Events> Conference> Settings> Track Management
Tracks are a way to group sessions together that have the same subject, topic, or focus. A session or proposal can be associated with multiple tracks. Attendees can use tracks as part of their session search criteria. NOTE: Tracks are shared across events of the same Event Type.
ID – Unique identifier in the system for this Track
Track - Name of the Track, this is what is displayed in the session edit drop downs and on the session search on the event website.
Display – When the box is checked, the Track will display in the session edit or session search drop downs. When the box is not checked this Track will not be available for selection.
Delete – when the box is checked and the delete button is hit the item(s) checked will be deleted from the list. Note – any item that has already been associated with a presentation or a session will not be able to be deleted.
Add a new Track
To add a new Track use the ‘Add Track’ box at the bottom of the page:
Track - Enter name of the Track, NOTE - this is the only required field in the form.
Description – Add in a description that will appear when the Track name is moused over.
Display – if the Track should be displayed be default, leave this box checked.
Best Practice – when setting up call for papers it is a best practice to add all needed Tracks, and then un-display those that will not be used during CFP. This way there is not any additional data entry when conference session entry begins.
Track Icons
If preferred, an icon can be displayed instead of the track name on the public site. This is accomplished by uploading an image to the custom folder in File management. The image must be name TrackIcon_[trackid].gif. Example – For the Curriculum track (track id 24) the image would be named TrackIcon_24.gif. The default size for track icons is 20px by 20px.
How this field is used
Call for Papers
Tracks can be used in the call for papers process. To add this criteria to your CFP submission form go to the “Proposal Fields Management” screen in Global Admin. Once this has been turned on, make sure that at least one Track is added and displayed in Track Management (See above) so that users/submitters can see them in the form dropdown.
Tracks are also used in the Submission Grading process.
Tracks are used in the session management screen, either when adding a new session or when editing an existing session.
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Call for Papers
Ability Level
Super Tracks
Session Type
Session Dates