The name of the company that is displayed on the public site floorplan and exhibitor list can differ from the official formal Company Name of record. The name seen on the public site is referred to as Exhibiting As name. This name can be found as a field in certain reports (such as Exhibitor Report).
Searching for Exhibiting As Name
To find a company by its Exhibiting As name, click on Company, Search
Type in the Exhibiting As name
In the list of Search For options, select Exhibitor Name before hitting Search.
Locating or setting Exhibiting As name for a given company
The Exhibiting Name for a company is a hierarchy:
- The field "FP Company Name" on the Booth Info screen specifies the name exhibitor appears under for this specific booth. If this field is populated, its value will show up on the floorplan and in the exhibitor list.
- The field "FP Company Name" on the Company screen specifies the global Exhibiting As name across all events. If the Booth Info field is blank and this field is populated, this is the name that will be displayed
- If both Booth Info and Company screen are blank, the Company name will be used.
- An exhibitor with multiple booths may have multiple Exhibiting As names within a single event. If the exhibitor only has one active "Edit" icon, please see How to Break the Parent-Child Relationship for a Booth to have Multiple Booth Profiles
- Since invoicing may pertain to multiple booths, on the Statement and Invoice templates the Exhibiting As field displays the Company level FP Company Name.
- The "Abbr FP Company Name" is also available on both Booth Info and Company screens. This controls the name that shows up on top of the booth when a floorplan is printed, and allows setting a shorter name that fits better within the booth.
- If this field is populated on Booth Info screen, the value will be displayed
- If this field is populated in Company Info, it will be displayed if it's blank on Booth Info screen
- If the field is blank on both Booth Info and Company pages, Company Name will display