A Non-Exhibiting Space (NES) is a physical location on the floor plan that is being designated with a specific use, and will not be assigned to an exhibitor. This could be an Exhibitor Lounge, Internet Café, Demo Stage, etc.
Click Floorplan on the Left Toolbar
or click Floorplan in the top right corner
Choose NES from the toolbar and select ‘Create’ from the NES options.
Enter the Description. This is for reference and is not displayed on the public view of the floor plan. This will be used in the Delete, Move, Resize, and Duplicate functions. This is a required field. Use a unique, descriptive phrase to be easily able to distinguish this NES from other similar ones. (Example: "CAFE left", "Lounge near 1250".)
Optionally, enter URL users will reach when they click on NES on the floorplan.
- The URL maximum field length is 100 characters; if a longer URL is needed you can use a URL shortening service on the web to create a shorter link.
Choose NES type from the drop down:
- Regular – Create a standard rectangular NES. This is the default option.
- Poly – Creates an NES with three or more sides.
Specify the coordinates.
Regular NES:
- Choose the preferred area for the NES by
- clicking on the floor plan where you want the top left corner of the NES to be, and then dragging your mouse to where the bottom right corner will be. As you drag your mouse you will see the blue preview outline appear
- Using the white square 'handles' at the corners of the preview area, you can refine your selected area.
- TIP: at the bottom of the NES form is a section called Options, which includes check boxes which are checked on by default.
- Show Gridlines - When this is checked, you will see a set of light gray lines crisscross the floor plan that line up with the max layout of the map.
- Snap to Gridlines - When this is checked, your crosshairs will snap/jump to the nearest grid-line.
- clicking on the floor plan where you want the top left corner of the NES to be, and then dragging your mouse to where the bottom right corner will be. As you drag your mouse you will see the blue preview outline appear
Poly NES:
- Create a space with more or less than 4 corners, or non-rectangular shapes. The selection process here is a little different. Instead of click-and-drag to choose the area, you will click each corner individually.
Sample -
- Fill Color - Default is gray. Click the box to see the full color options. Select a new color by clicking on it.
- Fill Opacity - Default is 100. The scale goes from 0-255, 0 being fully transparent and 255 being completely filled. Drop the box down and scroll through to find your preferred fill. Less fill will allow background building elements (like columns, floor ports, etc) to show through.
Label is the text that will show up on the NES
Text - the words that will be visible on the NES.
Color - the color of the text
Direction - at present, this feature has not been implemented. If vertical alignment of the Label or more precise formatting is desired, leave the label blank, and add a Marking of type Caption on top of the NES.
Font Size - select the font size.
Font Style - regular or bold.
Align - choose whether the text is aligned left, center or right within the NES
Vertical Align - choose whether the text is aligned at the top, center or bottom of the NES.
An image can be added into the NES.
Drag the image file or click to Browse your computer to locate it.
Additional Options
To facilitate exact placement of the NES, the Show Gridlines checkbox will display the gridlines, and Snap to Gridlines will adjust coordinates of the NES placement to the nearest gridline.
Click on ‘Submit’.
Useful Information
Multiple Maps
If the event has multiple Maps, create the NES and/or Markings on the child map. The NES and/or Marking are then automatically displayed on the parent map.
NES do not count towards sellable space
Use NES for non-exhibiting space that is not counted toward contracted space. Markings are for notations on the floor plan such as an aisle number, entrance caption, and space that does not count toward net square feet.
NES cannot overlap other items on the floorplan
NES cannot overlap booth space whereas Markings can. So when creating an NES where there are already booths delete the booths first and then create the NES.