Companies> Company Record
The Priority Points tab of the Company record works with the Priority Points module. When this module has been purchased, the event(s) that it was purchased for will show up in the Priority Points tab, allowing Global Admin users to add override points. These points are anything that is outside of the standard Priority Points equation.
The points are listed as Starting, Earned, Override – in this example the company does not have any starting points, 11 earned points, and they will get 5 override point. Starting and Earned Priority Points are calculated in the Priority Points menu item found at Events > Features>Expo Management>Priority Points.
Add Override Points
To add override points for a specific company, go to their record, click on the Priority Points tab, and then click on the event that is being affected, note – the events will be grouped by event type.
Enter the number of override points into the Override Priority Point text box, this could be a positive or negative number, and then click Update.
The number that was entered will now show up as the last number in the list. If there is another show of the same Event Type that occurs afterwards - like ABC Fin OBR does in the example below - that show will have it's starting priority points (last years starting+earned+override) automatically updated.