Any Business Intelligence and Reporting Engine Report or Dashboard can be scheduled to send an email on your preferred recurrence. These schedules are unique to your user account.
Choose the Report to Schedule
Click on Browse Reports, then select the menu icon for the report you want to schedule.
In the menu drop down select the option 'Schedule Report' to open the Wizard.
Complete the Wizard
The first tab of the wizard is where we will name our schedule so that we can find it later if we need to delete or edit it. The Export type will default to Excel. Next, we can decide what time of day we would like our schedule to run. Choose 6am from the drop-down menu by clicking on the clock icon – NOTE: these are in central time. Now, we are going to decide how frequently the report will run for this schedule by selecting the Weekly option; check the box next to ‘Monday’. The last part of this tab is deciding when to start and stop this scheduled email. We will choose to start today, by clicking on the calendar icon and selecting the blue button that says ‘today’, and end after 2 occurrences by typing 2 into the box in the option ‘After ___ Occurrences’.
The Recurrence tab is broken up into 4 sections; Schedule Name, Schedule Time, Recurrence Pattern, and Range of Recurrence.
- Schedule Name - the name for this unique scheduled email, so that you can find it in the list of all your scheduled emails if you need to update, or remove, the scheduled email.
Export Type - Which of the 4 file types you would like the report to be delivered as, to your recipients.
- Excel
- Password - If you would like your resulting file to be password protected, check the box and create a password for this report file. You will need to confirm the password in the second text box.
- Execute Immediately - If this box is checked, no recurrence can be set up. The email will immediately send after Recipients are set up. If you are using this option, you can skip down to Filters or Recipients.
- Schedule Time - type in the time of day you want the email to be sent [hh:mm tt format, ex 06:00 am], or you can select it from the drop down by clicking the clock icon.
Recurrence Pattern - Determine how often, and on what days, the email will be sent. The options on the right side of the section will change based on your pattern type. These Types and Options are:
- Once - Either type in a future date for the email to send [mm/dd/yyyy format], or click on the calendar icon to select from the calendar tool.
- Daily - A Radio Button selector lets you choose between sending every day (or 2, 3, etc days) or every weekday.
- Weekly - Choose how often to send (every 1 week, 2 weeks, etc) [ex. AND select which day(s) of the week to send the email. [ex. Recur every 1 week on Monday and Friday]
- Monthly - A Radio Button selector lets you choose between sending on a certain date of every month (or every 2, 3 etc months) [ex. Day 1 of June] or every First (second, third, fourth , last) Day ( weekday, weekend day, or day of the week) of every month (or 2, 3, etc months) [ex. The Last Weekend Day of every 2 months]
- Yearly - A Radio Button selector lets you choose between sending on a particular month and day [ex. April 15th], or every First (second, third, fourth , last) Day ( weekday, weekend day, or day of the week) of a particular month. [ex. The Third Tuesday of March]
Start - When should the emails begin to be sent? Either type in the date for the scheduler to begin [mm/dd/yyyy format], or choose it from the calendar
Occurrences - When should the emails stop being sent? There are two ways to choose: (Pick one)
- Number of Occurrences - type in how many times the scheduler should run for this email.
- Date - Either type in the last date the scheduler should run for this email [mm/dd/yyyy format], or choose it from the calendar.
Once you have entered all the required fields, you can move to the Filters Tab or the Recipients Tab at the top, or choose the Next button on the bottom to move to Filters.
If your scheduled email needs the date output to be filtered differently - ex. A specific Event, or date range - you can update the existing report filters, and add new ones, on the Filters Tab.
Data Fields - This is the list of available fields to filter your emailed results by, listed alphabetically. There is a drop down at the top to move between data categories (Exhibitor, company, order), which will populate based on the content of your report. ex. If your report has Exhibitor and Company Contact fields in it, the drop down will let you move between Exhibitor and Company Contact data categories.
- Example of Exhibitor Fields
- Example of Existing Filters
Filter Options - Once you have selected an option in the list of filters, you can update the filter options.
- Example of Filter Options
Summary - This is a summary of the way you are filtering this scheduled email. This is very helpful for double checking that you are filtering the report in a way that meets your goals.
- Example of a Summary
Once you have you can move to the Filters Tab or the Recipients Tab at the top, or choose the Next button on the bottom to move to Filters.
On the Recipients tab you can enter the people to whom you would like to send this report, and create the body of the email that they will receive. NOTE - the report itself will be attached in the preferred format (see the Recurrence Tab)
*To* - The main recipients email addresses, comma separated. This is a required field.
CC - All recipients' email addresses, who should be 'carbon copied', comma separated.
BCC - Any recipients' email addresses, who should be 'blind carbon copied'
*Reply To* - The email address that any replies should be send to. While not 'required', please fill this out - otherwise replies will not be seen by anyone, as the scheduler is an automated tool and cannot reply to emails.
Subject - The email's subject line.
Body - The Body of the email. You can enter plain text here to add context for the recipients. TIP - this is a great place to put any instructions the recipient(s) may need.
Once the Recurrence and Recipients sections are completed, you can click the blue Finish button at the bottom right of the wizard to save your email schedule.
Editing the Schedule
If you need to update any of the information in the email schedule, go to Scheduled Emails (clock icon), and choose the report schedule that you created - you will see an edit icon in the right hand column for each editable schedule.
This will reopen the wizard so that you can update the schedules parameters.
Editing the Report Content
If you update the report fields or filters AFTER you have created the email schedule, you will need to delete the schedule and recreate it to ensure that the update fields/filters are being picked up by the scheduling tool.
Coming Soon.