The following steps should be followed to process a credit card refund through a2z.
Search for the Company you would like to refund or click on the exhibitor's booth on the floorplan.
Go to the Payments Tab on the left toolbar and put the negative amount against the applicable orders.
Select Online Credit Card Refund as the Payment Mode. (please note - "Online Credit Card Refund" will process the refund through your credit card gateway. "Refund" will just record the refund in a2z).
A new drop down list will appear below it called Select Existing Payment. This list will contain Online Credit Card Payments that company has processed. Select the appropriate Payment ID from this list.
Amount(s) entered as refunds will not be able to exceed the total of the original payment. If multiple payments have been made, a refund will need to be processed for each payment, not to exceed the amount of the original payment.
The credit card information associated with that payment will automatically populate.
Click Add to process the Refund.
A video can be found here.