The Contact import is used when importing contacts to associate with sessions via the speaker import or to associate with companies as their company contacts manually.
Import Template
The Contact Import template is a CSV file that can be opened in Microsoft Excel or similar application. The required fields are noted below with an asterisk (*).
Fields (in order from left to right in file)
*ContactEmail (text, 100 characters) - the email address used to register for the event
ContactCompany (text, 255 characters) - the contacts company name
ContactPrefix (text, 50 characters) - Contact Prefix - Ex Mr., Ms, Mrs., Dr.
*ContactFName (text, 100 characters) - Contact First Name - Ex. Charles, Patricia
ContactMName (text, 50 characters) - Contact Middle Name
*ContactLName (text, 100 characters) - Contact Last Name
ContactSuffix (text, 50 characters) - Contact Suffix - Ex. Jr., Sr., MD, CEM, etc.
ContactNickName (text, 50 characters) - Contact NickName - Ex. Chuck, Patty
ContactTitle (text, 400 characters) - Job Title - Ex. Manager, President, Doctor, Author
ContactAdd1 (text, 255 characters) - Contact Address line 1 - Ex 123 Main Street
ContactAdd2 (text, 255 characters) - Contact Address Line 2 - Ex. Suite 100, Apt 4, Room A113
ContactCity (text, 50 characters) - Contact Address City
ContactState (text, 100 characters) - Contact Address State or Province. If the Country is United States or Canada this is checked against the known list of states or provinces. For any other country, any text is permitted.
ContactZip - Contact Address Zip Code or Postal Code. If the country is United States, Zip Code must consist of 5 or 9 digits. If the country is Canada, Postal Code must consist of alternating letters and numbers. For any other country, 50 character text entry is permitted.
ContactCountry - Contact Country - the country must be on the list of known countries.
ContactPhone - Contact Phone Number (Land Line) - if the country is US or Canada, it must be formatted as a valid US or Canadian number.
ContactFax - Contact Fax Number- if the country is US or Canada, it must be formatted as a valid US or Canadian number.
ContactURL (text, 100 characters) the complete URL starting with https://
ContactProfile (text, 2,000 characters) - Contact Bio, or profile information
MemberId (number) - Contact Member Number
DateModified - Date the information was collected or modified
ContactPassword (text, 50 characters) - Unique Contact Password (system will assign them a password if left blank)
ContactCellPhone (text, 50 characters) - Contact Cell Phone Number - if the country is US or Canada, it must be formatted as a valid US or Canadian number.
The Contact Import is found under Contacts>Imports>Import Contacts
There are two Import Forms, Contact Import is the first, titled "Import Contacts"
Import Upload Form
1. Click on Browse and select the file that you created from the attached template.
2. Review the contact list, addressing any validation messages.
3. Click Add Contacts.
Tips/Best Practices
If a contact's combination of first name, last name and email address match a contact already in the system, the record will be overwritten. If they are not identical, a new record will be created.
See also Attendee Import for importing contacts as registered attendees.
It is recommended that no more than 2500 contacts or registrants are imported at a time to avoid timeout issues. If more must be imported, run the import several times on smaller batches.