Companies> Relationships> Company Merge
When to use it:
- You have duplicate company records and want to combine them into one record.
- One Company has bought out or merged with another company that is in your database.
What it does:
Using the Company Merge will merge all of the data from the 2 records – this includes Booths, orders, payments, etc. The Company information for the Master Company record will be maintained, while the address and contact information from the company which is being merged will be discarded.
There is no undo feature!!! Please do not merge two companies unless you are very sure they are correct companies and the merge is necessary.
Steps for Merging 2 Companies:
Step 1 – Determine which record you want to keep as the Master. This record should include the Email and Contact information that is most correct and up to date.
Step 2 – Go to the record for the company you DO NOT want to keep (the Duplicate), by going to Companies>Search and Add Companies, and search using the first few letters of the companies name.
Click on the Company Name or Company ID for the duplicate company to load their record.
Step 3 – Click on the Relationships Tab, and then on Company Merge.
Step 4 – Search for the Record you want to keep,
Select the company from the MasterCompany drop down. Then click Merge
A Pop up will appear to confirm that you want to merge the 2 records, click OK to complete the merge.
The screen will refresh, and you will now be in the merged record.
Note –If the two company records have the same name, it is a good practice to rename the two records by adding '-Duplicate' and '-Master' to the company name (CompanyName-Duplicate, and CompanyName-Master), and then remove the “-Master” after the records are merged.