This report allows the user to pull all the changes that have occurred in the booth table. The report can be run by event, operator, the date the change occurred, and/or the type of change made.
To Pull the Report
- Search for:
Operator – All the operators that are active in the system are available in the drop down. Select an operator to see only the changes made by that user.
- Note: the operator name ‘Self Registered’ refers to users of the event site. In this case, Exhibitors who have logged in and updated their online booth profile in their exhibitor console.
- Event – The drop down will contain all the events that the user has access to; this field is required.
- Log Date – Select a start and end date using the calendar tool to narrow the results to a specific time frame.
- All – The results will display all the transaction types.
- Reserve – A booth reservation either made on the event site by the potential exhibitor, or by a global admin user in Floorplan Management using the reserve function.
- Confirm - Conversion of a reserved booth space to an assigned booth space by a global admin user in Floorplan Management, using the Confirm function.
- Decline – Removal a booth space reservation by a Global Admin user in Floorplan Management using the Decline function.
- Vacate – Removal of a booth space assignment by a Global Admin user in Floorplan Management using the Vacate function.
- Assign - Booth assignment either made on the event site by the exhibitor or by a Global Admin user in Floorplan Management using the Assign function.
- Delete – Removal of a booth from the floor plan by a Global Admin user in Floorplan Management using Delete, Merge, Move Booth, or Resize functions.
- Insert – Addition of a booth to the floor plan by a Global Admin user in Floorplan Management using the Revive, Split, Resize, Merge, or Move Booth functions.
- HTML – the system will display the results in the same browser window.
- ASCII - the system will prompt the user to open or save a text file.
- Excel - the system will prompt the user to open or save an Excel file
- PDF – the system will prompt the user to open or save a PDF file
- XML - the system will open a new browser window or tab, and display the results in XML format.
Results are sorted by date, and then time of the change
Transaction – The call made to the database (delete, insert, etc).
Log Time – Exact time and date of the change, this is in Central Time.
Company Name – Name of the company as it appears on the Company Info tab of the Company record.
Company Number – number assigned to the company by the client to match up with an external database (AMS, CMS, etc.). This field may be blank.
Booth Number – This is the number of the booth that was edited.
Width – Size of the booth from the left to right as the user views it on the screen.
Length – Size of the booth from the top to the bottom as the user views it on the screen.
Area – The net square feet of the booth (length x width).
Operator – This is the login id of the user who made the edit.
- Note: the operator name ‘Self Registered’ refers to users of the event site, in this case Exhibitors who have logged in and updated their online booth profile in their exhibitor console.
Operator Full Name – If the user also has their full name associated with their account it will show in this column, otherwise the Operator ID will display again.
Hall Title – If the booth is associated with a hall, the name of that hall will appear in this column.
Map Name- The name of the map that the booth is located on.
Pavilion Name - If the booth is associated with a pavilion, the name of that pavilion will appear in this column.
Sub Expo– If the booth is associated with a SubExpo, the name of that SubExpo will appear in this column.
Booth Type– If the booth is associated with a booth type, the name of that booth type will appear in this column.
Salesperson – If different than the Operator column, then this is the login id of the user who has been associated using the salesperson drop down.
- Note: the operator name ‘Self Registered’ refers to Exhibitors using the event site.
Salesperson Full Name – If the user also has their full name associated with their account it will show in this column, otherwise the salesperson's login id will display again.
CoordLx, CoordLy, CoordRx, CoordRy – these are the physical location of the booth on the floor plan, based on the original CAD drawing submitted by the decorator.