Companies>Search and Add Company>Company Record>Contacts Tab
All Companies have a Company Contact, found on the Company Info Tab, and for each Event that they exhibit in the Company will have a Booth Contact, found in the Booth Info on the Booth Tab. Multiple Company Contact Management allows you to associate additional Contacts with a Company. This is found on the Contacts tab in the Company record.
Contact List
This is the list of contacts currently associated with the Company. You can change the Contacts Type by selecting the new type from the drop down and selecting Update Type. You can disassociate the Contact from the Company by clicking Disassociate. Note – Disassociating the Contact does not delete them from the system; it removes the relationship between the contact and this company.
Associate Contact
To create the relationship between this Company and a Contact already in the system, type in the first few characters of the Contact’s Last Name, then select search. Next drop down the Contact Name box, and select the correct person. Then select the appropriate Type from the Select Type drop down box and click Add.
If the Contact is not already in the system, use the Add New Contact form to create a record
Add New Contact
To add a new Contact into the system AND associate them with this Company, enter all the required fields in the form, and click Add.