This article details block types the A2Z team recommends using to display event info in your portal.
The Page Editor tool is used to manage blocks and customize all site pages.
Explore the recommended block categories overview to learn about block types in other categories.
Jump to Section:
- Category-Specific Standard Settings
- Recommended Category Block Types
About Category
Block types in the Organizations category offer functionality to manage or display information related to companies and exhibitors.
Category-Specific Standard Settings
In addition to the standard block settings, some blocks in the Organizations category contain an optional category-specific standard setting that allows further customization.
- Populating the Organization Ids field limits the block to only show the specified organizations/exhibitors. These identifiers are unique to each exhibitor profile and are only generated after the organization has been created.
- If this field is not populated, the block can display details about all organizations.
There are two primary ways to locate the organization Id:
- Navigate to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Analytics > Organizations. Search for the desired organization, then view the ID column in the report.
- Navigate to the exhibitor profile page on the front end of your Event Portal and review the URL. The organization Id is the number shown after the /exhibitor URL parameter.
Note: If the exhibitor updates their profile's Page URL field, this method does not work.
Recommended Category Block Types
Excluding the Join Organization and Organization Admin blocks, all other blocks in the Organizations category are recommended for use including:
Type Details & Settings
Review the following block type details for more info on specific functionality and configuration settings.
Admin List
The Admin List block only appears to site admin user accounts. This block displays a comprehensive list of all exhibiting companies that exist within the portal.
- This block can send admins directly to the exhibitor's profile by clicking the org name from the list.
- This block provides org info at a glance including the percentage of profile completion, and the exhibitor profile visibility state.
- Profile visibility states are either Published or Unpublished and Approved or Unapproved.
- Both Publish/Unpublish and Approve/Unapprove actions offer the same functionality.
- Published profiles in an Unapproved state and Approved profiles in an Unpublished state are not visible on the front-end exhibitor list.
States sync automatically when specific floor plan actions are performed in Global Admin.
- When a booth is assigned or moved in GA, the profile state updates to Approved and Published.
- When a booth is vacated in GA, the profile state updates to Unapproved and Unpublished.
- Event Portal admins can manually adjust visibility states on the front-end of the exhibitor profile page.
- Exhibitors do not have access to manage the visibility state of their company/organization profile.
The A2Z team does not recommend manually changing exhibitor profile visibility states. Visibility states are automatically set and managed by the sync between GA and EP.
To manually update an exhibitor profile state, click the three-dot menu on the organization cover block to expand the dropdown.
Console Link
The Console Link block displays a custom button that links from the Event Portal to the A2Z Public Site.
- This block automatically logs exhibitors into their legacy public event site account.
- This block only functions when added to the following Event Portal pages:
- Exhibitor Profile Page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:orgaization_id)
- Exhibitor Hub Page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub)
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Full Width Button - Configure the button to span the full row width where the block is placed.
- Button Text - Define the label that appears on the button.
Public Site Page Name - Enter the A2Z public site page name name the button should navigate to.
Note: Enter only the page file name. Do not include the .aspx suffix.
Featured Links
The Featured Links block displays custom links to your exhibitors.
- Featured links are defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Featured: Links.
- Defined links can be internal or external to the Portal and can be used for informational or actionable purposes.
- Currently, featured links cannot be modified to appear for specific exhibitors, as such, all defined featured links are visible to all exhibitors.
- Tip: Upload a file to File Management in Global Admin then setup a featured link to easily share it with all of your exhibitors.
Best Practice: Add this block to the exhibitor hub page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default URL: /exhibitorhub) to easily share important information and event details with your exhibitors.
The Items block displays a completion bar that tracks the total percentage of profile completion and enhanced digital content added to the exhibitor's profile.
- This block provides call-to-action buttons and reminders prompting exhibitors to upload outstanding content needed to complete their profiles.
- Define the fields to be tracked for completion on the progress bar by navigating to Admin Panel > Organizations Manager > Profile Field Progress
- Enable and set content limits for each category option by navigating to Admin Panel > Organizations Manager > Details. Select the Enable checkbox to associate the category with a package level then enter a value to set the limit.
- This block can be placed on the dashboard landing page so exhibitors see their outstanding actions immediately upon login to the site.
Best Practice: Portals offering EDC, must add this block to the exhibitor hub page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default URL: /exhibitorhub) to allow exhibitors easy access to create digital listings.
Join Organization
The A2Z team does not recommend using this block on any page within the Event Portal at this time.
- This block displays a join button when added to the exhibitor profile page.
- Users can click the button and request to associate themselves with an exhibiting organization which can then be approved or rejected by Org Owners and Site Admins.
- Manually associating contacts with Event Portal organization profiles may lead to data integrity issues with managing company contacts in Global Admin.
Important: The Join Organization block is not recommended for use.
The Meetings block displays a list of meetings/appointments scheduled associated with the Matchmaking package add-on.
- Meetings that appear on the list can be filtered and sorted by the logged-in user if desired.
- By default, the block shows two types of meetings: meetings that exhibitor contacts (e.g., organization members) have invited other users to attend, and meetings that exhibitor contacts have been invited to.
- An Exhibitor contact scheduled to attend a meeting can also click the Invite link on this block and assign the meeting to a different member of their organization if they are unable to attend.
Best Practice: This block should be used on the exhibitor hub page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default URL: /exhibitorhub) to provide visibility of scheduled meetings to exhibitor contacts.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Number of days for events - Define the number of days for meetings to display. For example, if set to "30", the block will not display meetings that are more than 30 days in the future.
- Time Frame - Determines whether the block displays upcoming or past meetings.
- Show Attendee Name - When selected, the block displays all usernames that have accepted an invite to attend the meeting, including the meeting creator.
- Module Layout -There are two layout options: Grid displays meetings in a card view with an image and List displays meetings in a table-list format.
Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of meetings before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
Note: The Infinite scroll pagination option does not work with search filters currently. -
Hide Footer - Select to disable the footer and meeting creator info and the invite link.
- Items Per Page - Define the number of meetings that should be displayed on the block at once.
- No Data Message - Populate text that appears if there are no meetings to display on the block.
- Hide if Empty - Prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no meetings to display.
Event filters display on this block if it is placed in a row section greater than 25-33% page width. Use the page editor tool to show filters via lightbox functionality by adding the block in a row section that is 25 or 33% width.
Organization Admin
The A2Z team does not recommend using this block on any page within the Event Portal as this block allows users to create new exhibitor/organization profiles manually.
- Use of this block may lead to data integrity issues when information syncs back to Global Admin.
Important: The Organization Admin block is not recommended for use.
Organization Badges
The Organization Badges block displays the digital icons assigned to an exhibitor based on settings defined in the Badges Manager tool.
Configure digital badge icons by navigating to Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Badges Manager.
- When this block is added, Exhibitors can select profile categories configured to associate badge icons automatically, then other users can see which badges are assigned.
- Currently, badges can only be associated with an org profile field or a user segment.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Columns - Specify the number of columns to display before starting a new row.
- Image Sizes - Specify the desired icon image size that appears on the block.
Tip: The badge order is determined via the Badges Manager. Change the display order that appears on the block by dragging and dropping them in the admin panel site building tool.
Organization Cover
The Organization Cover block is an exhibitor’s profile cover.
- This block displays the organization name, profile photo (logo), cover photo, upgrade level, and booth number(s).
- If the Matchmaking package add-on has been purchased, this block enables functionality that permits attendees and other exhibitor contacts to schedule meetings.
- The three-dot menu in the top-right corner opens a dropdown menu where several aspects of the exhibitor profile are managed.
- There are three cover dropdown views: organization owner, organization member, and site admin.
Each view has permission to manage the following:
Organization Member View
- Add Photo - Upload a company profile logo. The recommended image size is 360x360.
- Add Cover Photo - Upload a profile banner image. The recommended image size is 1440x360.
- Delete Cover Photo - Remove a previously uploaded profile banner image.
- Add Featured Photo - Upload an alternate company profile image to display on the Exhibitor List. If a featured photo is not uploaded, the exhibitor list displays the company profile photo.
Organization Owner View
- All Permissions that are shown in the Org Member view.
- Visit Organization Hub - Takes the user to the Exhibitor Hub Page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor Hub Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub)
Site Admin View
- All Permissions that are shown in the Org Member and Org Owner views.
- Unapprove/Approve - Manually toggle the visibility of the profile on the exhibitor list.
Delete Organization - Manually remove the exhibitor profile from the Event Portal.
Note: Deleted profiles automatically reappear after the nightly Global Admin data sync. We do not recommend manually deleting exhibitor profiles in the Event Portal.
- Set Level - Manually assign or update the exhibitor's upgrade level.
- Sync - Manually sync profile changes and other updates made in Global Admin.
Tip: This block can be placed on the dashboard landing page to allow exhibitors the ability to quickly jump and edit their profile by clicking the Edit My Organization Profile button.
Organization Insights
The Organization Insights block displays exhibitor-specific analytics on the exhibitor hub page.
- Site Admins may remove access to this information for exhibitors by disabling analytics access or removing this block from the page entirely.
- Site Admins can set the block to be read-only or allow exhibitors to download a CSV based on organization upgrade levels.
Manage permissions via the Analytics Access column of the table located in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details; however, at least one upgrade level must have analytics access selected to configure read-only access.
- Insights include:
- Page views: The number of times an exhibitor’s profile has been viewed.
- Clicks: The number of times an exhibitor’s advertisement has been clicked.
- Impressions: The number of impressions for the exhibitor’s advertisement.
- External Clicks: The number of times a linked button on digital content has been clicked.
- Sent Messages: The number of messages that have been sent using ‘Send to All’.
- Read Messages: The number of messages that have been read.
- Video views: The number of times exhibitor’s videos have been viewed.
- Digital Content views: The number of times exhibitor's digital content (products, show specials, press releases) has been viewed.
Organization List
The Organization List block displays the list of exhibitors.
- This block can be added to a page multiple times and used in a variety of ways.
e.g., configure it to show all exhibitors, featured exhibitors, specific upgrade level exhibitors, etc. - Site admins can pre-filter the exhibitor list by profile fields and display only exhibitors that match the field selection(s).
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Select Level - Limit the display of organizations to only the specified upgrade levels.
- Top of List Orgs per Page - Define the number of exhibitors to feature at the top of the list. Prevent duplicating exhibitors by setting the value to 0 if select levels are defined.
- Show Featured Orgs Only - Limit the display of organizations to only show exhibitors defined in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Featured > Organizations. Enabling this setting disables the Select Level option.
- Show Recommendations - Enable recommended exhibitors to appear if the Matchmaking package add-on has been purchased.
Module Layout - There are two layout options that both have corresponding block-specific settings which can be further customized.
Horizontal - Displays exhibitors in a grid-card format.
- Hide Badge Filters - Hides the filter field for badge icons assigned to exhibitors via the Badges Manager to prevent duplicate filters from showing in the list.
Disable Search - Hides search and filter functionality for the block. This setting is most commonly used on recommended exhibitors’ or featured exhibitors’ blocks.
Horizontal - Displays exhibitors in a grid-card format.
Tip: We recommend using the horizontal layout for featured and recommended exhibitors.
Table - Displays exhibitors in a table-list format.
- Shows Both settings located in the horizontal layout option.
- Show Badges - Displays the assigned badge icons based on the Badges Manager setup and allows the table to be sorted by these badges. The number of badge icons that appear on the list is determined by the row width where the block is placed. When placed at 100%, a maximum of 10 icons are shown.
Show Digital Content - Displays icons for exhibitors that indicate they have added products, press releases, or show specials to their profile. These icons are defined in the Forms Manager for each category.
Table - Displays exhibitors in a table-list format.
Tip: We recommend using the table layout for the main list of all exhibitors.
- Filter by Field - Select custom fields and selections to pre-filter exhibitors that appear on the block.
- Items Per Page - Define the number of exhibitors that should be displayed on the block at once.
- No Data Message - Define the text that appears if there are no exhibitors to display on the block.
- Hide if Empty - Prevent the block from appearing on the page if there are no exhibitors to display.
Organization Member List
The Organization Member List block displays exhibitor contacts associated with the company/organization profile. Ensure users can find and manage exhibitor contacts by including this block on both the exhibitor profile page and the exhibitor hub page.
Default Profile Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:organization_id
Default Hub Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub
Contacts shown on this block sync to the Portal based on settings defined in Admin Panel ➔ Site Building Tools ➔ Organizations Manager ➔ Configuration ➔ Contact Types. The system automatically pulls and displays all existing contact types stored in GA, and site admins control which types are "Allowed" to be synced to the site.
Block-Specific Configurations:
- Display Assigned Contact Types - Select the checkbox to make the designated contact type from GA visible to end users on the front end of the portal.
- Module Layout - There are two layout options: Grid displays user contacts in a card view with an image and List displays users in a table-list format.
- Pagination Type - Choose whether the block displays a specified number of contacts before Standard pagination occurs or allows for Infinite Scroll.
- Show create item button - Display an Add Member button that lets Site Admins and Org contacts add new company contacts in the Portal that sync back to GA.
Best Practice: Add this block to the exhibitor profile page (Default Profile Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:organization_id) to allow attendees visibility of exhibitor contacts and to the exhibitor hub page (Default Hub Page Name: Exhibitor Hub, Default Page URL: /exhibitorhub) to allow exhibitor contacts visibility into users associated with their organization.
Organization Profile
The Organization Profile block displays exhibitor profile fields that other users can view to learn more about them on their profile page.
- Fields shown on this block are managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organization Manager > Built-In Fields & Custom Fields where site admins can hide built-in fields, disable the exhibitor's access to edit the field values, create new custom fields, or sync existing fields from Global Admin.
- Both site admins and exhibitor contacts can update and edit built-in and custom field profile details from this block.
- If applicable, exhibitor sponsorship graphics and tag information displayed throughout the site are uploaded and managed in the Sponsorship section.
Best Practice: Add this page to the Exhibitor Profile page (Default Page Name: Exhibitor, Default Page URL: /exhibitors/exhibitor/:organization_id) to ensure exhibitor information is visible to attendees.
Organization Sponsor
The Organization Sponsor block displays the advertisement graphics uploaded by exhibitors/organizations.
There are three types of advertisements: Billboard, Leaderboard, and Skyscraper. The type that appears on the front end of the page is determined by the placement of the block in the admin panel page editor tool:
- The Billboard block style appears when the block is placed in rows set to 100% page width.
- The Leaderboard block style appears when the block is placed in rows set to 50 - 67% page width.
- The Skyscraper block style appears when the block is placed in rows set to 25 - 33% page width.
Note: Advertisements/Sponsorships are granted to exhibitors/organizations via the upgrade levels managed in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Details Table.
Organization Tasks
The Organization Tasks block is used to display assigned tasks for exhibitors to mark complete.
- This block is only visible when it is placed on the exhibitor hub page or the exhibitor profile page.
- Site Admins can define the tasks that appear on this block in Admin Panel > Site Building Tools > Organizations Manager > Tasks.
- Tasks can be read-only, externally linked, or linked to a form for the exhibitor to complete.
- Text entered in the required description field appears as the task title on the block.
- Additional descriptive text entered in the info field is optional but, if populated, appears on the block when the user clicks the expand arrow.
- Optional fields including due date and time can be defined.