This article details block types the A2Z team recommends using to display event info in your portal.
The Page Editor tool is used to manage blocks and customize all site pages.
Explore the recommended block categories overview to learn about block types in other categories.
About Category
Blocks in the HTML category can build and insert customized content or buttons for use on various pages throughout your Event Portal. Both block types in the HTML category are recommended for use.
Recommended Block Types
Recommended block types for use in the HTML Category include:
Type Details & Settings
Review the following block type details for more info on specific functionality and configuration settings.
Custom Block
The Custom HTML block allows admins to display Custom HTML content on any page in the portal.
- These blocks can be used in a variety of ways and provide greater flexibility when designing your site. (e.g., create an HTML block to display on the dashboard page welcoming users)
Admins can jump to the HTML Block Builder tool from the Page Editor if desired.
- Select the Custom Button block-specific setting to use the HTML custom content block as a custom button.
To Add a new Custom HTML Block to a site page:
Best Practice: Create the custom HTML first in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > HTML Block Builder then add the block to the page via the Page Editor tool.
Custom Button
The Custom Button block creates an interactive button that can be placed on any page in the Portal.
Custom buttons can be used to:
- Add a simple button as a call to action. (e.g., Click here to visit your Exhibitor Hub.)
- Link to an internal or external page. (e.g., Click here to buy a sponsorship.)
- Launch a custom tour. (e.g., configure a tour that teaches visitors how to navigate the site.)
- Trigger a custom action for tracked action reporting or use in combination with an Action Workflow.
- Dynamically send users to a new page based on their ID, the current Page ID, or a Category ID.
- Deliver a custom page parameter in the URL (?/thankyou=1) for website analytics tracking.
- To Trigger a lightbox.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Wrap with box? - Configure the block to show the title and display a box around the button.
- Full-width button - Configure the button to stretch the full width of the block row.
- Button Text - Define the label that appears on the button.
- Base URL - Enter a URL that links to an existing, valid page to associate with the button. This URL does not have to be on the same page as the first step of the tour. URLs can link internally to any page in your Event Portal or externally to any web address.
- Custom Param 1 - Define a list of pre-ready parameters available on the page to be added to the Base URL; typically includes the Logged-in User’s ID and the content Item’s ID (if on a content page).
- Custom Param 2 - Generally used to trigger a lightbox on the page without having to refresh. formated as ?wordhere=# (e.g., ?lightboxthankyou=1).
Button ID - Define this field if the button will be used to launch a tour. This identifier can be any numerical value.
Note: This block can be configured to only show for specific user segments in the block settings such as displaying a button for exhibitors only or attendees only.
To associate a custom button with a tour, navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Tours Manager and select User Clicked Custom Button as the Tour Trigger then select the button you created from the Button dropdown.