The most common issue with users not seeing updates made within the back end of A2Z appearing on their live mobile app (on their Android or Apple device) is a database sync has not been run since the change.
The mobile app database will automatically trigger a sync within an hour of certain changes made within the system such as adding new sessions under Conference Management, booth moves or assignments within Floor Plan Management, etc. However, not every change in data triggers a sync such as adding a NES to the floor plan or uploading a speakers headshot in Contact Management do not trigger mobile app database syncs.
Global Admin users may run a manual app database sync to ensure the app is updated with all the latest updates and changes.
Here is the path to the screen next time you want to sync:
- Select "Mobile App" on the left-navigation menu in Global Admin after selecting the event
- Select "Settings" dropdown on the top-right
- Select "Mobile App Sync"
- Run the "Sync Database" process.
- This can take up to one minute to complete, once an updated date and time stamp appears the sync is complete. Close/kill the A2Z Event app on your device and re-open to receive the latest database sync.
- We do not recommend running the Sync Database any more frequently than once every 15 minutes to minimize data required for app users to download new database syncs.