Add New Session
Events > Conference
IMPORTANT - Session Field Configuration
Before you enter your first session, you will need to set up the following fields in Events > Conference > Settings:
Ability Level
Session Dates
Session Type
Speaker Types
Super Tracks
When adding multiple sessions, repeat these steps to add each session's main information, and then to return to the list and add speakers and any additional configurations to each one.
Add a New Session
Click on the green “Add Session” button in the upper-right corner > complete the required fields and click ‘Add’ to save your new session
Required Fields:
Title*(text, 255 characters) –Name of the Session
Date (dropdown) – Date the Session occurs
Start Time – Entered in HH:MM AM/PM format
End Time– Entered in HH:MM AM/PM format
Optional Fields:
Session Number* (text, 100 characters)– Session Number is a unique identifier to help attendees locate sessions (e.g., 101, 102…)
Session Type – Session Type is used to identify different offerings of sessions (e.g., Pre-Conference Workshop, Education Session, Plenary, Poster Session…)
Room Number (text, 100 characters) – The room the session is located in.
Room Capacity (number) – Used to track the max number of attendees able to attend the session. NOTE: this is for logistical tracking only.
Price (number, with 4 decimal spaces or less -) – Display the cost of the session if attendees are required to pre-register (Ex. 20.50, 2500, 33.3333)
CEU Credits (number)– Numerical field used to display the number of credits an attendee can earn for attending the session (Ex. 2, 2.0, 2.25)
Introduction (text, 100 characters) – A brief description of the session to grab attention
Duration (dropdown) – The amount of time the session will take
Format (dropdown) – How the session is being presented (e.g., Roundtable, Speech, Panel…)
Ability Level (dropdown) – Used to identify how much experience the attendee of the session should have (e.g., Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced…)
Tracks – The path or category for the session. A session can be associated with multiple tracks.
Learning Objectives (text, 2000 characters) – Let your attendees know what main ideas they will be learning in the session.
Methodology (text, 3000 characters) – A short description of how the session will be presented
Description* (text) -– A long description of the session. If desired, you can use the WYSIWYG tool to add formatting and hyperlinks
Notes (text, 2000 characters)– Used for administrative purposes and will not be displayed on the public website
Sponsor (text, 255 characters)– If a session is sponsored, type in the sponsor’s name
Sponsor Logo (text, 255 characters) – If your sponsor has a logo to display, type or paste in the full URL to the image including the https://
Sponsor Logo URL (text, 500 characters) – To add a hyperlink to the Sponsor Logo, type or paste in the full. Enter the full url, including the https://
SubExpo (dropdown) – Use this field to associate a session to a SubExpo on your floorplan
Publish – Check the box if the session is ready to be displayed on the public website
Cancelled – Check the box if the session has been cancelled. If the session is also published on the website, the session Title will appear with a strikethrough and the word “Cancelled” will be underneath on the sessiondetails.aspx page.
Session Q&A (legacy feature, please do not check at this time)
*These fields are searchable in the keyword field on the attendee facing pages.
Additional Session Options: