There are 2 places from which you can add a new company into your database. The main location is Companies>Search and Add Companies, the other is from the floor plan on the Assign and Reserve screens. Additionally, Companies can be added in bulk using Company Import.
At the bottom of the screen there is a box where you can enter the company name and the email address. After you click “Add” you will be redirected to the Add Company Form.
Required fields are designated with asterisks (*)
Create new primary contact: a checkbox, on by default. If enabled, will create a Primary Contact for use with multiple contact management. If a message is shown that a contact already exists, uncheck this checkbox.
Company Number: a reference number frequently used to cross-correlate company records with records in another system, such as Association Management System or the accounting software.
Company Name: * The name of the company.
FP Company Name: Display name for the company if desired to be different from the company name.
CAD Company Name: an abbreviated name displayed on top of the booth when printing the map, if desired to be different from the company name.
Address 1: * Address for the company (Ex. 123 Main St.)
Address 2: Second line of address. (Ex. Suite 400)
City: * Address city
State/Province: * (Dropdown or Text) If the Country is set to United States or Canada, a list of known states and provinces. For any other country, free text entry box.
Zip/Postal Code:* If the Country is set to United States or Canada, a valid Zip or Postal code. Otherwise, free text entry box.
Country: * (Dropdown) list of available countries.
Phone phone number
Fax fax number
Toll Free toll free number
Company E-Mail* a valid address. Intended for the main company email address, such as If not known, use
Company URL
Contact Prefix - prefix used by the Company Contact, such as Mr, Ms or Dr
Contact First Name* The first name of Company Contact
Contact Middle Name The middle name or initial of Company Contact
Contact Last Name* The last name of Company Contact
Contact Suffix The suffix of Company Contact, such as Jr.
Contact Title The job title of Company Contact
Contact E-mail* Company Contact's email address. This address is used by the exhibitor to retrieve company password.
Brands A comma-delimited list of brands that the company will
Company Image URL If a logo is stored for the company with intent to propagate it to Booth profiles, the image would need to be linked here. (It is recommended that exhibitors upload their logos when populated into the booth.)
Company Online Profile - the master copy of the online (HTML-enabled) profile that will be copied to initial booth profile for the company.
Company Print Profile - the master copy of the print (text-only) profile that will be copied to initial booth profile for the company.
User Field 1 An additional field in which information can be stored.
User Field 2 An additional field in which information can be stored.
User Field 3 An additional field in which information can be stored.
User Field 4 An additional field in which information can be stored.
Email address is required and we encourage you to be diligent on getting accurate email addresses in this field. If you ever allow online booth reservation, the assignee will be matched with their account based on the email domain.
When you are assigning or reserving booths on the floor plan, you may find that you have not yet entered a company into the database. Rather than leaving the floor plan to add the company to the database, there is a link ‘Add New Company’ which takes you to the Add Company Form.
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