The Accounts Receivable Report gives a list of all the companies that still have an outstanding balance for a specific event. The #1 question about the AR report we receive is "Why is the number of exhibitors off?" This report will only show the exhibitors with a balance due.
To Pull the Report
- Select the Event from the drop down
- Select up to 3 levels of sorting
- Select an output format
- HTML – the system will display the results in the same browser window.
- ASCII - the system will prompt the user to open or save a text file.
- Excel - the system will prompt the user to open or save an Excel file.
- PDF – the system will prompt the user to open or save a PDF file.
- XML - the system will open a new browser window or tab, and display the results.
The results will be listed based on the selected sort criteria – if no criteria is selected the system defaults to ascending alphabetical order by Company Name. The columns are:
- Company Id – The unique identifier in the system for this company.
- Company Name – The name of the company as it appears on the Company Info tab of the company record.
- Company Number – The client specified record number from another system (this may be blank).
- Total Order Amount – Total amount of all the orders in the system for this event.
- Total Amount Paid – Total amount of the payments in the system for this event.
- Balance – Remainder of the amount ordered; Total Order Amount – Total Amount Paid.
- Due By – These columns come directly from the Payment Schedule (located at Events->Features->Expo Management->Payment Schedule). These calculate based on Total Order Amount, Total Amount Paid, and the percent due in each payment period.