Companies > Imports > Import Companies
Companies should be imported into the system when the first event is added. More companies can be added manually throughout the event cycle, or another import can be done if there are a large number of companies to be added at once. Imports can also be done to mass update company address information.
To create a list for import:
1) Download the attached template
2) Enter the company data; company number, company name, and company email address are required fields.
3) Navigate to Companies, Imports, Import Companies
4) Click Browse to locate the completed template and Import
5) Review validation messages or the proposed import list
6) Scroll down and click Add Companies to complete the import.
List of Fields
CompanyNumber* (Text, 50 characters) - Ex. 12345. This will be a unique number for this company, like an account number from an AMS/CMS system
CompanyName (Text, 255 characters) - Ex. ABC Company
CompanyAdd1 (Text, 255 characters) - Ex. 123 First Street
CompanyAdd2 (Text, 255 characters) - Ex. Suite 100
CompanyCity (Text, 100 characters) - Ex. Smithville
CompanyState - Ex. Montana. This can be the full state or province name OR the standard postal abbreviation
CompanyZip- Ex. 12147. If the country is United States, Zip Code should have 5 or 9 digits. If the country is Canada, Postal Code should have 6 alternating letters and numbers.
CompanyCountry- Ex. United States . Use the full Country name. See list of known countries. If the Country is blank, it will be populated as United States.
CompanyPhone- Ex. 443-393-4200 x123
TollFree- Ex. 800-555-1212
CompanyFax- Ex. 443-393-4201
CompanyEmail (Email address, 255 characters)- Ex. Main or info address for the company. This field must contain data, if no email Exists use, or make the same as Company Contact Email
CompanyURL - Ex. . Use full URL, with https://
CompanyProfile (Text, 4000 characters)- Ex. ABC Company was started in 1908 by Mr. Albert Christianson. A short description that can be used to display in the booth profile on the event site
CompanyContactHonorific (Text, 50 characters) - Ex. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr.
CompanyContactFName (Text, 100 characters)- Ex. Jane
CompanyContactMName (Text, 100 characters)- Ex. Ann
CompanyContactSuffix (Text, 50 characters) - Ex. CEM Jr, Sr, CEM, PhD, MD, etc.
CompanyContactLName (Text, 100 characters)- Ex. Smith
CompanyContactTitle (Text, 400 characters) - Ex. Manager of Events
ContactEmail (Email address, 255 characters)- Ex. This is the email that will be used to retrieve company password.
DateEntered (Date)- Ex. 10/12/2008 The date that this company was entered into your system of origin. This can be left blank.
FP Company Name (Text, 100 characters)- Ex. ABC Co. This is the company name that will be displayed on the booth and in the Exhibitor list. If this company is not using a DBA or abbreviated company name, leave blank.
UserText1(Text, 50 characters) - an additional text field.
UserText2(Text, 50 characters) - an additional text field.
UserText3(Text, 50 characters) - an additional text field.
UserText4(Text, 50 characters) - an additional text field.
PriorityPoints (Number) - a static, non-computed priority points value to be stored as a part of the company record, it is global and non-event-specific.
Tips & Tricks
If the Company Number already exists in the system, the record will be overwritten with new data as it appears in the template. If the Company Number is not found, a new record will be created.
If you are using the import to update company info of existing records you can use the Company Report to export out the existing company numbers associated to company records.