Purpose: See all the Payments for the current event grouped by Operator [The person who entered the payment]
Fields Included:
- Operator
- Event Name
- Payment Id
- CoID
- Company Name
- Mode
- Payment Date
- Payment Details
- Amount
- System Transfer is 0 - This exludes all payments of type 'System Transfer'
- Event Name is @EventName@ - Uses the event that was most recently selected from the Active Event page.
- Schedule
- Schedule - Use the Add a Schedule option in the report's menu to set a schedule to go out to your preferred recipients on a weekly basis.
- Filter
- Payment Date - use the "Is Between" option for Payment Date filter and choose either a set date range or a formula to narrow the list of payments.
- By Mode - add the Payment Mode data field from the data fields menu on the left, and then group by that field.