Configure the Proposal and Presenter information and test the Call for Proposals process before going live.
- Step 1: Event Settings
- Step 2: Internal System Preparation
- Step 3: Public Side Preparation
- Step 4: Email Template Setup
- Step 5: Testing
Step 1: Event Settings
The following items will need to be set up in Event Configuration
- Conference Manager Email - the email address from which the majority of the correspondence will be sent.
- Alternate Conference Manager Email - an additional email address that may be copied on some communications
- Proposal Submission Start Date
- Proposal Submission End Date
- If Grading is used:
- Grading start date
- Grading due date
- Reference Required for Proposals - legacy feature no longer supported.
- Allow Edit after Proposal Submit - submitters will be able to modify the proposal in draft mode until they formally Submit the proposal, which will make it eligible for Grading or Approval. Can they edit the proposal after they submit? (The default is Yes).
Send Mail on Proposal Submission:
- Submitter - please check or uncheck depending on whether the submitter should receive a confirmation email
- It is recommended that the other checkboxes remain checked.
- Send Email on Speaker Details Modification - during the submission process it will be possible for Submitters to modify the record of Speakers that they have associated with their Proposal. Should an email notification be sent when they have done so? (The default is Yes)
- Allow Edit after Proposal Grading - if a proposal has been formally submitted and then graded by the reviewers, should it be allowed to be modified? (The default is No).
Step 2: Internal System Preparation
Events> Call For Proposals >Settings > Proposal Fields Configuration
Hide or make required the fields you want Submitters to complete. You can also change the display order of the fields, and the field’s character length for text fields.
Presenter Field Configurations
Under the proposal fields configuration, you will see Presenter Field Configurations which allow you to do the same configuring to the presenter fields.
Presenter Type
The Presenter Type field is enabled in Presenter Field Configuration by default. If it remains checked on, at least one Presenter Type must be selected.
Click on a type in Speaker Types column (left side) to make it available
Click on a type in Presenter Types (right side) to remove it from the list of available Presenter Types.
Add new Presenter Types in Global Settings>Conference>Speaker Types.
Drop Down Menus
There are drop down menus on the Call for Papers form for:
- Track
- Duration (e.g. 30 min, 90 min)
- Format (e.g. round table, panel discussion, workshop)
- Session Type (e.g. plenary, technical, breakout)
- Ability Level (e.g. beginner, general, advanced)
You access these items from Events> Conference> Settings.


Notes about Tracks
- Only one track can be requested during the Call for Papers process. When a proposal is approved into a session, it can be associated with multiple tracks.
- Tracks are required for grading.
- Tracks cannot be deleted from the system once they have been associated with a session (even in future events).
In Duration Management, enter the duration your submitters will be choosing from. Un-checking Display will prevent this option from showing in the drop down on the public side.
In Format Management, enter the format your submitters will be choosing from. Un-checking Display will prevent this option from showing in the drop down on the public side.
Session Type Management
In Session Type Management, enter the session types your submitters will be choosing from. Un-checking Display will prevent this option from showing in the drop down on the public side.
Ability Level Management
In Ability Level Management, enter the ability levels your submitters will be choosing from. Un-checking Display will prevent this option from showing in the drop down on the public side.
You have the ability to add Custom Proposal & Presenter Fields to the online Call for Papers Form. To define your custom fields, go to Events> Event Settings> General> Custom Fields.
In this area, you can configure Custom Proposal Fields (which relate to the proposed session) and Custom Presenter Fields (which relate to the proposed presenter).
List of Forms

- Don't forget to click into each field of type Upload and configure the file formats and destinations.

Retaining Custom Info on Approval into Session
You can choose to carry custom field data from Custom Proposal Fields into Sessions and from Custom Presenter Fields into Speakers by clicking the "Associate Forms" checkbox inside the given field.
Step 3: Public Site Preparation
Attendee Login
The following login schemes are available in Event Configuration. Multiple login schemes can be selected.
- ECode Only – system created, cannot be changed by the user
- Email and ECode – requires the contact’s email address and the system created ECode
- Email Only – using this option will only require the user to enter their email address to login (least secure)
- Member ID and Password – Member ID is stored in contact record from an integration with an AMS. The password is created by the user. This method requires an AMS integration.
- Email and Password – user’s email address and a password they create at the time of account creation.
- Using Badge Number option can be made available later to one's registered attendees, but it is not typically used in Call for Proposals process as attendees are not yet registered during the Call for Proposals phase. If planning on using this login method later, choose another method also.
Editing the Form
Message Management
Use Ctrl+F to find the message number corresponding to the image above, and edit the text of that message.
- Changing the text of a message does not change functionality. For example, if you change the label of a field from “State” to “File Upload” this will not change the functionality of the field to a file upload field.
- Some messages appear in multiple areas on the Public Site, so if you change the word “State” to “Province”, it will update anywhere that message appears.
In Events -> Content Management -> Unified Content, you can edit the text which appears above the page.
The relevant page to use/display is callforpapers.aspx. Also make sure that mybriefcase.aspx is an allowed page as the submitters will log into this page before being redirected to callforpapers.aspx
This should not be used for large images or blocks of text, as content placed here will push down the forms and functional text. If a larger image or text is to be shown, the client should link to a pdf or another user-created content page.
Step 4: Email Template Setup
The following email templates can be used throughout the Call for Papers module. To edit these templates, go to Events -> Event Settings -> Template Management.
- Template #57: Send Mail on Proposal Submission – will be automatically sent by the system when the proposal is submitted.
- Template #58: Proposal Not Submitted email blast – can be sent to any submitter who has started the process of adding a proposal, but has not submitted it, as a reminder to complete the process.
- Template #70: Forgot Password Email - will be automatically sent by the system when a user clicks on the 'Forgot Password' option on the login page.
Step 5: Testing
The best way to make sure a system works is to walk through it like a user.
Try to approach your Call For Papers process from the submitter's perspective including submitting an actual proposal and reviewing the email templates.
(It is recommended that you use an alternate email address when you create your submitter test record, as many office emails may have delivery issues when From and To addresses are the same.)