Edit the landing page that site visitors will see before proceeding to the main site. To see/use the landing page, both the background image and either the logo or YouTube options must be used.
- Details - look and feel, name and options
- Social - social media links bar
- Partners - display up to 3 linked logos, such as for sponsors or co-located events
Tag Line Text - shows below the logo
YouTube Embed - instead of a static logo a YouTube video can be displayed at the top of the landing page
Show "Register" Button - permits users to create an account to access the features behind the login. (Note, Exhibitor users will typically be entered into the system via the process that assigns the exhibiting companies to the show floor, so this scenario applies primarily to attendees or call for proposal submitter prospects)
External Registration URL - if the content should be restricted to only those attendees who have registered for an event via a 3rd party registration provider, enter the registration URL that would direct them to said provider. If left blank, the build-in /join form will be used.
Continue Button Text - if users are permitted to proceed without logging in, populate the text to permit them to continue to the site
Background Image - is displayed behind the central content block of the home page. Use a large high-resolution image
Logo is displayed at the top of the central section of the home page. 21:9 aspect ratio is recommended (for example, 210x90px, 420x180px, etc).
Up to 5 social media icons will display if populated: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn
Partner Line Text - a line of text to show above the logos
Partner URL - the URL when the image is clicked on
Partner Image - the logo of the partner