Floorplan Management, Settings, Floor Plan Wizard
Restrictions can be added to Max Layout to indicate areas that cannot be occupied by booths, such as mandatory aisles. Restrictions are displayed in Wizard as red boxes. They are not visible in Floorplan Management. (Some event managers choose to add matching markings to designate mandatory aisles.)
When Restrictions are in place, an attempt to merge across a restriction results in the message "Booth settings clash with the restricted area".
To add a new restriction, click Add Restriction. Click on the top left corner of the restriction to populate the first two coordinates. Click on bottom right corner of the restriction to populate the remaining coordinates. Submit to save.
If the Restriction overlaps with existing booths, it will not be added.
To move a restriction, choose Move Restriction, and click to select the restriction you'd like to move.
Type in the number of feet or meters into the corresponding box. To shift the restriction down, type in a negative number into the Up box, and to shift it left, a negative number into the Right box.
Moving a restriction in a space occupied by booths results in message "Restriction overlaps with other booth(s) in Island Layout.
To resize an existing Restriction, click on Resize Restriction, and click on the Restriction you would like to manipulate. Type in the number of feet or meters in the appropriate direction box. Type in a positive number to add and a negative number to subtract.
If the resized area overlaps with existing booths, an error will be displayed, reading "Restriction overlaps with other booth(s) in Island Layout).
To delete an existing restriction, select Delete Restriction. The Submit button will become visible once a restriction is clicked on.
Restrictions can be imported in bulk by using a2z Restrictions Import Form.
File can be selected and imported.
The file must contain a set of four coordinates for each restriction on each line of a text file.
Very thin restrictions will not be rendered correctly in Wizard: they may either be wholly invisible or may display offset from their actual location. Floorplan Management Layers feature will display restrictions in their actual positions. (This may cause issues with deleting restrictions which were added to separate very narrow aisles.)