Allows the user to create fields and collect data that are specific to each exhibitor at each event.
Events>Exposition>Settings>Custom Exhibitor Fields Management
Events>Event Settings> Exposition>Custom Exhibitor Fields Management
Custom Exhibitor Fields are specific to the exhibitor. If the exhibitor is moved from booth to booth, this information will move with the exhibitor records to the new booth location. These fields are also specific to each event and will not carry to the next event the company participates in.
Some common examples of how show managers use Custom Exhibitor Fields are:
- To promote what languages are spoken by that exhibitor.
- To promote what exhibitors are new to the show.
- To promote who is a sponsor at the show.
- To identify a unique category to be utilized in the exhibitor search on the public site.
- For show management to keep track of exhibitor data behind the scenes such as who is an A,B, or C type exhibitor.
Custom Exhibitor Fields in Global Admin
Use the Add New Question form to add new questions.
- Type the Question Statement. This is the question statement admin users and/or exhibitors see on the website while updating their profile.
- Select the appropriate Question Type. Options are One from Many options, One or More from Many options, or Text Answer. Once this is selected and the question is saved it cannot be changed subsequently.
- Select the appropriate Question Display Type option. The options depend on Question Type, controls how the answer options are displayed, and can be changed later.
- Check Display in Admin if only admin users are meant to see the question/answer.
- Check Edit in Admin to allow only admin users to answer the questions.
- Check Searchable if the answers to the question should be searchable in the exhibitor search on the website.
- Check Display in Online Booth to display the answer under additional info tab in the exhibitor’s online booth profile on the website.
- Enable Required/Mandatory to make the question a required question. If this option is selected, the exhibitors will be required to answer this question before they save/update their profile.
- Type in the Error if not answered. This is the error message that is displayed on the screen if the question is required/mandatory and not answered before the exhibitor tries to save their profile.
- Click on Add.
Once a custom question is added, it shows up in the List of Questions table. Here the user can control the order of display of the questions; change certain options and provide the answer options.
To add optional answers to the question or statement click on Add Options.
- Use the Add New Options form to add new questions. Enter each option as a new line item as shown below.
- Click Add.
Once answer options have been added a new table will appear above the add new options form. Here the user can edit the text, hide an option (if it was previously selected by an exhibitor or admin user) or delete the option (if it was not previously selected by an exhibitor or admin user)
Answering Custom Exhibitor Fields from Admin
- The user can get to the booth tab by clicking on the exhibitor’s booth from the floorplan or by using Search & Add Companies to search for the company and once in the company’s record click the booth tab.
- Once in the booth tab there will be a booth table for all booths in the selected event. Click Edit under the header Custom Exhibitor Fields. This is where an admin user can answer the questions or statements as they relate to this exhibitor.
- Answer the questions and click Save.
Custom Exhibitor Fields on the Event Site
Custom Exhibitor Fields in Booth Console
- Exhibitors login as they would to complete their normal profile information for online display or the printed show directory.
- They will see the new custom questions below the product categories and other basic profile information.
- When a question has been answered a new tab will display in the exhibitor’s profile with the question and the answer. When the new tab is clicked you will see the information:
Custom Exhibitor Fields in Exhibitor Search
When ‘searchable’ is selected for the question, the question and answer options appear in the exhibitor search.
Helpful Hints
- Optional answers cannot be added for text answer questions.
- A user will only be able to delete a question that has never been answered by an exhibitor/user in admin.
- In a Company Record > Booth Tab, use Custom Exhibitor Fields config to override the general settings and change them specifically for one exhibitor.
- On the event site, a custom exhibitor question is searchable only if at least one exhibitor has answered the question.