Some of the a2z fields, such as Online Booth Profile, Product Long Description or Speaker Bio allow HTML to make them look the best on the website. These fields look great on the website, but Microsoft Excel does not open them correctly, because it takes the formatting as instructions.
Here are the steps to make Excel read the formatting correctly.
STEP 1 - Generate and save the report in XML format
When you are choosing the Output Format for your report, select XML.
Note: Depending on your system settings, the report may open in the browser window instead of a separate viewer (e.g. Notepad). If it does, save the page as a new document in .xml format.
STEP 2 - Open the XML with Excel
The easiest way is to open a new Excel window and drag-and-drop the file onto it, or you can right-click on the file, use the Open With option, and choose Microsoft Excel.
Excel will show a prompt asking how this document should be opened; choose the default option, “As an XML Table”
If an additional pop-up shows up with a comment about XML Source and schema, it’s ok to just click ok.
STEP 3 - Review & Save Excel File
You'll notice a few extra columns showing the report name, the date the report was run and how it was sorted, but once you discard those, you’ll be left with your report, including the HTML-rich field with its formatting showing up as code.
Review and save with .xls or .xlsx format.