Category: Tags
Blocks in the Tags category display content related to tags listed in Admin Panel > Manage Content > Tags. Tags exist and can be created within the system for use on the front end of your event portal in many different ways. For example, you can associate tags with products (e.g., #technologies), or other types of digital content, and then place blocks in this category throughout the site to track and promote trending tags. Additionally, tags are also beneficial to the Call for Proposals & Conference package add-ons as they are used to categorize tracks and topics for sessions.
There are two block types recommended for use in the Tags category, including:
Return to Top
Tags > Interests Tags
The Interests Tags block is used on the user profile page (Default Page Name: User Profile, Default URL: /profile/:user_id) and it is applicable only for Event Portals that have the Matchmaking add-on enabled.
This block allows users to select their interests so they can be matched with organizations, products, show specials, press releases, and other users. You can define the options that appear on the block for users to select in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Matchmaking Manager > User Interests.
Tags > Trending Tags
The Trending Tags block displays tags (e.g., #personify) that are being used most frequently on the site. This block can be applied to a variety of pages throughout your Event Portal and behaves differently based on which type of page it is placed on.
If it is added to the main dashboard/landing page, it shows trending tags for the whole site. When added to a specific category type page, such as a product gallery page, video gallery page, or session page, it only shows trending tags related to the specified area. (e.g., on the product gallery page, it only shows product tags).
Exhibitors/organizations who receive access to Sponsored Tags can add a tag and tagline in the Sponsorship tab of their exhibitor profile which then appears at the top of the trending tags block. These custom tags rotate and display randomly on each page load.
Note: Access to sponsored tags can be turned on per exhibitor level in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details Table > Sponsored Tag.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Show Tag Count - Show the number of times a tag has been used on the block.
- Max Number of Tags - Specify how many tags the block should display at a time.
- Limit tag results to previous X days - Specify how many days in the past to include tags from.
Category: Users
Blocks in the Users category display information related to individual user accounts and site visitors. Currently, the only block type recommended for use in this category is the Browse Users block.
Users > Browse Users
The Browse Users block is highly configurable and can be used in a variety of ways to display a list of users. In most Event Portals, it is used to display the list of show attendees. You can add it to a single page multiple times, and it can also be added to various pages throughout the site.
Names on the block link to user profile pages and allow others to quickly jump and discover more information about them. You can feature up to two user profile fields on the user list to quickly display user information such as job title or company name.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Member Segment - Configure the block to only show users associated with a specific user segment.
Use Banner Layout - Display user profile banners within each card on the block.
Note: The banner layout prevents several block-specific configurations from appearing. Disabled settings include the Show Badges, Show Friends, Send Message, Schedule Meeting, Show Points, Last Login, and Date Joined settings.
- Show Badges - Enables badge icons associated with the user's member segments to show. Badge icons do not appear on the Grid Layout if selected.
- Show Friends - Enable an icon denoting the user's number of friends. Other users can click this icon to expand the list and view related profiles.
- Show add friend - Display a button allowing users to send a friend request from the block.
- Show Send message - Display a button allowing users to send a private message directly to the user from the block.
Show schedule Meeting - Display a button allowing users to schedule a meeting with the user from the block.
Schedule Meetings is limited to sites with the Matchmaking package add-on. - Show points - We do not recommend enabling visibility of points for Event Portal sites at this time.
- Show last login - Display the date that the user last logged into the site.
- Show date joined - Display the date that the user's account was created.
- Show primary organization - Display the exhibitor name for users linked to a company.
- Default Sorting Field - Specify whether the block sorts users by last name, by last login date, by date joined, or by recently joined.
Filter by Field 1 - Filter the block to only show a subset of users that have selected the corresponding profile field.
Manage user profile fields shown in the dropdown from Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Profile Manager > Manage Profile Blocks. -
Show Recommendations - Enable visibility of a recommended user list for Matchmaking purposes on the block.
Show Recommendations is limited to sites with the Matchmaking package add-on. -
Module Layout - There are two additional layout options: Grid displays the user list in a card view with an image and List displays them in a table-list format.
- Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of users before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
- Hide Footer - Disable the card footer that contains the Add Friend, Send Message, and Schedule Meeting buttons.
- Items Per Page - Limit the total number that appears on the block at a time. To prevent site performance issues, all blocks can display up to 50 users on a page before pagination occurs.
- No Data Message - Define the custom text that appears if there are no users to display on the block.
- Hide if Empty - Prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no users to be displayed.
Category: Videos
Blocks in the Videos category are used to display videos and details about them in your portal. They cannot be uploaded directly to the site, but users can enter URLs for videos hosted on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitch, NexusWebcast, or Brightcove to view them on your site.
Similar to the Reviews category, in addition to the standard block settings, some blocks in the Videos category contain three additional optional settings that allow further customization.
Defining the Items Per Page setting limits the total number that appears on the block at a time. To prevent site performance issues, all blocks can display up to 50 items on a page before pagination occurs.
Entering a No data message defines the custom text that appears if there are no items to display on the block.
Select the Hide if empty checkbox to prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no items to be displayed.
Videos > Video comments
The Video Comments block allows users to leave comments on a specific video’s page.
Videos > Video Listing
The Video Listing block displays a list of embedded videos. This block can be configured to display videos in the best way to suit your needs, for example, you can create a list of exhibitor videos, training videos, or on-demand sessions.
This block is used on the digital content gallery page to showcase exhibitor videos, the main videos page, the video category page, and the exhibitor’s profile.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Show Video Description - Display the description entered in the upload form on the block.
- Show category - Display a link to the video category type on the block.
- Show owner info - Display a link to the user or organization who uploaded the video.
- Default order of videos - Currently, videos can only be sorted by Most Recent.
Module Layout - There are two layout options: Grid displays videos in a card view with an image and List displays them in a table-list format.
- Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of events before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
- Hide Footer - Select to disable the visibility of a footer in the List layout that shows owner info.
Videos > Video Metadata
The Video Metadata block displays pertinent video details including the video category, who added the video, video title, video description, and the video embed itself. Users can enter a URL from YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitch, NexusWebcast, or Brightcove in the add video form.
After being embedded, the video and its details can be edited, deleted, etc. by clicking the three-dot menu. The eye icon shows the number of views and when clicked shows who viewed the video.
Videos > Videos Categories
The Videos Categories block displays categories defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Videos Manager. Video categories are used to organize and group similar types of videos, for example, On-Demand sessions or Exhibitor Videos.
Block-Specific Configurations
- Show Total - Configure the block to display the number of videos in each category.
Tip: Add this block on the main videos page (Default Name: Videos, Default URL: /videos) so users can navigate directly to video category pages.