Custom Contact Fields can be used to store additional information regarding the contact on a globally (non event specifically).
Custom Field List
Type: Company vs Contact
Name: the name of the field as it will appear in the forms.
Description: the tooltip for the field on mouse over.
Sort Order: the order in which the field will appear in the forms
Display on Web - should this field to be displayed on the Public Site.
Display on Profile - should this field be displayed on Attendee Profile
Required - must this field be populated in the forms in which it's available
Editable - can this field be edited by the attendee
Edit link allows updating the field
Delete link is available only before the field has been populated for any records.
Add or Edit a Custom Contact Field
Contacts, Settings, Custom Contact Fields.
Name: This is used as the Label for the field.
Value Type (Dropdown). Once selected and saved, this field cannot be changed.
- Text – this value type will accept and display text. Used to store information like Membership ID.
- Hyperlink – this value type accepts URLs and will display the input as a hyperlink on the public site.
- Email Address – this value type accepts email addresses and displays them as text on the public site.
- Hyperlink Image – this value type accepts URLs and displays the associated Image on the Public Site. The end user can click on the image to go to the input URL. This type must be used to display an icon in the attendee list and on the profile when enabled for matchmaking.
Default Value: what the user sees when they go to enter the data.
Description: the tooltip for the field on mouse over.
Code: used for technical integrations, and is only for the use of the a2z team.
Alias is a shortened name that can be used for the reports.
Search Text: shows up in the Exhibitor Search if you choose Yes for Is Searchable?
Pre Instructions displayed before the field when filling in the data.
Post Instructions This information will be displayed after the field when filling in the data
Start and End Dates if applicable. These fields will determine when the field will be editable on the Public Site by the Exhibitor. If the fields are blank AND Is Editable is set to Yes, the Exhibitor will always have access to change the field for the Active Event.
Logo URL - If you selected Hyperlink Image as your Value Type, then select the image that is to be displayed when the data is provided. Suggested image size is 24 x 24 px.
Is Required? Select Yes if the field must be filled in. Select No to make the field optional.
Is Searchable? Select Yes to have the field show up on the Exhibitor Search page. Select No if you do not want attendees to be able to search on this field.
Is Editable? Select Yes to allow the Exhibitor to edit the field on the Public Site, for any Active Event. Select No if you do not want to allow the Exhibitors to edit this field. Note – if you select Yes for ‘Display in Profile?’, and No for ‘Editable’, the Exhibitor will see the field in their Console, but will not be able to edit it.
Display on Web? Select Yes to allow this field to be displayed on the Public Site. Select No if you do not want to display this field on the Public Site.
Display on Profile? Select Yes to allow this field to be displayed in the Attendee Profile for editing. Select No if you do not want it to display in the Profile.
Display Logo in List? Select Yes to allow the Logo to display in the Attendee List. Select No if you do not want the Logo to display in the Attendee List. Note – this is only applicable for the Value Type Hyperlink Image. Additional configuration is required to activate this feature.
Display Logo in Profile? Select Yes to allow the Logo to display in the Attendee Profile. Select No if you do not want the Logo to display in theAttendee Profile. Note – this is only applicable for the Value Type Hyperlink Image. Additional configuration is required to activate this feature.
Display Name on Web? Select Yes to display the name of the field on the Public Site. Select No if you do not want to display the name of the field on the Public Site.
The Custom Validation: an optional advanced feature available for those who want to add custom validations. Validation Expression allows entering a custom rule as a regular expression, and custom validation message is the content of the field if the rule is not followed.
Adding/Modifying Data in GlobalAdmin
Information may be entered in GlobalAdmin by locating the Contact and scrolling down to the bottom of their Contact Info screen.
Adding/Modifying Data on Public Site
An attendee may enter data into a Custom Company Field via their My Profile (MyProfile.aspx ) page.
Public Site Display
When Custom Contact Fields are used to store social media links, the icons can be added to the Attendee Details and Attendee to Attendee Networking (PeerConnect) pages by the deployment team.
The icons are not available on speaker list and speaker profile at this time.