General Service Contractors have real-time access to all changes made to the show layout in the A2Z admin system. The current layout can be imported into AutoCAD® by running a downloaded script. The instructions to download the script files, can be found below.
The following articles are for reports which require login access to your client’s A2Z admin system. Each client should have at least one designated user who maintains the credentials lists, and who would be able to provide login information.
To access the articles below please make sure to log into GlobalAdmin and click on the Support link in the upper right to be logged into the help portal.
CAD Import Download - download a script file which allows import of dynamic elements (booths, non-exhibiting spaces, markings) into an existing building outline in AutoCAD.
Contractor Report - the report of individual exhibitors' booth information.
Booth Inventory Report - a tally of booths by dimensions.
a2z CAD Drawing Best Practices guide is a list of recommendations for drafting a .DWG which will have a high success rate of being compatible with the A2Z system.