This article details the email authentication (i.e., sender authentication) process for site admins who wish to use a custom domain managed by a third-party provider (Network Solutions, GoDaddy, etc.) when sending outgoing emails from their Event Portal and Global Admin systems.
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- Why Should I Complete Email Authentication?
- Complete Email Authentication in the Event Portal
- Complete Email Authentication in Global Admin
Why should I complete Email Authentication?
Google has announced that beginning in February 2024, they will be introducing new security requirements for bulk email senders, specifically, those who submit more than 5000 emails daily to the domain. Shortly after, Yahoo also announced similar security measures will be required for their services as well. These new security requirements are intended to strengthen best practices, help protect against spoofing, and help prevent messages from being marked as spam.
Completing sender authentication takes just a few easy steps to prevent disrupted communications by ensuring email deliverability.
Complete Email Authentication in the Event Portal
Follow the steps listed below to successfully perform sender authentication and validate your custom domain:
- Navigate to Admin Panel ➔ Site Building Tools ➔ Site Messages ➔ Sender Authentication
- Enter your custom domain name in the Domain you would like to use to send from: field
- Click Get Started to populate a list of CNAME records then navigate to your DNS provider and install them to complete the verification process
- After entering the CNAME records, return to the Event Portal Sender Authentication page and click Verify
Important Note: The system displays an error message to alert you of any errors. - If the verification is successful, select the new domain from the @ dropdown then enter the username and click Change Administrator Email
Complete Email Authentication in Global Admin
You must have level 9 site administrator access to perform Sender Authentication in your Global Admin database successfully. Follow the steps listed below to successfully validate your custom domain in GA:
- Click Global Settings
- Scroll down and locate the General Section then click Sender Authentication
- Enter your custom domain in the Domain Name field then click Add
Important Note: Do not include the @ symbol when entering the domain name in this field. - Copy the DNS Records, navigate to your DNS provider, and install them to complete the verification process
- After entering the records, return to the Global Admin Sender Authentication page and click Validate
Important Note: The system displays an error message to alert you of any errors.
Monitor the status of your custom domains in the Sender Domains section. Click the hyperlink located in the Domain Name column to return to the Sender Authentication screen as needed.
If your IT department is assisting with this process and they do not have level 9 administrator access in your GA database, you can enter an email address in the Send to A Coworker section to send a secure external link containing the records.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I determine who my domain name provider is?
Access the Domain Tools site then enter your domain name in the field and click Search. Your Domain name provider will be listed in the Registrar field.
How do I install the DNS records with my domain name provider?
Unfortunately, this process varies according to each provider and may look differently depending on which service hosts your domain. In some cases, it may be best to contact your IT department for assistance with this process, especially if you are unsure of your organization's technical protocol.
In addition, you can consult the help documentation below to learn more about managing DNS records with several popular domain providers:
- GoDaddy - Add a CNAME Record
- WordPress - Manage your DNS Records
- Google Cloud DNS - Add, Modify, and Delete records
- Cloudflare - Adding a Record to a DNS Zone
- Azure 365 - Add DNS Records to connect your Domain
Am I required to complete the Sender Authentication process?
The Sender Authentication process is only required if you wish to send emails from your Event Portal or Global Admin systems via a custom domain. (e.g., name@[customdomain].com). Failure to complete this process may negatively impact the delivery of your emails.
The A2Z Events team has already taken measures to authenticate the default email addresses tied to your systems. If you are not utilizing a custom domain to send your email communications, you will not have to complete this process.