Purpose of Report: See the balance due for all the companies in a particular event.
Fields included:
- Company Name
- CoID
- Company Number
- Total Order Amount
- Total Amount Paid
- Balance Due
- Adjusted Order Is 0 - This displays only the active orders, not the adjusted/voided orders
- Event Name is @EventName@ - Uses the event that was most recently selected from the Active Event page.
To update the filters, you will need to Edit the report, and choose the Filter option.
Sample Report:
The Report lists a row per company, and shows the aggregate amount Ordered, Paid, and Due. When viewed in the Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine, the report will paginate.
At the bottom of the final page of the report, you will find the totals.
Scheduling the Report:
The steps for scheduling reports can be found in this article - https://a2zevents.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/14736168548621.
You may want to filter the schedule by Event Name or Event ID.
Exporting the Report
To export the report, click on the Menu icon next to the report, and select the Export option, then select the file type you would like to export.