Allows editing the website footer
Footer Links
Label - the link name
URL - page or URL the link goes to
Click Edit to edit the link
To reorder the links, click and drag anywhere on the link Label or URL area.
Save the section before exiting to preserve your changes
Create New Link / Edit Link
Label - the name of the link
URL - either a page name as /name or a full URL including https:// . Page names can be referenced via Page Editor.
Open in a new window? can be checked to make the URL open in a new tab.
Footer Details
The Modern footer style is selected by default. If changed to Standard, after saving this setting will display fewer configurable options as well as load a different version of the 'Layout > Footer' module on the user side.
- Footer Background Color - use the color picker or enter the hex code.
- or,
Turn On Footer Background Image - if wishing to use a background image for the footer, check the checkbox to upload the image
- Upload Footer Background Image - click Browse to select the image. No image will be shown if left blank
- Link Background Color
- Footer Padding - enter the numeric value
Turn On Link Background Image if wishing to use a background image for the footer links section, check the checkbox to upload the image
- Upload Link Background Image click Browse to select the image. No image will be shown if left blank
- Link Text Color - use the color picker or enter the hex code.
- Link Separator enter a character or characters to go between the links, or leave blank for spaces
- Bar Background Color - use the color picker or enter the hex code.
- or, Turn On Bar Background Image if wishing to use a background image for the footer bar, check the checkbox to upload the image
- Upload Bar Background Image - click Browse to select the image. No image will be shown if left blank
- Copyright - Insert your company name here, the platform will automatically generate your copyright line with the current year, example © 2022 Personify
- Social Media - check the checkbox to add URLs for any of the following:Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. YouTube