Edit the public-facing portal's header section and navigation menu
- Details - looks and feel of the header section and main menu
- Links - navigation structure
- Logos - logo above the navigation
- Subnav - look and feel of the submenu
Background Color Theme
Background Color
Link Color
Active Link Color
Border Color
Enable Registration Link - enables or disables the "Register" link which permits visitors to create new accounts.
Enable Top Header - activates the header section with the field below
Top Header Background Color
Top Header Font Color
Enable Countdown Clock - activates a countdown clock
- If enabled, enter Clock Text to display above the clock
Start Date - shown in the upper right corner with the end date
End Date - shown in the upper right corner with the start date
Venue Name - shown in the upper right
City - shown in the upper right
Displays the current top menu items.
- Label shows on the menu
- URL either specifies the page the menu links to or {Dropdown} if the item has submenus
- Edit to change the item.
To access submenu items, click on Edit for the main menu item and then click the Edit Dropdown button
Create New Link / Edit Link
Label - the menu name as it will appear in the menu
URL - to reference an external page, enter the complete URL including https:// . Leave blank when selecting from a dropdown or when working with submenus.
Or pick an existing page - click on Choose Page to select an existing functional page to add to the menu. Leave on "Choose Page" to include an external URL or work with submenus.
Show Only to - All Users, Logged In or Logged Out
Open in a new window - a checkbox to cause the menu option to open in a new window
Enable Dropdown - activates the "Edit Dropdown" button to allow adding sub-menu options
Edit Dropdown
- Label shows on the menu
- URL either specifies the page the menu links to or {Dropdown} if the item has submenus
- Edit to change the item.
Label - the menu name as it will appear in the menu
URL - to reference an external page, enter the complete URL including https:// . Leave blank when selecting from a dropdown
Or pick an existing page - click on Choose Page to select an existing functional page to add to the menu. Leave on "Choose Page" to include an external URL
Show Only to - All Users, Logged In or Logged Out
Open in a new window - a checkbox to cause the menu option to open in a new window
Submenus cannot have further submenus under them.
URL - the URL when the Home is clicked on. Use /home or specify an external URL with https://
Font Size - Small, Medium or Large, with font size examples as shown
Transition on Scroll - if checked, the nav will shrink from large to small when the user scrolls past a certain point. Both Large and small logos are required. This functionality is disabled if Top Header is enabled in Details
Large Logo - the large site logo will appear on destkop view. If there is no small site logo, it will always be used. Recommended image height: 64px. If Top Header is enabled in Details, recommended image height: 100px
Small Logo - the small site logo will appear on small screens. If there is no large site logo, it will always be used. Recommended image height: 32px
Site Favicon - appears in the URL bar next to the site URL. A 32x32px .png or .ico file type is recommended.
Controls the colors of the menu subnavigation items.