Use this report to compare exhibitors between 2 or more shows based on booth space, dollars spent, or both.
Current Event - Choose the event that the other event(s) should be compared to; the events in the drop down are all the ACTIVE events in the system that are associated with the logged in user.
Hall – If this event is using hall management, the search can be narrowed by the specific hall that a booth is associated with to get a more targeted list.
Pavilion– If this event is using pavilion management, the search can be narrowed by the specific pavilion that a booth is associated with to get a more targeted list.
Sub Expo– If this event is using hall management, the search can be narrowed by the specific hall that booth is associated with to get a more targeted list.
Product Category– If this event is using product categories, the search can be narrowed by the specific category that a booth is associated with to get a more targeted list.
Product Sub Category – If this event is using both product categories management, the search can be narrowed further by also selecting a sub category to get a more targeted list.
- Note – the user must first select a product category in order to select a sub category.
GL Code – If this event is using financial management and GL codes are associated with item types, then the search can be narrowed by the specific GL code that booth space order is associated with to get a more targeted list.
Past Event – Select the event or events to compare the current event with, by clicking on the event name. To select multiple event hold the Ctrl key down on your keyboard while clicking on the events to compare, click again to un-select the event. These events are the active and deactivated events in the system that are associated with the logged in user. Archived events cannot be compared.
Comparison Criteria – Select Booth Size to compare the square footage of the booths by company between the selected events; select Amount to compare the total amount of money spent at each event by company; select All to compare both.
- Note – All is the default selection.
Output format – HTML, Excel, PDF, ASCII, and XML
Company Name - Name of the company as it appears on the company info screen
Company Contact – The contact person listed on the company info screen
Company Email – Company email address from the company info screen
Company Phone – Company phone from the company info screen
Booth Size – Total NSF for the booth(s) in the current event
Amount (in $) - Total amount of money spent at current event by the company. This is the sum of all the orders, not only booth space orders.
Compared Event Booth Size - Total NSF for the booth(s) in the compared event. Note – There will be one column per compared event.
Compared Event Amount (in $) - Total amount of money spent at compared event by the company. This is the sum of all the orders, not only booth space orders. Note – There will be one column per compared event.
Amount Difference – Difference between the current event and the compared event, using the equation [current-compared=difference] You will see a negative number if the current amount is less than the compared amount, and a positive number if the current amount is larger than the compared amount. Note – There will be one column per compared event.
Booth Size Difference - Difference between the current event and the compared event, using the equation [current-compared=difference] You will see a negative number if the current booth size is less than the compared booth size, and a positive number if the current booth size is larger than the compared booth size. Note – There will be one column per compared event.