Users can create personalized reports from the available order information fields. These fields are available on the Orders tab of the company record, or created at the time of booth sale/reservation. This report is configurable and orders are Event Specific.
This report can also be accessed through the
To Pull the Report
Logged in users with access to the financial reports will find the Exhibitor Order report in the Reports, Financials menu. Once the user has selected the report, they can:
- Choose the “Display” fields from the drop down menus.
- Use the “Search by” fields to narrow the results.
- Sort by up to three levels of criteria.
- Choose the preferred output format.
- Choose the preferred display option for adjusted orders.
- Display Field Options:
- Co Id – Required. This is the unique identifier for the company.
- Order Number – Required. This is the unique identifier for each order.
- Company Number – Selected by default. This is the number for the company as designated on the Company Info tab of the company record. This may be used to match up the company record with another system (CMS, AMS, or Financial).
- Company Name – Selected by default. The name of the company as designated on the Company Info tab of the company record.
- Quantity – Amount of the item that was ordered.
- Order Amount – Total amount of the order. This is the quantity multiplied by the price.
- Order Amount Invoiced – Amount of the order that has been requested for payment. In automatic mode this is based on the payment schedule; in manual mode this is based on the invoices created by the users in the system.
- Paid Order Amount – Total amount paid against this order.
- Order Amount Balance – Amount not yet paid. This is the order amount minus the paid order amount.
- Event Name – the name of the event with which the order is associated.
- Operator Alias – The user name that most recently saved the order.
- Item – The name of the item ordered. Items are created in financial set up. Ex. Booth Space Non-Member, 500+sqft Member Rate, Gold Sponsorship, Golf Outing, Front Page Ad, Online Banner.
- Item Type – The item type associated with the item for this order. Items are associated with item types in financial set up. Ex. Booth Space, Sponsorship, Advertising.
- Order Date – Date the order was entered.
- Un-invoiced Order Amount – Amount that is not yet due. This is the order amount minus the order amount invoiced.
- Order Details – The text (if any) that was entered in to the order details field when the order was created. When a booth is assigned the booth number will be entered automatically into this field for that booth space order.
- Price – Amount per unit, as entered in financial set up.
- Sales Person – The name of the user that was associated with the order when it was created. This is associated by using drop down on the order screen, or on the assignment tab when creating the order. The drop down will have the name of the logged in user populated by default.
- Item Type – Narrow the results to a single item type, or leave ‘—All—‘ selected and see all the orders. Items are associated with item types in financial set up. Ex. Booth Space, Sponsorship, Advertising.
- Operator – The list of all users in the system. Select one to see only orders they have entered (if any).
- Sales Person – The list of all users in the system. Select one to see only orders that list them as the salesperson (if any).
- Event – Narrow the results to only those orders associated with the selected event, or select ‘—All—‘ and see orders for all events using financials.
- Amount Type – Find only results that match the amount criteria using the drop downs and the text field. The first drop down determines which field the amount is in [Order Amount, Order Amount Invoiced, Uninvoiced Order Amount, Paid Order Amount]; the second drop down determines what range is being searched for [equal to, less than, greater than, greater than OR equal to, less than OR equal to]; the text box allows the user to enter the monetary amount being searched.
- Date Type – Using the drop down, and start/end dates narrow the results to a select period of time. Select order date in the drop down, and then click on the first calendar tool to select a start date, if range of dates is need then the user should also click on the second calendar tool to select the end date – if only start date is selected the results will only be for that day.
- HTML – view the data in the browser window.
- Excel – Creates an Excel document, which can be saved or opened to view.
- ASCII – Opens the data in a text file, to be viewed or saved.
- PDF – Save or view the data as a PDF file.
- XML – opens the data as an XML file.