- Copy-over from Last Year
- Initial Configuration of Function Pages
- Troubleshooting / fixing a mistake.
At the beginning of each event, if Content Management is not yet populated and no pages have been added, it's possible to pre-populate Content Management in one of the following ways:
- Configuring function pages for enabled modules.
- Copying from last year
Or, it's possible to add each page manually one at a time, but it is not efficient, and therefore not recommended.
Configuring Function Pages
A pre-defined set of function pages that are related to the enabled features can be added in Event Configuration by scrolling down and clicking Configure Public Site. This method is typically used when setting up the first event in the system, or the first event of a new event type if it should not be modeled on any other existing event.
Copying Previous Event Content
If no content has been populated, the Copy Public Site Configuration feature is active.
Click on Select One to choose a previous event from the dropdown. Then, hit the "Copy Public Side Configuration From" button.
Q: The wrong event was selected for copy-over. Is it possible to start from scratch?
A: It is possible to copy over a fresh set if all content pages are deleted from content management.
Navigate to Content Management.
For each item click on the Delete icon to remove it.
Then, switch to Attendee mode and repeat, and then Exhibitor mode and repeat, until all three content areas are empty.
Once all three sections have been cleared entirely, return to Event Configuration, and you will be able to select the correct event to copy from.