Floor Plan Wizard can be used to add booths to Max Layout, move them, delete them, migrate them between maps, and associate them with halls, pavilions, subexpos and custom booth fields.
Please plan carefully before adding, removing or relocating booths, as these may affect the successful use of your floorplan. These changes cannot be reversed easily, and may require re-importing if mistakes are introduced.
No. of booths to add* - Length or height of an aisle
Starting Booth # * - Booth number to start the numbering scheme with.
Booth Numbering: Alternating / Sequential
- Alternating: each aisle has odd booths on one side (101, 103, 105) and even booths on the other (102, 104, 106)
- Sequential: each aisle has booths in order (100, 101, 102)
Starting Location X* - X coordinate of top left corner of the starting booth. This can be obtained from a DWG of the venue or by hovering the cursor on Floor Plan Wizard screen. (Example: if the hover over your starting point shows 1214,-5990, type in 1214)
Starting Location Y* - Y coordinate of top left corner of the starting booth. This value can be obtained from a DWG of the venue or by hovering the cursor on Floor Plan Wizard screen. It must be REVERSED, positive to negative or vice versa. (Example: if the hover over your starting point shows 1214,-5990, type in 5990)
Booth Size [width ] X [height] - The dimensions of each booth, in feet or meters
Booth Direction - Left/Right/Up/Down : up/down= columns, left/right=rows
No. of aisles - an aisle is two rows or columns of booths with the space to walk in between them.
Width of Aisles (Units: Feet or Meters) - the width of walking space between a pair of booth rows or columns.
Aisle Direction - direction in which aisles are added, starting with the first aisle. If booths are created up/down, aisles run left/right, and vice versa.
No. of booths to add: 15 (booths in each aisle)
Starting Booth # : 1
Booth Numbering: Alternating (booths run 1,3,5 on one side and 2,4,6 on the other)
Starting Location X: 9749.18
Starting Location Y: 16340.68 (note the flip in respect to nearby highlighted point)
Booth size: 10 x 10
Booth Direction: Right. (This means from booth #1, the next booth, #3 is to the right of it).
No of aisles: 3
Width of aisles: 10 (10' in between 1 and 2)
Aisle Direction: Up (This means that from booth #1, the next aisle, 101, is above it).
To delete one or several booths from max layout, select Delete. To remove one booth, click on it. To remove a rectangle of booths, click in the top left and bottom right corner of the rectangle you'd like to remove. The Submit button appears when booths are selected.
The Migrate feature can be used to shift booths from parent map to child map. Choose the parent map at the top of the screen. To migrate one booth, click on it. To migrate a rectangle of booths, click in the top left and bottom right corner of the rectangle you'd like to migrate. Select the child map to which to migrate these booths. The Submit button appears when booths are selected.
To move one or several booths from max layout, select Move. To move one booth, click on it. To move a rectangle of booths, click in the top left and bottom right corner of the rectangle you'd like to move. Type in the distance you'd like to move the booths by (in feet or meters) in the corresponding box. To move the booths down, type a negative number in the Up box. To move the booths left, type in a negative number in the Left box. The Submit button appears when booths are selected.
Hall/Pavilion/Sub Expo
Existing Halls, Pavilions and Sub Expos can be associated with the max layout as well as with the island. If set up in Wizard, this will allow booths to remain associated with their Halls, Pavilions and Sub Expos when they are Revived or Split.
Select a single booth or a rectangle. Choose the Hall, Pavilion or Sub Expo from the dropdown and Submit.
To remove association, select a booth or booths, select Hall, Pavilion or Sub Expo in the dropdown and click Disassociate.
Locate Booth
To find a booth by number click Locate Booth and type in the booth number. The window focus will shift to display the booth, and it will be outlined in orange.
If the desired booth is located on another map, a pop-up will be displayed:
Additional Booth Info
Custom Booth Fields can be associated with the max layout as well as with the island. If set up in Wizard, this will allow booths to remain associated with their Custom Booth Fields when they are Revived or Split.
To select a rectangle of booths, choose Select Range. Or, choose Select non-contiguous booths and click on each booth that needs to be associated.
Select the applicable options from the custom fields. The Submit button will appear when booths are selected.