The Layers feature allows displaying or undisplaying floorplan elements.
Building - cleanest version of the base image, without columns, which serves as the Attendee view on the Public Site
Building, Columns - base image with building outline as well as columns, which serves as the Exhibitor view on the public site. Default for GlobalAdmin.
Building, Columns, Electrical - an additional view also containing electrical floorports and/or other requested elements
Clickable Markings By default markings cannot be clicked on, since markings can overlay other floorplan elements and prevent clicking on booths or non-exhibiting spaces. The checkbox activates the ability to click on a marking. This setting will persist if the floorplan is exited and re-entered, so it should be turned off when not in use.
Classic Floorplan
On Classic floorplan, the feature can be accessed by clicking on Tools icon, Display.
The building elements can be switched via the View dropdown. Default corresponds to Building, Columns view, View1 to Building-only view, and View2 to Building, Columns, Electrical.