This report provides a list of all the presenters that are associated with proposals with the status of ‘Declined’. The report includes contact details for the presenters.
Pull the Report
- Select the event from the drop down.
- Click 'Go' to view the results.
The results are displayed in a form which includes all of the presenter’s contact information provided at that time the proposal was submitted. There is a row for each presenter associated with a proposal. If a presenter is associated with multiple proposals there will be multiple results for that presenter - one for each declined proposal.
Proposal Title - The name of the proposal as entered on the Event Site or in Proposal Management
Name - The first and last name of the presenter as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Email - The email address for the presenter as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Company - The name of the company for the presenter as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Address 1 - The main address of the presenter as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Address 2 - The second line of the address of the presenter as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
City - The name of the city the presenter is located in, as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
State - The state the presenter is located in, as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Zip - The zip code for the presenter, as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Phone - The phone number for the presenter, as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Fax - The fax number for the presenter, as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Cell Phone - The cell phone number for the presenter, as it appears on the Contact Info tab of their Contact record.
Presenter Type - The designated type of presenter that this contact is for this presenter. This contact could have multiple presenter types if they are associated with multiple proposals.
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