Company Record>Booths Tab>Booth Info
Booth Information is booth specific. When a booth is assigned in Floor Plan Management, the Contact Information is either pulled from the Company master record or from the booth information from the most recent event of the same event type. Once changed/edited in Global Admin or on the Public Site, the new information will take precedence over the previous data. Changes to Booth Info will not change the master Company records.
This area will contain the Booth Contact Info, Print Profile or Online Booth Profile, and Product Category information. This information is also used in the Exhibitor Guide Directory and the mobile apps.
Contact Information
This information is typically originally copied over from Company Information at the time of the first booth creation. If the event is configured so that booths are copied from the master record rather than from the previous event, this section will be populated. (Unless otherwise indicated, these fields can be set up to be updated by the exhibitor on the Public Site.)
Abbr Floorplan Company Name (100 characters) - Abbreviated Floorplan Company Name. Edited in GlobalAdmin only. Used in the hierarchy for the exhibitor name that shows on the booth when the map is printed to PDF.
FP Company Name (255 characters) - Floorplan Company Name. Used in hierarchy for the exhibitor name that shows on the booth map in GlobalAdmin and on the Public Site, as well as in the Exhibitor List. (See also, "Exhibiting As")
Contact Name (400 characters)- Booth Contact. On initial copy from Company Record, the following fields are are combined and placed in this field.: Prefix, First name, Middle Name, Last Name and Suffix . (Example: Dr. John H. Doe Jr)
Title (400 characters)- Job title of the Booth Contact
Address 1 (255 characters) Street address of the Booth Contact (Ex. 123 Main Street)
Address 2 (255 characters) Second line of the address of the Booth Contact (Ex. Suite 100)
City (100 characters) City for Booth Contact
State/Province (dropdown) US State or Canadian Province for Booth Contact. To access Canada provinces, change country to Canada. Text entry (100 characters) when country is changed to any other.
Zip/Postal Code - if Country is set to US or Canada, must be a valid US Zip code or Canada Postal Code
Country (dropdown)
Phone (50 characters) - Contact phone number
Fax (50 characters) Contact fax number
Toll Free Contact toll-free number
E-Mail a valid email address
Booth Print Profile (2000 characters) - Text description, without HTML. Recommended for use in Printed Show Guide and mobile apps.
Do Not Print (checkbox) prevents the record from appearing on the Public Site exhibitor lists and on the map. Often used for pavilion managers who have member companies as their co-exhibitors.
Online Booth Information
This section is typically updated by the exhibitor on via the Public Site.
Welcome Message (255 characters) - A short message that displays on the public site booth profile before the Online Profile
Company Description - also called Online Booth Profile, allows HTML formatting for best showcasing of the exhibitor's profile on the Public Site
Categories (checklist) - Product category selections associated with the given exhibitor. (Categories are added on the Product Category settings screen.
Brands (1000 characters) A list of brands that the exhibitor will showcase as a part of their listing. (Example: Personify may exhibit with brands A2Z Events, Personify360, Personify Community).
Exhibitor Logo (URL) The URL at which the logo that appears in the exhibitor's booth profile is stored. If the exhibitor uploads the logo from the public site, the field is populated. For populating logo from GlobalAdmin, see article.
Company URL The URL of the website of the exhibitor
Map Logo (URL) The URL at which the logo that is drawn on the booth on EventMap is stored. Can only be added from GlobalAdmin. See article.
Booth Profile Submitted (checkbox). This checkbox will be checked and de-activated so it cannot be unchecked when an exhibitor saves their profile on the public site. The date they had done so will be displayed. If the exhibitor has not saved their profile, the checkbox will be unchecked, and the exhibitor will be eligible to receive Missing Exhibitor Information email. Checking the checkbox manually and saving will result in them no longer being on the list for the email.
Product Categories
Product Codes - this feature may be used to populate product category selections in bulk. If Subcategory Code has been specified on the Product Category configuration screen, the codes may be entered as a comma-separated list. (Ex. ABC, TST, XYZ). When Update is hit, the box will be cleared out, and the referenced categories will be selected in the Categories checklist section.