Reports>Financial Management>Exhibitor Invoice Report
This report is configurable; users can create personalized reports from the available fields. These fields are available on the Invoices tab of the company record, or created at the time of booth sale/reservation. Invoices are event specific.
Pulling a Report:
Logged in users with access to the financial reports will find the exhibitor invoice report in the Reports>Financials menu. Once the user has selected the report, they can:
- Choose the “display” fields from the drop down menus.
- Use the “search by” fields to narrow the results.
- Sort by up to three levels of criteria.
- Choose the preferred output format.
Display Field Options:
- Co Id – Required. This is the unique identifier for the company.
- Invoice ID- Required. This is the unique identifier for the invoice in the system.
- Invoice No. – The number of the invoice, as it appears on the invoice.
- Company Name – Selected by default. The name of the company as designated on the company info tab of the company record.
- Invoice Amount – The total amount due for this invoice.
- Event Name – The name of the event with which the invoice is associated.
- Company Number – This is the number for the company as designated on the company info tab of the company record. This may be used to match up the company record with another system (CMS, AMS, or Financial).
- Operator Alias – The login Id of the user that created the invoice.
- Invoice Details – The text (if any) that was entered in to the Invoice Details field when the Invoice was created.
- Invoice Date – Date the invoice was entered.
- TotalInvoiceAmountPaid – Total amount paid against this invoice.
- Invoice Amount Due – Amount not yet paid. This is the invoice amount minus the TotalInvoiceAmountPaid.
- Invoice Due Date – Either the date entered at the time the invoice was created OR the date calculated based on the payment terms entered at the time the invoice was created (Ex. Terms ‘Due in 15 days’, will add 15 days to the date the invoice was created.).
- Date Invoice Sent – The date the invoice was emailed.
- Last Modified – The date of the last time the invoice was modified.
- OperatorFullName – If a full name is associated with the operator login id it, it will show in this field.
Search for options:
- Company Name – Enter all or part of a company name to narrow results to only those companies that contain the keyword(s).
- Operator – The list of all users in the system. Select one to see only invoices they have entered (if any).
- Event – Narrow the results to only those invoices associated with the selected event, or select ‘—All—‘and see invoices for all events using financials.
- Invoice number – Enter an invoice number to see only this invoice.
- Amount Type – Select a type, along with <,>,=, <=, or >= to narrow the search results
- Invoice Amount – Total amount of the invoice.
- Invoice Amount Paid – Total amount paid against an invoice.
- Invoice Amount Due – Total amount of the invoice that has not yet been paid.
- Invoice Date - Date the invoice was entered.
- Last Modified– the date of the last time the invoice was modified.
- Date Invoice Sent– The date the invoice was emailed.
- Invoice Due - Either the date entered at the time the invoice was created OR the date calculated based on the payment terms entered at the time the invoice was created (Ex. Terms ‘Due in 15 days’, will add 15 days to the date the invoice was created.).
Sort by options: Select up to three level of sorting using the drop downs. This list is the same as the list of display fields.
Output format options:
- HTML – View the data in the browser window.
- Excel – Creates an Excel document, which can be saved or opened to view.
- ASCII – Opens the data in a text file, to be viewed or saved.
- PDF – Save or view the data as a PDF file.
- XML – Opens the data as an XML file.