The Exhibitor Hub page in your event portal serves as the one-stop shop for all of your exhibitors' needs.
Configure this page as the focal point of your portal and equip exhibitors with a variety of self-service tools to update profile information and complete milestones in preparation for the event.
This article reviews setting up your Exhibitor Hub page to successfully function as the premiere destination where your exhibitors can begin establishing their virtual presence at the event!
Please note, that some setup steps listed in this guide may not be included in your Event Package. Contact your Account Manager if you are interested in upgrading your package or purchasing add-ons.
Jump to Section:
- Create your exhibitor product categories.
- Create exhibitor-assigned tasks and featured links.
- Create custom fields to collect and display additional info from your exhibitors.
- Configure custom forms *Limited to EMM Pro package and Custom Forms add-on
- Provide company contact information to attendees.
For details about styling the overall appearance of your Event Portal, check out our design guide.
Create Exhibitor Product Categories
Display product categories as checkbox options for exhibitors to select.
There are two methods for adding product categories: manually create product categories or sync existing categories from Global Admin.
Product category and sub-category lists created manually in Event Portal do not sync back to Global Admin; however, exhibitor selections made in EP will sync back to GA if the sync has been configured.
Syncing existing product categories from GA imports the category list from a previous event. If synced, the exhibitor's previously selected product categories are copied from prior booth information and synced from Global Admin as well.
Click Path - Manually Create Product Categories
Create product categories by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Organizations Manager.
- Click About.
- Click Categories.
- Click Add Option to create each product category option.
- After all options are created, click Save.
Click Path - Sync Product Categories from Global Admin
Syncing product categories imports an existing category and sub-category list from booth information copied from a previous event.
Sync the product category list and prior exhibitor selections from Global Admin by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Organizations Manager.
- Click About.
- Click Categories.
- Click Sync Product Categories from A2Z.
- After confirming all options successfully imported, click Save.
When syncing from GA, edits to the product category list cannot be made in the Event Portal. Edits must be made in Global Admin. When edits are made to the category and sub-category list in GA, return to the About > Categories page and click the Sync Product Categories from A2Z button again.
Assign Profile Completion Tasks
Help ensure exhibitor success at your event by defining tasks to complete their online booth profile.
Click Path - Create Exhibitor Profile Completion Tasks
Create exhibitor profile completion tasks by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Organizations Manager.
- Click Tasks.
- Click Create New Task Definition or click Edit from the Actions column to open the task definition page.
- Enter or modify the task definition fields to your preference.
- Click Save.
Configurable task fields include:
• Title (Formerly: Description) - The name of the task you're creating.
• Description (Formerly: Info) - Additional descriptive details about the task and why it was assigned.
• Due Date - The date and time by which the task must be completed.
Note: You are required to populate the time field when creating a Due Date. If you do not have a specified time, enter 11:59 PM to allow the full day.
• Task Type - There are two primary task types: Link and form Submission.
- Link - display a URL directing exhibitors to a page or site to complete the task.
- Form submission - Collect information from exhibitors by completing a form.
Manage your review item category forms by navigating to Site Building Tools > Forms Manager > Categories.
• Hyperlink - The external URL associated with a Link task type.
• Who can complete the task? - Define users who have permission to complete the task:
- All members - Any user listed with the organization can complete the task.
- Owner - Limited to being marked completed only by the Owner of the organization.
- Admins Only - Limited to being marked completed only after review by a Site Admin.
Who can access the task? - Specify organizations who are assigned to complete the task:
- All - Display for both organizations assigned to a booth exhibiting at the show and companies with access to their online profile before booth assignment.
- Exhibitors Only - Limited to display only for organizations assigned to a booth exhibiting at the show.
- Companies Only - Limited to display only for companies with access to the online profile prior to booth assignment.
Add Featured Links
Display links directing exhibitors to important information such as external hotel booking sites or registration and deadline info pages.
Click Path - Add Featured Links
Add featured links by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Organizations Manager.
- Click Featured Links.
- Click Create New Featured Link or click Edit from the Actions column to modify existing links.
- After all links are created, click Save.
Note: Click, hold & drag the hamburger icon on the left of the featured link to rearrange the display order.
Create Custom Profile Fields
In addition to nine default profile fields, you can display additional details on exhibitor profiles using custom fields.
Note: All custom fields are searchable in the Exhibitor Gallery.
Custom field types include dropdown, checkbox, and textbox and can be placed in the About, Contact, or Custom Block field on the Exhibitor Profile.
Click Path - Create Custom Profile Fields
Create custom profile fields by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Organizations Manager.
- Click the appropriate location for the custom field: About, Contact, or Custom.
- Click Create Field.
- Enter the name in the Label field.
- Select the Type of field from the dropdown menu: dropdown, checkbox, or textbox.
- Click Add Option to begin creating the options associated with the field.
- Enter the option name.
Tip: Rearrange the order by dragging and dropping the kebab icon to the left. - After all options are created, click Save.
Configure Custom Forms
Note: Access to custom form functionality is limited to the EMM Pro package level or Custom Forms add-on. Skip this step if your event package does not meet these requirements.
Create custom forms to collect additional information from your exhibitors and link them to tasks that show on the list of profile completion tasks:
Click Path - Create Custom Forms
Begin creating custom forms by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Forms Manager.
- Click Categories.
- Click Create Category.
- Select your desired Form Type, then click Continue. Primary form types include:
• Digital Listing - For digital content upload forms (e.g., products, press releases, & show specials).
Note: Access to create digital listings requires EDC Sales, Buyout, or Partnership add-ons.
• Generic Form - For information collecting (e.g., exhibitor insurance forms & speaker agreements).
• Session Proposal - For proposal submissions associated with the Call for Proposals and Conference package add-ons. - Select and configure category details:
• Category Name - The name associated with your form.
• Description - A brief explanation about or reason why the form is needed.
• Email Addresses - List of users who receive an email when the form is submitted.
• Hide from Front-End Category List - Prevent displaying the form in the product listing menu.
• Exclude from Recommendations - Prevent displaying the form in recommended product lists.
• Disable Ratings and Comments - Prevent submitters from rating and commenting on the form.
• PDF Export - Enable the form submitter to download a PDF of the results.
• Who Has Access to View - Define which organization staff has access to see the form.
- Click Save.
Note: The Enable Organization Limits setting limits form visibility to exhibitors only and appears as an option after saving the form. Prevent the form from displaying in the Exhibitor Profile setup progress bar by navigating to Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager then de-select Enable.
- Scroll down to the Field Editor section to add fields and begin building the form.
- There are 18 unique field types to choose from when building your form.
- Add new fields by clicking the desired Field Type located under the Add Field tab.
- Click the Field Settings tab or click the field in the Live Preview to modify field attributes (e.g., field label, description, options, requirements, etc).
- Drag and drop your fields to rearrange the order in which they appear on the form.
- To remove fields, click the field then click the red remove field icon located on the bottom-right corner.
- After you've entered all your desired fields, click Save.
Display Forms on the Exhibitor Tasks List
After completing your form setup, you can configure it to display on the exhibitor task list.
To do so, start by first navigating to the Admin Panel and then completing the following:
- Click Site Building Tools.
- Click Organizations Manager.
- Click Tasks.
- Click Create new Task Definition.
- Populate your task Description and details then from the Task Type dropdown, select Form Submission.
- Select your form from the Review Item Categories list.
- Click Save.
After saving, your form is now open for submissions and appears on the exhibitor's task list.
Showcase Exhibiting Company Contacts
By default, company contact information appears in the Contact section of the exhibitor profile. Now, you can show exhibiting company contacts in the exhibitor hub by adding the organization list block when setting up your exhibitor profile page.
Click Path - Display Organization Members
Display exhibitor contacts by first navigating to Admin Panel > Site building Tools > Page Editor and then completing the following:
- Scroll down to the Organizations page group, locate the page named /exhibitorhub, then click Edit.
- Click Add Block in the row where you would like the organization members to appear.
- Select Organizations from the Category dropdown list.
- Select Organization List from the Type dropdown list.
- Configure additional settings as desired, then when finished, click Save.
- Optional: Click Edit to modify additional block settings after it has been created.
Important: Remember to click Save at the top or bottom of the event portal edit page to ensure your configurations are not removed after leaving the editor.
After completing the exhibitor hub page setup, your event portal is ready to provide your exhibitors with a streamlined experience as they prepare for your upcoming event!
Related Links:
- Quick-Start Guide: Designing your Event Portal Site