Adding clickable images and buttons can enhance the look of your floorplan and engage more attendees. Many show organizers have utilized this feature to highlight:
Sponsoring Exhibitor Logos
Sponsored Coffee Stations, Lounges, Stages, etc.
Menus for Concessions
Session and Event Schedules for specific areas on the Floorplan
Show Specials
Go to Floorplan in the top right corner or in the left global toolbar
Select NES from the toolbar and then select Create
Click the top left and click the bottom right of the are you would like the image or button to appear. Be sure the area is the same shape as your image. (If the image is rectangular, make the area you click rectangular as well)
To add an Image, select an image from your desktop and write a meaningful description to make easy edits later on. If the image has a transparent background, be sure to change the NES Color to white.
Go to the Public Site eventmap.aspx to see if the image appears the way you would like. If it does not, use the Resize and Move tool to fine tune your clickable image.
To add a Button, instead of an Image select the area you would like the button to appear.
Click the top left and bottom right of the area you would like the button to appear.
Change the NES Color, NES Fill Opacity, Label Align, and Font Size to create your Button
Click Submit
Click Cancel on the toolbar and click the NES to make additional edits to the font or color.
- Use Font Awesome Icons to mark different areas on the floorplan. It will make your floorplan look uniform, simple, and sleek.
- Make the text for your button fill the button area to increase visibility.
- Use your Show Brand color schema to personalize your flooplan to your show.
- Be sure to size the area to be the same shape as your image, if you create a square space for a rectangular image, the image will be distorted.