Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to common questions regarding the Event Portal. Click a section link below or use your browser's find function (CTRL + F) to easily search and locate an answer.
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- Call for Proposals (CFP) & Conference Marketing Management (CMM) package Add-On
- Dashboard Landing Page
- Enhanced Digital Content (EDC) package Add-On
- Forms Manager
- Home Page Editor
- Integrations - Portal to GA Sync
- Organizations Manager
- Page Editor Tool
- Site Administration - System Settings
- Site Messages
- Tours Manager
- User Accounts
Call for Proposals (CFP) & Conference Marketing Management (CMM)
Q. - Can I limit the number of tags a submitter can select to associate with their proposal?
A. - The portal does not currently support this feature. As a workaround, site admins can add, remove, or update proposal tags as needed after they've been submitted.
Q. - I created my Call for Proposals form and some of the rating categories are visible but others are missing. How can make all proposal categories visible to proposal submitters?
A. - Confirm your rating categories are visible on the Call for Proposals form by configuring settings in the Reviews > Review Comments block located on the Review Item Details page.
Locate this block by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Page Editor then editing the page named Listings - View Item (URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id).
Q. - Can I import sessions and speakers into my site?
A. - Yes, admins can use an import tool located in Admin Panel > Import Manager > Import Tool. The Events importer adds sessions in bulk and the User Attendees importer adds speakers, presenters, and attendees associated with a session.
Q. - How do I assign speakers to sessions?
A. - You can assign a speaker to a session with the Associate Users block. Add this block to the Listings - View Item page and the Session Details page to assign a speaker when a proposal is submitted and after a session is created.
Q. - Is there a maximum number of rating categories used by graders to rate proposals?
A. - Yes, currently there is a maximum of five (5) unique proposal rating categories.
Q. - Can I restrict access to sessions and permit only specified User Segments or Registration Types?
A. - Yes, there are two ways to manage access to your sessions and other events.
You can either restrict each event category and only allow access to sessions in that category to the specified segments. The other option is to configure a session to only allow "invited users" after which, only users who are invited to the session will see it.
Q. - If a submitter has an incomplete proposal that is saved but not submitted, can I or other site admins see it?
A. - Incomplete proposals that have been saved but not submitted are considered drafts. A drafted proposal is only visible to the submitter and cannot be seen by site admins and category moderators until it is submitted.
Q. - If an incomplete proposal is submitted, is there a way to tell other than looking at each individual submission?
A. - Drafted proposals cannot be seen by site admins. To prevent submission of an incomplete proposal that has empty fields, you can modify the form and make certain fields required to prevent form submission if it is not populated.
Q. - Can submitters associate speakers with a session after it has been approved?
A. - Once a session is accepted, the user can be added as an Event Admin and the Events > Associate User block will appear on the session details page. The user can then assign themselves or another user as a speaker associated with the session.
Q. - Can I remove the 'Add Photo' option from the proposal submission form and session details pages?
A. - Yes, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories and click Edit on the desired form category. In the Category Details section of the form builder, locate the Hide Add Photo Prompt setting and select the checkbox. Remember to click Save before exiting the editor.
Q. - Is there an easy way to collect speaker agreements when they complete their profile without affecting exhibitor login requirements?
A. - You can collect agreements from specific users and user types by utilizing the profile manager tasks tool to create and assign profile tasks to the speaker user segment which then only shows the tasks to users associated with the segment.
Q. - If I approve a session, does the system generate a session number?
A. - Yes, approved sessions generate a unique session number, known in the system as an event Id. Run the Session Report found in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Events Manager > Reports or navigate to the desired session on the front end of the site and review the URL to locate the unique event Id value that appears at the end of the link.
Q. - If a submission is miscategorized can I update the track? Or any other fields (tags/audience/etc.)?
A. - If multiple event categories are configured the submitter selects the incorrect form when submitting their proposal, the session cannot be moved to the correct category on the back end.
If you want to show the session in a different category, it must be deleted and re-created using the correct category form. Other fields such as tags and audience can be edited by clicking the three-dot menu to the right of the session title (on the session details page) and then clicking Edit.
Q. - Can I easily change the categorization of a session if it is approved for a different session type or category?
A. - If there are multiple event categories and the submitter selects the incorrect form when submitting their proposal, site admins cannot move it on the backend.
When configuring your site, it may be easier to create only one event category and separate the sessions by tags or fields to easily perform updates if a submitter makes an incorrect selection.
Q. - What are the image size specs used when uploading a default category image for conference Sessions?
A. - The category image uploader automatically adjusts to the image size uploaded. We recommend using a square 1:1 ratio image or a rectangular image.
Q. - Are speakers shown on the session on the site?
A. - Show Speakers on the site by ensuring the Session Invitees block is added to the session details page. This block displays speakers (aka users with an event role) and session attendees by their RSVP status.
Q. - Is an automated email sent (to the submitter) upon submitting a proposal?
A. - Currently, submitters do not receive a system-generated email for submitting the proposal form or when there is a change in their proposal status.
Q. - Does the system send an automated response/email when a session is accepted?
A. - When a session is approved, the system does not generate an automated email or send an internal message to the submitter to notify them that the session has been approved.
Q. - How can I show attendees a list of sessions they’ve RSVP’d to?
A. - To show individual users their own sessions, you can add the Profile > User Events block to the page of your choice.
This block must be configured correctly to successfully display the desired list to your attendees.
Q. - Can I change the landing page after users log in so they see the exhibitor directory first instead of the /dashboard page?
A. - No, currently the landing page cannot be changed and must be set to the /dashboard (page_id 2). As a workaround, you can edit this page to appear how you would like by changing the Page Title & URL accordingly. After editing these details, you must clear your browser's cache to view the changes.
The /dashboard page should NOT be unpublished.
Q. - What is the difference between My Bookmarks on the dashboard home page and My Favorites on the Exhibitor List?
A. - Sessions and Review Items (aka products, etc.) can be bookmarked. Exhibitors and review items (aka products etc.) can be favorited. Favoriting is the newer, better user experience as there is a corresponding block that shows the user their list of favorites for quick access.
Enhanced Digital Content (EDC) Packages
Q. - I do not see where exhibitors can upload their EDC (products, press releases, show specials, etc.) when viewing the Exhibitor Hub page. How would I fix this?
A. - Ensure exhibitors can see EDC upload fields on the Exhibitor Hub page by adding the Organizations > Items block. The Add Listing buttons appear on the block after setup for EDC limits in the Site Building Tools > Organizations > Details table has been completed and the Exhibitor's upgrade level syncs to the Portal from Global Admin.
The Organizations > Items block shows the Exhibitor Profile task completion bar and EDC upload buttons. The Users > User Profile Completion block is only intended for the User Profile page, not the Exhibitor Hub page.
Q. - Is there a limit to how many digital listings I can set up for exhibitor use?
A. - There is no limit; however, to ensure exhibitors receive the allotted amount per upgrade level, you must select the Enable Organization Limits checkbox on the category form edit page and then set parameters in the Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details table.
Q. - Is there an image size recommendation for EDC content such as products or other digital listings?
A. - Generally, we recommend uploading a rectangular image that is 900x480 pixels for EDC listing photos for products, press releases, show specials, and other digital listings.
Q. - I created a category for exhibitors to upload videos but it is not showing under the category list for videos. How do I get them to appear?
A. - Unlike other EDC products controlled by the Forms Manager, Videos are controlled in Admin Panel > Videos Manager.
To properly configure Exhibitor access to this feature, first, navigate there to set up the Video Category (ensure the Enable Organization Limits checkbox is selected) and set the limit for the category in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details table. Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Page Editor and confirm the Videos > Video Listing block is added to the page where you want the videos uploaded to the category to appear.
Forms Manager
Q. - How can I change the text displayed on the button after creating a form (proposal submission, product, show special, etc.) for my exhibitors to complete?
A. - Modify field elements on your form such as button labels and field descriptions by navigating directly to the form from the Admin Panel:
- Click Site Building Tools
- Click Forms Manager
- Click Categories
- Locate the desired category form and from the Actions column, click Edit.
- Select the field then make the appropriate changes in the Field Settings.
- Click Save.
Q. - What is the max file size for uploading files into forms created in the portal?
A. - 250MB
Q. - Can Admins download documents that an Exhibitor uploaded to a form?
A. - Yes, site admins can download file uploads either individually by navigating to the item details page on the front end of the site or in bulk from the backend by navigating to Admin Panel and completing the following steps:
- Click Site Building Tools
- Click Forms Manager
- Click Categories
- Locate the desired category form and from the Actions column, click Edit.
- Scroll down to locate the Review Category File Downloads report and click Queue Zip Creation.
- Click Download Zip after the Status updates to Completed
Q. - If I set up a form to require Approval, does the exhibitor get notified when the status changes?
A. - Currently, there is no notification when a form is approved; however, you can set up the category so submitters can see the status of their submission when they return to the site.
Q. - I set up a form to require Approvals, but how do I approve the submissions?
A. - To update the status of a pending form submission, you must add the Reviews > Approve Review Item block to the item details page (Default page name: Listings - View Item, Default URL: /listings/item/:category_id/:item_id). This block is only visible on the front end when the category form has the Approvals checkbox selected.
Once added, approve the submission by navigating to the form submission on the front end, selecting the desired approval status from the dropdown list, and then clicking save.
Q. - Can forms be copied over year to year in the Portal?
A. - Currently, the Portal does not support this feature; however, we are working on a tool that will allow us to keep forms from the previous show to the next.
Q. - Can I hide the Category Link that appears at the bottom of a form?
A. - Yes, this link can be hidden using the CSS Editor.
Q. - What are the image size recommendations for uploading a default category image in a form?
A. - The category image uploader automatically adjusts to the image size uploaded. We recommend using a square 1:1 ratio image or a rectangular image.
Q. - Can I create a form that allows my exhibitors to upload a file for our attendees to download?
A. - Yes, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories. Select the Digital Listing form type then build your form and add the File Upload field.
To successfully display the download file button on the Listing’s details page when building a form, the first field must always be the Title field and the second field must always be the Description field.
Home Page Editor
Q. - I've updated the social links for my event in the Home Page editor, but the home page to the portal isn't updating. How do I display information on the event portal's home page?
A. - To enable the landing page view of your event portal home page, a background image AND either a Logo image or a YouTube embed must be added.
The page does not appear updated if any of the following methods are saved:
- a background without a logo or YouTube embed
- a logo without a background
- a YouTube embed without a background
Integrations - Portal to GA Sync
Q. - When Exhibitor Profiles sync from GA, does the status update to Approved in the Portal?
A. - The sync does not update the status for any pre-existing exhibitors; however, it will set any NEW exhibitors that are created to Approved/Published.
Sync Product Categories
Q. - How can I edit or delete my product categories and subcategories after they've been set up to sync to the Portal from GA?
A. - If you are syncing product categories and subcategories to your Event Portal from your Global Admin database, you cannot edit or delete them within the Event Portal. You must manage them in Global Admin.
Q. - The product category list syncs to the portal from GA, but I need to update it. What is the best way to make changes to it?
A. If your product category list is configured to sync from Global Admin, it is best to first edit and apply adjustments in Global Admin, then resync the updated list to the Portal.
Organizations Manager
Organization Analytics
Q. - Does the Portal track data such as which exhibitors were favorited or how many users viewed a session or other types of site engagement?
A. - Yes, by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Analytics > Organizations, you can view analytics about your site and exhibitors. In addition, Admins can see impressions, page views, and more regarding specific sessions by clicking the eyeball icon in the bottom right corner of the session block on the session details page.
Organization (Exhibitor) Profiles
Q. - I do not want attendees to have access to exhibitor contact information such as address and phone number, can they be hidden from their profile?
A. - Yes, Portal admins can hide built-in fields and control which fields are displayed on the front end. To manage these settings, first, navigate to the Admin Panel, then complete the following:
- Click Site Building Tools
- Click Organizations Manager
- Click Built-in Fields
- Select the fields to hide, display only, or only internally to exhibitors when editing.
- Click Save.
The Display Only? field syncs data populated in GA and prevents Exhibitors/Organizations from editing the value when completing their profile.
Q. How can I show package levels on exhibitor profiles?
A. - For exhibitor levels to appear on any block, you must select the Enable Sponsorships checkbox located in the Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details table.
If you are not offering additional features, make sure none of the other options listed beneath it are selected.
Q. - If an exhibitor is assigned and confirmed to a booth, can they access the site to set up their information on the same day?
A. - Exhibitor profiles are generated by the system during a partial sync that runs every 30 minutes. After the sync, exhibitor contacts can log in and begin entering their information.
Q. - Can the portal display two exhibitor profiles for one company if they have purchased multiple booths?
A. - Yes, if an exhibitor has purchased multiple booths, you can define whether they receive a single listing or multiple listings (one per booth). This setting is managed in Global Admin and is enabled by completing the following steps:
- In GA, navigate to Event Settings.
- Navigate to Event Configuration.
- Locate the Booth Listing field and select Multiple Booth Listing from the drop-down menu.
- Click Save.
Q. - Can I hide the Contact tab and exhibitor phone numbers displayed on an Exhibitor Profile?
A. - Yes. Complete the following steps by using the CSS Editor in the admin panel to hide the Contact tab from Exhibitor Profiles:
- Click Site Building Tools
- Click CSS Editor
- Copy and paste the following code, then click Save:
#profile_nav a:nth-of-type(2)
Editing CSS can result in severe damage to the look and feel of your site. Modifying stylesheets in your portal should be limited to users well-versed in CSS.
Q. - I have an exhibitor who is no longer participating in my event and has been vacated out of their booth. The booth has been reassigned to a new exhibitor but the booth number still links to the previous company on the floor plan. How can I fix this?
A. - After vacating an exhibitor from the booth, the profile status updates to unpublished and unapproved after a partial sync occurs (approximately every 30 minutes).
To manually remove an exhibitor's profile, navigate to their profile page, click the three-dot menu on the organization cover block, then click Unpublish Organization and click Un-Approve Organization.
Q. - Are there text formatting options (italics, bold, bullet list, etc.) to modify the About > What We Do Exhibitor Profile tab so it appears similar to how the description section is shown on the Legacy A2Z company profile?
A. - Currently, the Portal does not support this feature; however, we are looking into adding this functionality in the future.
Q. - Is there a max character limit on the backend for Description Limit for Exhibitor Profiles?
A. - The Org Profile Description limit is set in the Details table located in Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager. The maximum character limit is 4,000.
Q. - Is there a delay on the Portal when an exhibitor updates their profile or are they visible in real time?
A. - There is no delay when exhibitors make updates, changes are visible in real-time.
Q. - Is it possible to remove logos from an exhibitor's profile page in the Portal?
A. - Yes, exhibitor logos, cover photos, and featured photos can be deleted by clicking the three-dot menu on the organization cover block from the Exhibitor Hub page or the Exhibitor Profile page.
Q. - Can 1 person (exhibitor contact) be associated with multiple exhibitor records/profiles in the Portal?
A. - Yes, they would have one login for all associated companies and then switch between them as needed by either clicking the Switch Organization button on the Exhibitor Hub page or by navigating to the My Account settings page and toggling the Primary Organization dropdown located at the bottom.
Q. - Are there minimum/maximum image size requirements for company logos?
A. - Although there is no set required minimum or maximum image size for company logos, we recommend using 360x360px.
Q. - Are there minimum/maximum image size requirements for company cover photos?
A. - The recommended cover photo image size for both company cover photos and user profile cover photos is 1440x360px.
Q. - How are featured photos and profile photos used on the Exhibitor List?
A. - Profile photos are displayed on this exhibitor list if the exhibitor does not upload a featured photo. If the exhibitor uploads a featured photo, it replaces the profile photo on the exhibitor list.
Q. - What are the recommended sizes for featured photos and profile photos?
A. - Featured photos and profile photos do not have a required image size; however, we recommend uploading a 360x360px, 1:1 ratio, square image.
Q. - Can I add additional social media custom fields to show on Exhibitor Profiles without having them appear as a search option on the exhibitor list?
A. - Yes, custom exhibitor fields can now be hidden from the exhibitor list filters by navigating to the Admin Panel and completing the following steps:
- Navigate to Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager
- Select the appropriate block where the field is located, then select the field.
- Click the checkbox to Hide From Filters.
- Click Save.
Q. - Can I customize the built-in text labels (e.g., What we do?) found on the About and Contact Tabs of the Exhibitor Profiles?
A. - Yes, you can customize these labels by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Localization Editor, then search for the desired ID column, click the row name, and update the label name.
- To edit the About section label, search for organizations_profile_about in the ID column.
- To edit the What we do? Field label, search for organizations_description in the ID column.
Remember to click Save to update changes before exiting the Localization Editor.
Q. - Can I disable booth numbers and prevent them from appearing on Exhibitors' Profiles and the Exhibitor List until I’m ready?
A. - Yes. Disable the visibility of Booth Number information by completing the following:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Display Options.
- Select Yes to the Hide Booth Number field.
Custom Fields
Q. - Is there a maximum number of custom fields I can create to display on an exhibitor’s profile?
A. - Yes, the system has a maximum limit of 15 custom fields.
Q. - If I add custom fields to the exhibitor profiles, can I hide them from being searched on the exhibitor list?
A. - Yes, custom exhibitor fields can now be hidden from the exhibitor list filters by navigating to the Admin Panel and completing the following steps:
- Navigate to Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager
- Select the appropriate block where the field is located, then select the field.
- Click the checkbox to Hide From Filters.
- Click Save.
Org Insights
Q. - How can I remove exhibitor analytics and prevent Exhibitors from viewing or exporting them? I disabled them, but they are still showing on the Exhibitor Hub page.
A. - When Exhibitor Insights are disabled via the Organization Manager Details table, the analytics are not hidden, but rather the system displays them as read-only, preventing them from being exported.
Completely remove the analytics and prevent exhibitors from seeing them by accessing the /exhibitorhub page via the Page Editor tool and remove the Organizations > Organization Insights block from the page.
Org Levels
Q. - Can I remove the level (e.g., bronze, silver, etc.) name that appears on the exhibitor profile cover block?
A. - Yes, to disable the Exhibitor Levels to prevent them from being displayed on the Exhibitor profiles, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Display Options then in the Hide Exhibitor Upgrade Level field, select Yes.
Organization Sponsors
Q. How do I set up multiple sponsorship ads that rotate on the site?
A. - Images uploaded to the Sponsorship tab of the profile block automatically rotate on the Organizations > Organization Sponsors block. You do not need to configure any settings to ensure they rotate, however, you can configure settings to specify which company's ads appear in the rotation.
The site only displays ads after the exhibitor's organization level is enabled. Manage exhibitor organization-level sponsorships in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details.
Q. - Do exhibitor sponsorship ads rotate images while on the page or only when the page is first loaded?
A. - Sponsorship ads auto-scroll on the page every 15 seconds.
Q. - Is there a maximum limit for sponsorship ads that can appear on the Organizations > Organization Sponsor block or does it rotate between however many are available?
A. - Ads will rotate between all image files uploaded by exhibitors.
The block setting determines which level ads show (e.g., display only gold and silver level ads). The row width where the block is placed on the page determines the ad type that appears (Skyscraper is 25-33% width, Leaderboard is 50-67% width, Billboard is 100% width.)
Q. - Where can I see an exhibitor's sponsor level and if they uploaded an image?
A. - To see exhibitor sponsor levels and if they have uploaded a sponsorship image, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Analytics > Organizations.
Q. - Can I pick which pages the Sponsored Ads are located on?
A. - Yes, you can add the sponsored ads block to any page on your site. To add the sponsored ads block:
- Navigate to the Admin panel > Site Building Tools > Page Editor.
- Click Add Block.
- In the block category dropdown, select Organizations.
- In the block type dropdown, select Organization Sponsors.
- Configure the block settings to display the appropriate exhibitor levels.
- Click Save to add the block to the page.
- Click Save on the edit page details screen and check the front end to confirm that the block appears as desired.
Organization Tasks
Q. - Do I need to add a time if I am creating a due date for a task?
A. - Yes, if you want to associate a due date with a task, you must also include a time.
The time entered corresponds to the site time zone and does not consider the user's time zone.
Q. - Can tasks be ordered by due dates?
A. - Yes, exhibitor tasks can now be rearranged! To complete the action, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Tasks. Click and hold onto the task you want to move and drag it in the order in which you want it to display on the page.
Page Editor Tool
Q. - How can I prevent the page I'm viewing from automatically scrolling back to the top?
A. - Prevent site pages from auto-scrolling by editing the page and deselecting the Anchor Small Columns checkbox.
Q. - If an exhibitor has not uploaded a video to their profile, can I disable or turn off the 'No Data Available' text?
A. - Disable blocks that do not have content to display by performing the following steps:
- Navigate Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Page Editor
- Locate the page that contains the block then click Edit.
- Locate the block then click Edit and select the Hide if Empty checkbox
- Click Save on the block settings page
- Click Save on the page details page.
Remember to save both the block settings and the page details in order to view updates on the front end.
Q. - All of the pages in my portal are set to Never Hide but when I click the link to access, I am forced to log in. How can I resolve this?
A. - Allow users to access site pages without logging in by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Page Editor and selecting the Viewable Without Logging In checkbox located on the edit page details screen of the specific page you are making public.
Selecting the Never Hide option in the block settings and navigation determines whether the block is visible on the page if log-in is not required.
Featured Exhibitor
Q. - Is it possible to create a featured exhibitor-only page (what needs to be selected under the navigation or page editor)?
A. -Yes! The Event Portal supports creating custom pages for use as needed. If you wish to create a featured exhibitor-only page, you will first need to determine how you want to feature them, either by level or by specific exhibitors, as that choice determines how the block is configured on the page.
To set up a featured exhibitor-only page complete the following steps:
- Create a new page using the Page Editor tool and set your desired URL suffix (e.g., /featuredexhibitors)
- Add the Organizations > Organization List block to the page
Be sure to configure the Select Level or Show Featured Orgs Only settings based on your preference. - Save the page then confirm it displays the correct exhibitors by viewing it on the front end.
Complete the following steps to add the new page to your navigation bar so users can easily access it:
- Return to Admin Panel and navigate to Navigation Editor > Links.
- Click Create New Link then add the navigation item for the new page to the main navigation bar.
Q. - How do I display a list of listing categories on my Products page?
A. - To display the list of categories add the Reviews > Browse Categories block to the desired page.
Org Member List
Q. - Can I re-arrange the contacts displayed on the Organization Member List block?
A. - Currently, the Portal does not support this functionality.
Q. - Can I designate the primary company contact listed in GA as the organization owner instead of the booth contact?
A. - Yes, however, functionality to manage contacts in the portal varies according to the package purchased for your event. When this functionality is enabled, you can manage which contact type receives the organization owner role by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Configuration > Contact Types.
Site Administration – System Settings
Q. - Which emails are disabled when the Emails are Disabled banner appears at the top of the Admin Panel?
A. - If the Admin Panel > Site Administration > System > Email Settings > Disable Emails settings is set to Yes, all external site messages are deactivated, and sending is prevented. This includes forgot password/password reset emails and all other types of outgoing communication.
Q. - Can I personalize the URL for my event portal?
A. - Yes, you can remove the smallworldlabs domain in favor of a more personalized URL by following the instructions located in Admin Panel > Site Administration > System > Domain Name. Unlike the legacy A2Z event website, assistance from the A2Z staff is not needed.
The new URL must be a subdomain and you must own it in order to successfully complete this task.
Site Messages
Q. - Can I view and edit the address that sends the Portal password reset email?
A. - Yes, to view and update the outgoing email address for your portal, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Details > Site Messages then locate the Admin Email field.
If you change the Admin Email and have not set up Sender Authentication via Site Messages > Sender Authentication it may result in a negative impact on email deliverability.
Tours Manager
Q. - Why am I unable to access any pages other than the one that loaded after I logged in?
A. - Most commonly, this issue stems from an error when you, or another user, is attempting to take a guided Tour in the Portal. Please reference the troubleshooting section of the Tours Manager article for more details.
User Accounts
Q. - Can I use the same credentials that I have for the current show's event portal or do I need to create a login for next year's show?
A. - Unlike the legacy GA system, the Event Portal provides an added layer of security by requiring individual users to have a unique account for each event site. All users must register to receive access to the new site, where the password is then set by the user and can be changed at their discretion as needed.
The Personify Recommended Best Practice is to create unique login credentials for your accounts.
Q. - What are the minimum password requirements to create a user account in the Event Portal?
A. - Event portal passwords must contain a minimum of six (6) characters, at least 1 uppercase letter, at least 1 lowercase letter, at least 1 number, and at least 1 special character.
Q. - I have several events and require access to manage portals associated with each one. Is there a way to have one admin account that can access all of them without needing to create a new login for each Portal?
A. - Currently, each new portal requires a new login; for security reasons, we are unable to grant access to multiple Event Portal sites to one Admin account.