Updating Mobile Configuration App Settings
Mobile App>Settings>Mobile Configuration
Allow the user to update and change certain settings within the app
This screen is where certain app configurations are made. Many of these shown and listed below are labeled "legacy" meaning they are no longer relevant or supported within the product. The rest are configured by your Mobile App Project Manager before deployment but can be edited by clients if desired.
- Theme Color – This is the color that displays within the top header of each app feature page. This color will also indicate which feature is selected within the menu. Use the color picker tool to select the desired theme color or paste your own hex code to match the desired color.
- Navigation Icon Label Text Color – (legacy)
- Title Color – (legacy)
- Open Nav Drawer – This can be set to “Yes” or “No” value. If “Yes” selected, the navigation menu with all the app features will automatically slide-out when the mobile app is opened. If “No” selected, the app will open on the Default navigation feature instead.
- Home Open Nav Drawer - This can be set to “Yes” or “No” value. If “Yes” selected, the navigation menu will automatically slide-out when the “Home” button in the top-right corner of the app is selected. If “No” selected, the app’s “Home” button will navigate the user back to the Default navigation feature.
- Twitter Hashtag – (legacy)
- Login Type (legacy) – Select which login method the app “Login” feature will display. “all” allows both badge numbers and email/password combination. “badgeID” allows users to enter their badge number for login. Note: a registration integration or data import with your project manager is required for this option to work. “email” allows users to log in with an email and password.
- Planner Screen – (legacy)
- Session Rating URL – This field is for entering the full URL of a survey rating tool (such as Survey Monkey.) Please contact your implementation manager for set up of the session ratings.
- Use Exhibitor Phone No - This can be set to “Yes” or “No” value. If “Yes” selected, exhibitors phone numbers will be displayed within all booth profile screen. If “No” selected, the phone numbers will be removed from all booth profiles.
- Use Exhibitor Email - This can be set to “Yes” or “No” value. If “Yes” selected, exhibitor’s booth contact email address will be displayed within all booth profile screen. If “No” selected, the emails will be removed from all booth profiles.
- Use Exhibitor URL - This can be set to “Yes” or “No” value. If “Yes” selected, exhibitor’s website URL will be displayed within their booth profile screen. If “No” selected, the website will be removed from all booth profiles.
- Meet app keywords – (legacy)
Screenshot from iOS demo app for reference "APA National Conference"