Companies > Company Record
A new payment that has been submitted can be recorded or processed on the Payments tab of the company record. A list of existing payments entered, from either Global Admin or the Event Site, are below the Add Payment form. Existing payments can have some details modified, depending on the Payment Method.
Add Payment
New payments are added using the Add Payment Form.
Steps to Add Payment
- Enter the amount of the payment, either against individual line items, or against all the line items
- Pay against individual items – to pay an exact amount against the orders, type the amount paid in the Order Payment text box at the end of the row for the appropriate order. Repeat this for each order being paid against. This method is best for payments that are order specific (ex. Sponsorship or booth space only).
- Pay against all items – enter the full amount of the payment into the Over Payment text box, complete the rest of the payment form and save the payment. Once the payment is saved, process the statement (either on the Financial Summary tab, using Generate Invoices, or by sending a Statement from the Statement Report). This will alocate the funds to the orders based on the Item Type Priority, age of the order (oldest get paid first) and Payment Schedule. This method is best for lump sum payments (ex. 50% of total ordered amount)
Event – The dropdown will contain all the events in the system for this logged in user where financials are tracked. If an event was selected when the user logged in, that event will be the default in the drop down.
Order Table – This table contains a list of all the orders in the system for the selected event, in order from oldest to newest.
- Order ID – The unique identifier for this order in the system. This makes it easy to match up with the order tab, and Exhibitor Order Report.
- Item – The name of the order item.
- Order Amt – The total amount of the order.
- Paid Order Amount – The amount of money paid against this order.
- Outstanding Order Amount – The amount of the total order minus the paid order. This is the amount left to pay.
- Order Payment – This text field is where the user can enter an amount to be paid against the order.
Over Payment – This can be the full amount of the payment - as in the ‘Pay against all items’ example above – OR the amount of monies paid that is left over after all the items have been paid against.
Total – Total amount of the payment, a sum of the individual order payments, and the over payment field.
Payment Mode – Use the dropdown to select the type of payment that is being recorded or processed.
- Online Credit Card – for events that have a payment gateway (such as paypal/payflowpro) set up to process credit cards real time. For payments of this type, a form will open up to collect the relevant card information
- Check – to record a payment made by a check.
- Credit Card – payments for offline credit cards, which have already been processed outside of the system.
- Wire – payments received as Wire transfers
- Cash – payments received as cash.
- Transfer – Money transferred internally, there will be a negative payment (to move money out of one order) and a positive payment (to move money into another order). This can be done in one payment record, or as multiple payments of this type. Transfer type payments can be used to move money between orders in the same event/company, between companies, and/or between events.
- Refund – A negative payment, this indicates the amount returned to the company.
- Lock Box – Payments received through a bank lockbox.
Payment Date – The date defaults to the current date. If this payment is of the type Online Credit Card, the payment date cannot be changed; otherwise the date can be changed by clicking on the calendar tool to select the actual date of payment.
Tracking # - For payments other that Online Credit Card, use this field to record a unique identifier for this payment (ex. Check #). Online Credit Cards will automatically create a tracking #.
Details – Payment details can be entered here to give more information about this payment.
- Example 1 – 50% payment
- Example 2 – Refunded amount
- Example 3 – Transferred overpayment to 2015 event
Payment List
Hide System Transfers – System Transfers are $0 payments made by the system to balance reversing orders and original orders when assigned booths are moved or resized, and when booth assignments are moved or canceled. When this box is checked these payments are hidden from view, to review these payments uncheck the box.
Payment # - The unique identifier for this payment in the system
Invoice # - the Invoice this payment is being paid against.
Event – The event in the system that with which this payment is associated.
Amount – Total amount of the payment
Payment Method – The method of payment that was selected when the payment was entered
Tracking # - The tracking number recorded when the payment was entered
Date – the date of record for this payment
Operator – the log in id for the user that entered the payment. Self-Registered will appear when the payment was made on the Event Site.
Edit/View Payment
To view an existing payment, click on the Payment Number for the payment in the Payment List. This will open the Edit Payment Form.
Tracking #’s and Details can be edited for most payment methods.
Editing a payment amount is not recommended for most instances. Transfers and Refund payments should be entered to create balancing entries.
Online Credit Cards, Online Credit Card Refunds, ACH Payments, ACH Payment Refunds and System Transfers cannot be edited for any reason.
Payment Edit SPECIAL CASE: Correcting Negative Overpayments
If a negative number was entered in the Overpayment line of a Refund or a Transfer payment, this payment must be edited in order for the exhibitor to be able to pay online.
Before you start, on the Orders screen make a note of what Orders are active and should be paid off by the exhibitor.
On the Payment screen, make note of the payment total. It is important that the Total of the payment does not change.
Click on Payment ID to edit the payment
Remove the negative payment fro the Overpayment line. Enter the negative payments against orders that should be paid off. Make sure the total matches what the payment had been previously. Hit Save.
Payment Delete
While a payment delete feature exists to accommodate a small number of scenarios where it's desirable, it is recommended that it is not used, but rather Refund or Transfer payments are added to correct any errors that had been made.
If a test company was used to make test transactions, the best practice is to delete the test company on its Company Information screen, rather than individual transactions.
Deleting existing payments may result in complicating the accounting auditing processes as well as may create payment allocation discrepancies.