Maps are typically added by the deployment team at the time of initial configuration.
If major changes to maps are required, such as adding a new map or removing an old one, please consult the Support team before making any changes. They may direct the question to Account Management if the changes are beyond the scope of the original deployment, such as importing a new map.
Floorplan Management>Settings>Maps
Map Management screen is used to add, remove, and modify display of maps in Floorplan Management.
Map List
MapID - unique identifier of the map. Linked to Map Details.
Map Name - the name of the map that will be displayed in all map selection dropdowns. Also linked to Map Details.
Flash Settings - configurations pertaining to a legacy public view implemented in Flash and deprecated.
Map Description - additional map detail
Position - order in which the maps are displayed in the Maps list on public-facing views. The lowest number will load by default. (Note: to change the default map in GlobalAdmin, use the Event Configuration setting.)
Display on Public Side - the checkbox determines whether the map will be available in the Maps menu on the Public Site. If more than one map is checked on, EventMap will display the Maps option to allow navigating between multiple maps. (However, even an undisplayed map can be viewed by passing a URL parameter on EventMap if necessary.)
Parent Map - specifies whether the given map is a child map of another map. (See below).
Delete - allows deleting the map from the floorplan. All booths, max layout booths, NESes and Markings must be deleted first. (Note: if Floorplan Management appears broken after deleting a map, clear your browser cache or wait, that is a browser-specific temporary loading issue.)
Parent vs Child Maps
When a facility is too large to display quickly and conveniently on one screen, or when a part of the floorplan needs to be displayed at present and a larger section made available at a later time, the map can be divided into components. The larger over-all map is the Parent, and the sub-maps are Child Maps.
Elements displayed on Child Maps will be visible on Parent Map. If an element (Marking, NES) is associated with the Parent map, it will not be visible on Child Map.