Company Record > Booths Tab > Booth Config
Booth Number - the booth number displayed on the floorplan. May include numbers, letters and - (dash) character. Do not use spaces or other punctuation.
Booth Width - a read-only field, specifying booth width
Booth Length - a read-only field, specifying the booth length (height)
Booth Area - a read-only field, specifying the booth square footage.
Booth Password - a legacy feature for use with a booth-specific password mode.
Left X Position - for a rectangular booth, the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the booth. For a poly booth, specifies upper left corner of the inner rectangle, which defines booth number placement.
Left Y Position- for a rectangular booth, the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the booth.For a poly booth, specifies upper left corner of the inner rectangle, which defines booth number placement.
Right X Position - for a rectangular booth, the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the booth. For a poly booth, specifies lower right corner of the inner rectangle, which defines booth number placement.
Right Y Position - for a rectangular booth, the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the booth. For a poly booth, specifies lower right corner of the inner rectangle, which defines booth number placement.
Hall - a read-only field, specifying the Hall that the booth is associated with. Can be adjusted via Floorplan Management.
Pavilion - a read-only field, specifying the Pavilion that the booth is associated with. Can be adjusted via Floorplan Management.
SubExpo - a read-only field, specifying the SubExpo that the booth is associated with. Can be adjusted via Floorplan Management.
MoveIn Schedule - a read-only field, specifying the MoveIn time that the booth is associated with. Can be adjusted via Floorplan Management.
MoveOut Schedule - a read-only field, specifying the MoveOut time that the booth is associated with. Can be adjusted via Floorplan Management.
Poly - for poly booths, populated with a comma-separated list of coordinates of each corner of the booth.
LabelAlign - the position of the booth number within the booth (right, left). Default value is Left.
LabelVAlign - the vertical position of the booth number within the booth (top, bottom). Default value is Bottom.
Custom Exhibitor Forms - exhibitor given access to Custom Forms. The feature is checked on by default if Custom Forms are in use.
Upgrades - upgrade level of the booth, for use with Enhanced Listings and Revenue Acceleration Partnership Program features.
Salesperson - for occupied booths, the salesperson associated with the booth.
Parent Booth - when the exhibitor occupies multiple booths and configuration is set to single listing:
- if the booth is the parent booth, allows the option of breaking parent-child relationship for all other booths
- if the booth is a child booth, allows selection of parent booth. Or, choose "Select" to disassociate.
Booth Type - if Booth Types are activated, view, change or un-set Booth Type.
Custom Fields the section shows values for Custom Booth Fields for the booth.